Oppose crucial cuts to DKDM's education by the new Canteen



I am a student, and I don’t accept this budget cuts.

Vincen Arneodo (København, 2022-06-13)


To give my support to the people fighting to prevent our school values and circumstances from decreasing and worsening.

Rasmus Sørensen (København, 2022-06-14)


Education should be prioritised. The studies at RDAM have already so little hours of lessons compared to the same studies in another country. It I s embarrassing this should be the reason to cut down the teaching even more.

Britta Cortabarria Adde (Copenhagen, 2022-06-14)


It's ridiculous. And the canteen is bad. And the school is dirtier than before

Giacomo Oudin (KØBENHAVN S, 2022-06-14)


This is a disgrace to our crucial scholarly and musical education! I simply cannot understand how the Ministry of Culture chose a canteen over music! And it goes further to take away our beloved Opera Project and our vital music lessons, for some ridiculously boring sandwiches? Really? How dare they, they should be ashamed.

Marianna Filippi (Copenhagen, 2022-06-14)


This is unacceptable! The cantine budget shouldn’t compromise my studies!

Simon Didrik Nordstrand Berg (Copenhagen, 2022-06-14)


Doubling the maintenance costs, which is already ridiculous on itself, becomes a huge mistake when it causes cuts on education.

Lea Hemmerlin (Copenhagen, 2022-06-14)


I am a student and I want my fellow students to be well educated

Will Crock (copenhagen, 2022-06-14)


Our education can't take any more downsizing, soon it will not be an education any more...

Johannes Linneballe (Copenhagen, 2022-06-14)


I am signing because of the ministry decision to run and control the school against the students interest. Workplaces and study places should be run by the people affected within them and that is the workers and the students.

Panagiotis Nikolakis (København, 2022-06-14)


I hope the students get more chance on education. I couldn’t imagine how the canteen and cleaning cost such high price. That’s I couldn’t accept.

Xi Zhang (Copenhagen, 2022-06-14)


This is my education!

Louise Bouquin (København, 2022-06-14)


I'm a student and I don't want my education to be made worse

Anton Lindström (København K, 2022-06-14)


I´m signing because I don't want to compromise my education.

Cornelia Karlsson (København, 2022-06-14)


Med disse beskærelser ville Danmark miste sin eneste klassiske musikuddannelse på internationelt plan. De tidligere besparelser har allerede skåret DKDM ind til benet sammenlignet med deres europæiske kollegaer. Hvis det bliver skåret ned til 19 ugers undervisning så synes jeg heller ikke at det er forsvarligt at kalde det et Musikkonservatorium længere. Måske en efterskoleuddannelse, ikke mere. Hvis det klassiske danske musikscene ikke kun skal besættes med udlandske musiker så må disse besparelser stoppes, nu!
Eller vil i kun stoppe når det kongelige kapel, radiokoret og symfoniorkestret taler engelsk?
Det er nogen andens tur til at spare, musikerne har lidt nok!

Fredrik Bjellsäter (København, 2022-06-14)


Det er forødende for dansk kulturliv med alle nedskæringer. Niveauet på DKDM er allerede langt under hvad der er okay i fhld til ressourcer at uddanne kompetente musiker og kunstnere. Konservatoriet skal kunne tilbyde undervisning og timer på høj niveau og i en mængde som gør at du ikke behøver tage privattimer udenfor studietid. Som det er idag tager de fleste timer for at komplettere hvad de ikke får fra DKDM. Med de nye omprioriteringer ville dette blive endnu mere markant.

Gustav Johansson (København, 2022-06-15)


No food in the world is worth five weeks of education. I would rather see that DKDM gets rid of the canteen entirely than lose five weeks.

Joar Sörensson (Malmö, 2022-06-15)


I am a music student thinking of applying to DKDM if this goes through I would not

Lucas Bendtsen (Kolding, 2022-06-17)


This is silly and a waste of much needed money.

Esben Toft (KØBENHAVN S, 2022-06-17)


Denne uddannelse er i forevejen skåret helt ind til benet!!!

Marit Hansen (Glumsø, 2022-06-20)


That's just too stupid

Ina Wakabayashi (Hårlev, 2022-06-20)


Our education I reduced to a small amount of weeks in a school year. Reducing it further would be ridiculous.
Cause where will it end?
Soon it won’t have enough weeks to even be considered an education, will they take our SU as well?
The cultural ministry should have an interest in maintaining an already bruised education, NOT diminishing it.

Christine Johanning Schmidt (Odense, 2022-06-24)


Jeg synes det er forkert!

Michael Germer (København, 2022-06-29)


I'm signing because I came to thos school to study, not to eat.

Symeon Seraphim (Frederiksberg, 2022-08-29)


I am a student of dkdm and i want to study hard.

Jing Yang Kwok (Singapore, 2022-09-01)


I am a student at DKDM

Leo Klintman (Lund, 2022-09-02)


I'm signing to hopefully get some of the vital education back, caused by this unnecessary and unacceptable change.

Valde Christensen (Kongens Lyngby, 2022-09-02)

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