I am signing because I believe this mast is inappropriate in a residential area. It will be unsightly and should be refused until independent studies show (a) it will be safe to health and (b) it is necessary.Christina Folkes (Solihull, 2022-08-23)
I would not like the WiFi mastStella Woods (Birmingham, 2022-08-23)
I do not agree and am concerned with where the proposed 5G mast is situated.Toni Hastings (Solihull, 2022-08-23)
Totally inappropriate location opposite housing and houses all aroundPeter Fooks (Solihull, 2022-08-23)
This mast will be a blot on the landscape and it's proposed position is far to close to residential properties and I'd be worried about potential health concerns.Michael Woods (Birmingham, 2022-08-23)
Concerned about the Health Problems caused by 5GAshok Vij (Solihull, 2022-08-23)
We do not need another 5G mast in the area.John Hicks (Solihull, 2022-08-24)
The transmitter density required for 5G means that more people will be exposed to radio frequency electromagnetic fields at levels that are potentially harmful to health.The 5G technology uses much higher frequency ( up to 300 GHz ) radio waves and the safety of exposing high population densities to these waves is not yet proven.
This roll out needs to be stopped until the necessary safety and health impacts have been fully investigated .
Economic gain and convenience should not be the driver here and until we know more about what we are getting into, from a health and ecological point of view, we should hold fire on this roll out until we absolutely sure it is completely safe.
Ref Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health
Volume 75 Issue 6
Professor John William Frank
Peter Giddings (SOLIHULL, 2022-08-24)
it can go in a place that is less of an eye soresteve williams (solihull, 2022-08-24)
I'm signing for m,y wife Irene and myself because we do not want more street furniture spoiling the area when there are many masts in the area that must give coverage, including Hillfield park and Tudor Grange parkNeil Wilson (solihull, 2022-08-24)
I don't want the 5G mast on the corner of Charterhouse Drive and Monkspath hall roadGraham Biggs (Solihull, 2022-08-24)
We have had enough much to close to a populated areaCarol O'Hare (Solihull, 2022-08-24)
I’m extremely concerned for my fellow neighbours & family’s health. Plenty of areas to be considered away from a residential area where other masts have been installed so close to the proposed site. This is not necessary & as a home owner & concerns for health. I do not want.Matt Lee (Solihull, 2022-08-24)
I live near to the proposed mastLaura Clarke (Solihull, 2022-08-25)
I am totally against the installation of this 5G Mast.The erecting of such a item will have a negative impact on the surrounding forest and harmful to the character of the area. . This would not compliment the surrounding beauty in the area and may course visual obstruction due to its proximity to road/crossing and therefore may be hazardous to the general publics safety. We have a lot of school children crossing the road due to 3 to 4 schools in the vicinity and this could potentially obstruct visibility and distract traffic due to its excessive size. This is a prominent/affluent area and therefore erecting such a item would go against the natural beauty and may even lead to the downgrade of house prices in the area.
Due to the aforementioned reasons I am totally against this application and would strongly advise that application is rejected.
S Chamber (Solihull, 2022-08-25)
There is no proven need for this mast.Frederick Cattle (SOLIHULL, 2022-08-25)
I strongly object on both health and aesthetic grounds. Once erected there wil never be any going back and our neighbourhood that we chose to live in will never be the same again. This is huge and ugly how could this have even got to the point of being considered?? The council should be representing its residents...those yhat pay tax to fund the council....please listen to what your residents say and act professionally and appropriately and stop this awful thing happening.Deborah Lane (Solihull, 2022-08-25)
I’m signing this petition because I believe the masts will be too close to schools and homes, posing a health risk to the children and community. I also don’t think the use of 5G is environmentally friendly, as it uses so much more power than 4G.Jane Jones (Solihull, 2022-08-25)
Joanna CattleJoanna Cattle (Solihull, 2022-08-26)
These 5G masts are ugly and not appropriate for a densely populated area. The local neighbourhood has not been consulted sufficiently and we are concerned for the health of our children, ourselves and our wildlife . You need to provide much further evidence of the safety of these masts before any further progress/Martin Rickards (Solihull, 2022-08-26)
I live here and it could potentially be a risk to people living in the areaLucy Chaffey (Birmingham, 2022-08-27)
I’m signing because I’m concerned about the environmental damage and health concerns.Fiona Kellond (Solihull, 2022-08-27)
I'm signing because I am concerned of the known dangers associated with 5G signal, for me and my family.Ian Jones (Solihull, 2022-08-27)
excessive microwaves have caused cancers, heartattacks, leukemias, and mental breakdownsMerle Gering (Coventry, 2022-08-28)
I object to the 5g mast being built in residential areaJohn Doherty (Solihull, 2022-08-29)
These 5Gmasts are not only an eyesore but has been proved to be a potential health risk.. and all for the sake of a possible faster connect, which is not essential to anyone. My friend in New York managed to get people power and petitions to stop one outside her apartment.. do hope you can do the same. On our small island in Greece we manage without.. despite constant marine traffic ..Jean Polyzoides (Paros, 2022-08-30)
I don’t not agree with the errection of this mast, due to its proven health risks.Sarah Martin (Solihull, 2022-08-30)
I live in the areaMandeep Pattar (Solihull, 2022-08-30)
I'm signing this petition for all the reasons detailed by Tim and Michele Payne.KATHLEEN SAVIN (Solihull, 2022-09-01)
I live in the area and I don't want this to happen. Why choose to build this mast so close to a residential area? It will be a complete eye sore. I'm happy without 5g thanksJennifer Whitehouse (SOLIHULL, 2022-09-01)
I am against the mast corner of Charterhouse Drive and Monkspath Hall RoadSusan Clark (Solihull, 2022-09-02)
I am very concerned about the impact of the 5G mast on health and well-being of individuals in the area, particularly due to the proximity to schools and the impact on the animals and wildlifeAnna Cawthorne (Birmingham, 2022-09-02)