Petition to extend JET beyond 2023



An enormous resource that will go to waste if not extended.

Perry Beaumont (Abingdon, 2023-10-17)


I believe that in view of new ITER calendar, its redesign and Brexit continuing research at JET is the thing that should happen. Apart from contributing to the fusion research worldwide it would keep from escaping abroad and help further develop fusion know-how in the UKAEA.

Michał Poradziński (Culham, 2023-10-17)


We need experiments until ITER operates.

Carlos Paz-Soldan (Maplewood, 2023-10-17)


It is a World leading and European facility

Anders Henry Nielsen (Lyngby, 2023-10-17)


i agree with the petition

Gabriella Saibene (Barcelona, 2023-10-17)


Jet can provide crucial guidance and supporting experiments to develop ITER physics and technology and run plan development, as well as help resolve open diagnostic issues

Lothar Schmitz (Los Angeles, 2023-10-17)


Jet is an important scientific institution which serves a unique role in fusion. Its discontinuation leaves a gap in fusion experiment that is impossible to recover without item's operation.

Eric Emdee (San diego, 2023-10-17)


Only at JET one can be trained to operate a burning plasma experiment. JET help build up the next generation of fusion scientist towards ITER and beyond. The JET closure will end in a leak of researchers from fusion.

Fulvio Auriemma (Padova, 2023-10-17)


JET is a legendary machine which delivered so many important results. Since ITER is still a few years down the line and JT60-SA still not operating in its potential, it could be disastrous to decommission JET for the fusion community and the realization of the fusion power plant dream.

Santanu Banerjee (Plainsboro, 2023-10-17)


JET is necessary in the global energy transition. Research is necessary now!!

Tiemen Thijssen (Itegel, 2023-10-17)


I want to show my support to the colleagues who are pouring their heart and soul into fusion research! We need the passion and dedication of these people to continue to make a most necessary impact onto our world. And to realize this, optimal facilities are a must!

Sarah Moeremans (Westerlo, 2023-10-17)


I fully agree with the arguments given in this petition. JET is a very versatile machine with unique characteristics. It should continue to play an essential role in nuclear fusion research.

Maria Filomena Nave (Lisbon, 2023-10-17)


Looking good new greener energy solutions are the key to our evolution and survival as a species and is important to keep innovating in new energies such as fusion energy to achieve this.

Kyleigh Roberts (London, 2023-10-17)


Before a burning plasma machine comes online, JET remains the closest machine to a reactor we have. It has unique capabilities (eg. confinement of MeV range fast particles, large size, tritium capability, nuclear environment and technology etc) which are not found anywhere else. Moreover, in Europe, it is the only truly international machine which has united the fusion community (as opposed to national machines with some level of international participation, such as the mid-size tokamaks). With the upgrades proposed in this petition, JET would have a lot more to say on the way towards ITER and/or a fusion reactor.

Massimo Nocente (Milan, 2023-10-17)


Our plan was to operate JET until ITER was ready. The facts have changed. Now that we have a magnetic confinement facility running that can routinely achieve deuterium tritium fusion, we should maintain the capability. The timescale for ITER completion allows for enhancements to JET followed by several years of operation before ITER is ready. There is considerable scientific merit in this approach, and we will recover some years by doing some of the ITER science on JET.

Andrew Ash (Oxford, 2023-10-17)


I'm signing because JET is a unique and valuable Fusion machine still capable of contributing to the mission to deliver sustainable fusion power. It could continue to provide scientific and engineering results and skills and capability development which would benefit the entire fusion program. This includes engaging industrial supply chain partners with a practical device to accelerate future projects and reduce risk and cost.

Adam Stephen (Oxford, 2023-10-17)


I fully agree with the content of the petition

Giuseppe Telesca (Rapolla, 2023-10-17)


I am signing because I am a physicist and I believe in fusion process and technology as a potential solution to the worldwide energy crisis in the coming decades. Fusion research is important for our future and we should not unnecessarily hamper its progress.

Jan Ornelis (Aalter, 2023-10-17)


We need JET

Paul Wouters (Barcelona, 2023-10-17)


It can work extraordinarily well with good eyes.

Robert Dosseh-Kpotogbey (Kpotogbey) (Lomé, 2023-10-17)


I support the proposal and I would add that JET is the only tokamak that is maintained by remote means so far. The Remote Handling of ITER or any other similar plant has a lot to learn from JET and it is essential to maintain JET until this knowhow is transferred

Mikel Bilbao Gutierrez (BARCELONA, 2023-10-17)


I have observed over decades the high quality and unique science enable by JET. There has never in my opinion been a better engineered fusion experiment, thus it is proving productive well past its original planned lifetime and can continue to do so.

Amanda Hubbard (Bedford, 2023-10-17)


JET is the only operational system for studying DT reaction.

Kai Zhang (Oxford, 2023-10-17)


Extended JET operations will help to overcome a generational step towards ITER

Edoardo Alessi (Milan, 2023-10-17)


It is an embarrassment that JET remains the most powerful tokamak in existence. But it is so, and it should remain operational until a worthy successor is built.

Wouter Tierens (Oak Ridge, 2023-10-17)


I truly believe JET is still playing a key role in fusion research before ITER starts operating

Teobaldo Luda di Cortemiglia (Munich, 2023-10-17)


It is significant

Lunan Liu (hefei, 2023-10-18)


Scientific arguments

Kristel Crombé (Brussels, 2023-10-18)


JET closure significatly impacts ITER success and the fusion reactor goal by several years: JET is the only significant and large D/T reactor-relevant resource - staffed, licensed and diagnosed facility on the planet. The loss of mature/experienced physicists and technical staff with the knowledge that they wield is incalculable.

A Patel (Oxford, 2023-10-18)


Solidarity to the plasma community.

Ilija Stefanović (Bochum, 2023-10-18)


JET has unique features and capabilities (D-T operation is just one of them) and it is needed to cover the long time gap at least until ITER completion.

Tullio Bonicelli (Barcelona, 2023-10-18)


It is absolutely crucial that iupdates to the ITER baseline are experimentally tested in a large-scale machine in ITER-like scenarios.

Mirko Salewski (Kgs. Lyngby, 2023-10-18)


I want JET to continue running

Garance Durr (Lausanne, 2023-10-18)


With ITER being delayed over and over again, JET stands out as a European success, constructed and delivered on time and on budget. Considering the financial impact of ITER delays, the cost of continued operation on JET would be next to negligible, while providing further insights into fusion technology, for ITER and beyond. There are so many bold projects we could still do with JET, why not an AI-driven control system and scenario optimisation? ;)

Stan Pamela (Abingdon, 2023-10-18)


Contribution for Iter

Chengming Qin (hefei, 2023-10-18)


JET has recently demonstrated how relevant the machine still is for magnetic fusion research. It has capabilities, like Tritium handling, that are unique in world. It is a perfect environment to prepare the generation of engineers and physicists who will later operate and work on ITER. Closing JET would be a huge mistake and will have negative effects on the short/mid-term fusion research.

Fabrice Louche (Brussels, 2023-10-18)


Important for future

Lien Mertens (3201, 2023-10-18)


We still have time until ITER is operational; until then we can still continue to learn by operating JET.

Adam Kit (Helsinki, 2023-10-18)


JET is one of the most valuable and successful asset ever built and operated in the fusion research. I believe that the machine still has the potential to exploit unique research results if its operation were extended with the proposed upgrades, and to continue fostering the collaboration among european laboratories.

Carlo Carrelli (Bologna, 2023-10-18)


The JET facilities are unique in the world and offer a great opportunity to expert researchers to test their ideas and to young researchers to be trained at the highest level.

mauro cappelli (Frascati, 2023-10-18)


Facilities such as JET are very important for training the next generation of engineers and scientists that governments are now pledging to train. JET is also the only facility that will be able to run with D-T for the next decade. It does not make sense to close it now.

Jack Greenwood (Villigen, 2023-10-18)


JET is an indespensable tool prepairing ITER

Eric Desoppere (Merelbeke, 2023-10-18)


I fully agree with the goal of the petition. The beginning of operations on ITER (or another large tokamak) stands many years in the future, whilst our stunning and revered JET has a high remaining potential. In this context and in the high interest of fusion research, the decommissioning of JET should be put on hold; plans for its further scientific exploitation, refurbishment, upgrades, funding and organization should be developed and assessed. Now or never!

Philippe Lamalle (Bruxelles, 2023-10-18)


The world needs fusion. JET has contributed to the advancement of fusion research in unique ways, and has the capability to continue to do so. Shutting down such a facility is almost criminal.

Willem Wieme (Gent, 2023-10-18)


I agree with the content of the petition

Alessandra Fanni (Cagliari, 2023-10-18)


JET is a valuable asset for the fusion community!

Masayuki Ono (Princeton, 2023-10-18)


JET has still a lot to offer until ITER and other new machines are built. It does make sense to extend its operation.

Jan Prevratil (Prague, 2023-10-18)


I’m starting my phd and I worked at JET during my master thesis. I wuold like to continue my works there in the future years.

Cristiano Leoni (Roma, 2023-10-18)


Europe must retain the competence to build and operate large fusion plants.

Rudi Koslowski (Jülich, 2023-10-18)


I strongly agree with the content of this petition

Cristiano Ciurluini (tarquinia, 2023-10-18)


JET could become a unique testing facility for the new ITER baseline.

Vladislav Neverov (Moscow, 2023-10-18)


JET will still be able to contribute to fusion.

Mao Wang (HEFEI, 2023-10-18)


Jet has a great potential level that must be achieved

Federico D'Antoni (Roma, 2023-10-18)


I am signing the petition because I am convinced of the need to conduct thermonuclear research on the widest possible front on all the most promising and advanced installations, which certainly include JET.

Vladimir Shurygin (Moscow, 2023-10-18)


I know and have faith in the unique scientific posibilities of un upgraded JET.

Robert Bouciqué (Ghent, Belgium, 2023-10-18)


I think that the decision to close JET would be correct if ITER were to start operating in 2025. However, with the delay in ITER and modification of its first wall, the community needs JET to carry on.

Paweł Gąsior (Warsaw, 2023-10-18)


At the moment JET represents a unique device in which it is possible to acquire precise competencies, especially for the young scientists.

Laura Laguardia (Milan, 2023-10-18)


The reasons given are just, it's a unique facility and we need to maintain or increase even, the talent and expertise within the fusion community until other large scale projects are up and running of the same nature. ITER is having some big issues at the moment and who knows when the first plasma will be... Refurbishing and upgrading JET such that it can operate until ITER (or other large-scale facilities) is ready is of the utmost importance as to close it now, would be a huge blow for fusion research.

Stuart William Dowson (Bangkok, 2023-10-18)


The experience I gained working in the Plasma Operations Group at JET has been invaluable. Until ITER is Operational, Europe and UK may loose the knowhow of operating a large tokamak if JET does not continue to operate.

Damien Karkinsky (Surbiton, 2023-10-18)


JET team is a set of highly professionals and could find using this device a lot of interesting
valuable things for whole fusion program

Alexander Demura (Moscow, 2023-10-18)


This facility should continue its operations

Bill Dowson (Brackley, 2023-10-18)


I am interested in the fusion and plasma research and, if possible, in testing scientific ideas about enhancement of current drive through helicity injections based on beating modes in tokamaks.

Krzysztof Mizerski (Warsaw, 2023-10-18)


The JET facility remains the de facto leader in world research in the controlled thermonuclear fusion program. The continued operation of JET is a prerequisite for the successful launch of the global ITER project.

Alexander Kukushkin (Moscow, 2023-10-18)


JET is needed until ITER runs, which is not gonna be next year

Sebastian Rode (Köln, 2023-10-18)


I am signing because I think it would be vandalism to decommission the biggest and best working tokamak in the world, when it could still deliver ITER-relevant results with a modest upgrade. Also, there will be a very long time to wait before ITER is operating, so this will continue to provide the means to keep the personnel required for ITER operations well trained and active.

Anthony Field (Abingdon, 2023-10-18)


-Recent DT campaigns at JET have shown that DT experiments confirm simulated predictions, but also allow significant new insights in physics only accessible in DT. Extension of JET would be justified only by additional experiments in DT, other objectives can be pursued in other devices.
-Costly but affordable upgrades in JET would make accessible higher fusion gain scenarios (with respect DT2) one decade before ITER
-This likely results in an overall decrease of the cost of the development of fusion, saving time and reducing risks in the operation of ITER. Just think of how much operational time for JET and associated costs would have been saved implementing ECRH in 2010...

Carlo Sozzi (Milano, 2023-10-18)


I’m signing because Fusion Tokamaks are essential for the research

Federico Galli (Rome, 2023-10-18)


JET remains the best facility in world for research in the controlled fusion program.

Radmir Khusnutdinov (Moscow, 2023-10-18)


Trying to prolong JET, a vital machine for a success of fusion as an energy source.

Andrey Litnovsky (Juelich, 2023-10-18)


I have worked on JET modeling and I agree that it would answer a lot of questions in particular the handling of material performance

Marcos Navarro (Madison, 2023-10-18)


The shutdown and decommissioning of JET at the beginning of 2024 is utmost regrettable, the more because the machine is recently performing so well ! In stead - as mentioned in the text - JET could play a very useful role in preparing the almost inevitable re-baselining of ITER (or any other MCF device of this scale)

Maarten VERGOTE (Brussels, 2023-10-18)


I think JET is still useful in mant aspects for next a few years.

Yong LIU (Chengdu, 2023-10-18)


JET is a unique fusion facility that comes closest to reactor conditions

Craig Petty (San Diego, 2023-10-18)


JET is one of the best facilities for researching plasma controlled fusion in the world.

Dmitry Leontyev (Moscow, 2023-10-18)


I fully agree that the closure of JET at the end of this year would signify a serious scientific blow with a major negative impact on worldwide fusion research.

Alexander Huber (Jülich, 2023-10-18)


JET matters for me toi

Eugenia Dlougach (Moscow, 2023-10-18)


JET is needed

THOMAS DOLAN (IONIA, 2023-10-18)


JET is too important to lose.

Ilon Joseph (Livermore, 2023-10-18)


JET is still the most advance fusion device in the world and can still achieve interesting results

Paul-Henri Rebut (Paris, 2023-10-18)


I hope to make better use of JET to generate more knowledge for human research in fusion energy.

Heng Zhang (Oxford, 2023-10-18)


I strongly believe that continuation of JET is a very valuable asset to future fusion energy as described in the petition. We need fusion energy as soon as possible while life on the earth is sustainable.

Teruo Tamano (San Diego, CA, 2023-10-18)


I'm signing the petition because JET is a unique machine currently available for conducting various physics studies.

Xueqiao Xu (Livermore, 2023-10-18)


JET is currently the only D-T fusion facility in the worlds. Continuing research on JET is essential for the success of commercial fusion in a timely manner.

Evdokiya Kostadinova (Auburn, 2023-10-18)


I agree with the arguments in the petition and many of the individual supporters.

Michael Roberts (Darnestown, 2023-10-18)


I believe in Fusion

Stefan Simrock (Vinon sur Verdon, 2023-10-18)


Time and time again old facilities have been re-purposed at a fraction of the cost of building or using new/under construction ones. It is a false economy to close JET

Andrew Pritchard (Oxford, 2023-10-18)


I agree JET is an important experiment for the progress of nuclear fusion science.

Jacobo Varela (Leganes, 2023-10-18)


JET is an important facility. Who knows when ITER will be ready for experiments?

Bruce Cohen (Orinda, 2023-10-19)


JET is an excellent tokamak for the fusion exploration. We need it!

Kedong Li (Hefei, 2023-10-19)


In terms of connecting small devices with large-scale devices similar to ITER, the JET device has an irreplaceable role in the next three years. In particular, D-T experiments can provide multi-directional experience in heating, confinement and transportation, so it is fully supported that JET can continue to operate and promote the process of fusion peaceful use. Of course, if new funding is adopted, a detailed plan is needed.

Hua Yang (HEFEI, 2023-10-19)


JET is the only operating tokamak with Tritium in the world with capacity of providing data as references for iter on commissioning, operating and safety.

yu yang (Hefei, 2023-10-19)

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