The Grumpy Cook - Bale House, Fairlight



It is very small minded to cancel a contract because a sole trader became a charity!

Ron Simpson (Hastings , 2024-04-06)


Community spirit, care and kindness are very important, the ethos of the Grumpy Chef should be celebrated not shut down.

Jackie Richards (St. Leonards-on-sea, 2024-04-06)


I love the place and it should be kept open

Ruth St John (Hastings , 2024-04-06)


I’m passionate on what the Grumpy Cook do for the Hastings (&area) community. They’ve been an absolute boon for so many people and a great source of pride for the local community.
The Grumpy Cook is an asset viewed positively across the UK.

Lisa Francis (St. Leonards-on-sea, 2024-04-06)


I’m signing here because I am appalled at the closing of the cafe at the bale house. It’s not just a cafe, it’s a community base. Cannot understand why!!!!

Angela Urbino (Hastings, 2024-04-06)


We need people like Barry, aka Mr Grumpy, to change the world in to a better caring place, and he does just this. Nothing is ever too small or too big for him to care about. Hastings needs so much support and Barry does this in abundance 💪🙏

Sasha Hobday (Hastings, 2024-04-06)


the bale house is a wonderful and always friendly and peaceful place to eat, drink, meet, talk, laugh, socialize, enjoy the beatyful landscape and so much more in addition to help people in need!
it needs to stay open for all - people from hastings and visitors!

melanie hill (dortmund, 2024-04-06)


I do not live in Hastings.I live in Devon, but follow the Grumpy Cook via my cousin. I think the work you do is fantastic and feel there should be more places like yours that are there for the community.
We wish you luck and hope there is a change of thought.

Jackie Godbeer (Exeter, 2024-04-06)


This lovely cafe is one of the best..lovely food... lovely staff....a fantastic place to catch up with friends over a affordable lunch that is not to pricey like everywhere else please keep this lovely cafe open

Michelle Raymond (Hastings, 2024-04-06)


It's more than an institution, its a moral obligation to have faith in human being.

Chris Croucher (Hastings, 2024-04-06)


The Grumpy cook cafe supports the communutiy and it would be a shame for them to lose this venue.

Ron Tree (Hastings , 2024-04-06)


I think a very poor decision has been made and it’s important to show the strength of public opinion

Steve Baker (Hastings, 2024-04-06)


It is utterly horrendous that such charitable objectives be stifled by unimaginable bureaucracy.

Mr Donald Young (Battle, 2024-04-06)


I am so upset that the Bale House Cafe in Fairlight has been closed down . This was a fabulous place. Run on a not for profits basis by The Grumpy Cook of Hastings who does so much for the community . This is a travesty . Please reconsider

Janet Gaines (St Leonard’s on sea, 2024-04-06)


We love this cafe (maybe not the wasps)

sue brazier (St Leonards, 2024-04-06)


The Bale House has been a wonderful local asset in the Country Park. It should not be destroyed in this way.

Anthony Garton (BROMLEY, 2024-04-06)


The grumpy cook was a wonderful addition to the country park, and a regular stop on our walks, fantastic community involvement with helping feed those on low incomes, I cannot fathom why they were asked to leave by the owners! What a heartless decision!

Darren Ballard (Hastings , 2024-04-06)


We needed a quality not for profit cafe in the country park. In a world of greed ,Grumpy Cook is going the direction that more places should. I am disgusted at the plans to throw them out of this venue.the owners should be ashamed of themselves.

Wendy Bailey (Hastings , 2024-04-06)


The grumpy cook has made a real impact to so many in need on the community.

Mary Soul (St Leonards on sea , 2024-04-06)


It's an absolute disgrace that The Grumpy Cook has been kicked out of the Bale House for doing charitable work. Evicting them goes against the advertised ethos and ethics of the trust that manages the building.

Ian Mitchell (Hastings , 2024-04-06)


Totally ridiculous decision makes no sense whatsoever

Teresa Young (Battle, 2024-04-06)


Signing because it's unfair and Grump Cook has done nothing but help the community and those in need.

Ann Craddock (Bexhill, 2024-04-06)


I am signing because I would like to still be able to visit the fabulous grumpy cook at the bale house whenever I visit - the fair prices are commendable

Emma Webb (Aylesford, 2024-04-06)


I am homeless myself in temporary which I have to leave on Tues morning & as things stand this moment will be on the council say I'm not a priority at nearly 62 & with medical conditions & disabilities etc.& was sorry to read about the bale were only trying to help the people of the town like myself.please keep up the good work.

Elaine Venables (Hastings., 2024-04-06)


It is a big part of our community that helps so many people. Losing it would be such a devastating loss to everyone

Grace Case (St Leonards-on-sea, 2024-04-06)


This cafe is wonderful and Barry does wonderful things to support the community. This decision reflects poorly on groundwork

Mel Pateman (Hastings, 2024-04-06)


Although I live in Cornwall I read on Facebook constantly about what this cafe mean to its community. Free meals to the needy, a place where people arrange to meet up daily. I dread to think of the loss to the Hastings Folk.. Even I ‘share’ their Posts when I see them and it’s not because I know them, I’ve never been but I share them just to show people ‘Humanity’ and to show everyone what can be achieved when people look after each other.

Sarah Thomas (Bodmin, 2024-04-06)


The cafe does good for the community and I will not let greed win.

Patrick Frost (HASTINGS, 2024-04-06)


I loved this place!

Judith Wynn (Hastings, 2024-04-06)


I'm signing because this is a wonderful cafe and organisation and we need it as part of our community and as part of the beautiful country park providing delicious and affordable meals to locals, walkers and visitors.

Laura Ribbons (Hastings, 2024-04-06)


I’m signing because I am horrified at the harsh treatment, when the mistake made was fully and publicly admitted, and that this was such an ethical and good hearted business, supporting the community in so many ways

Julia Acott (Hastings, 2024-04-06)


I'm signing this because I believe that the Grumpy Cook team are the best people to continue running the cafe at Bale House. They are local people, with a fantastic philosophy of helping others and serving the community. Please re- think not renewing their tenure.

Christine Penhale (Hastings, 2024-04-06)


The Grumpy Cook is an essential not for profit organisation that is supporting vulnerable people with low cost meals, training, social networking and community building. The joy and hope it provides is immeasurable. I cannot understand how anyone would try and stop someone who is only trying to give back to their community.

Joanna Vaughan (Hastings, 2024-04-06)


This organisation is one that helps the poorest of our community in practical ways. We need people like this.

Jane Freund (Hastings, 2024-04-06)


This is a really sad loss to the community effecting all age groups, Hastings is becoming a ghost town with nothing to offer the people who live and contribute to.
Barry has changed so many lives in fact given back so many lives because they had a warm welcoming place to go, honestly who ever made this decision absolute shame on you, you obviously don’t know what it feels to be lonely or lonely along with so many other reasons

Michelle Wadey (Battle, 2024-04-06)


I'm signing because I'm absolutely appalled at the news that you are terminating The Grumpy Chef's contract. They have done so much for the local community, helping those in need and bringing friends together. I visit The Bale house regularly, with my friends, with my family and sometimes just with my son for a special trip for a chocolate milkshake and slice of their lovely cake. He loves going there and at the same time he will discover new treasures in the visitor centre part. A trip to The Bale House ticks all the boxes. We have become friends with the staff there. They're a lovely bunch and worth their weight in gold. They're good people. We've also made friends with many of the other regulars there. It is like a community in itself. And that's what this should all be about at the end of the day, shouldn't it? If that's not on your list of priorities, then that's very sad indeed. Regards, Laura.

Laura Scott (Hastings, 2024-04-06)


This is such a short sighted & mean spirited decision on the part of those responsible for management of the building. Turfing out a popular & successful tenant merely because they've restructured their business in favour of people rather than profit is nonsensical.

Chris Meachen (Hastings, 2024-04-06)


I do not agree with Ground works actions.

Sally Vennard (Hastings, 2024-04-07)


The Grumpy Cook cafe at The Bale House was an example of the fantastic community spirit within Hastings - supporting those most in need whether that be for affordable food and/or for support for community wellbeing. The work The Grumpy Cook does for the community is very much needed.

Rachael Gildersleeve (Hastings , 2024-04-07)


The Grumpy Cook means a lot to so many people. Its community work is incredibly valuable and the model should be an inspiration to other hospitality venues. The closure of GC at Bale House affects so many people and punishes an established and ethical enterprise for what is seemingly simply an administrative oversight.

Karina Patfield (St. Leonards-on-sea, 2024-04-07)


It’s more then just a cafe. People met regularly there and the place is so dog friendly. The only place I can meet up easily with my dad, who had mobility difficulties but can park and wait for me in the cafe. The walks will not be the same without the coffee on the go or the sit in afterwards.

Anna Astell (Battle, 2024-04-07)


It is an essential part of the community hub for locals and visitors alike

Maria Papuha (St Leonards-On-Sea, 2024-04-07)


This place is important to people in Hastings. In a world where people are struggling, this cafe provides relief. A place where people feel safe, a place that is affordable, a place that put people first. A fantastic team, who genuinely want the best for our community.

Tianny Brown (Hastings , 2024-04-07)


This is a truly remarkable charity. My sister and I visited Hastings to arrange the funeral of a family friend - it was raining and we headed for the nearest cafe: it was The Grumpy Cook. We went in to shelter and have a hot chocolate, but came out with The Grumpy Cook as the nominated charity for the funeral and much respect for this wonderful organisation. I love that we could put by food and drink for people who are struggling financially - to feel that you’re helping bring a bit of sunshine into a stranger’s day. We were there when a young mother came in and asked if there was anything she and her child could have for lunch. It was beautifully handled by staff - subtle and kind and very friendly: the mother’s body language changed from slightly hunched and nervy when she walked in, to holding her head up and smiling as they walked to their table.
Well done to you - and to the powers that be, please reconsider closing Bale House as it’s clearly exceptionally well run and a marvellous resource for your area. If only we had one of these in our part of the country.

April Chaplin (Coventry, 2024-04-07)

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