Continuous water supply problemsNorbert Roemer (Farrarmere Benoni, 2021-02-25)
I'm signing because of the lack of structure in providing services to the Benoni community.Ann Bain (Benoni, 2021-02-25)
We need to urgently fix the water crisis in Farrarmere. We cannot continue to not have water because of broken infrastructure.Shayla Dos Santos (Johannesburg, 2021-02-25)
I'm signing to provide urgent maintenance to water/sewerage infrastructure in Farrarmere, Benoni area.Michelle Rothery (Benoni, 2021-02-25)
As per petitionAlbert Ison (Benoni, 2021-02-25)
The water pipes in and around Farrarmere need to repaired and maintained.....its getting ridiculous that nearly every day we have low/no waterCandice Lang (13 Skylark Avenue Farrarmere Benoni, 2021-02-25)
Our water either off, low pressure and unreliable. The water pipes are still asbestos and are over 50 years old. When a pipe bursts its always a patch job and few days later there is a new leak just upstream from the previous leak. The new water tower will increase water pressure and the current infrastructure will not be able to handle the new pressure as it wasn't designed for that type of pressure. The water pipes had to upgraded before the new tower is commissioned. The sewage pipes again can not handle load and the area smells bad, I cycle a lot so I continuously report leaks which never gets attended to example south house 57, sewage is leaking out of the pavement for ages, I have reported this over and over again and shared photo's still nothing is done. The roads are deteriorating as water just finds the weakest point and causes pot holes. The pot holes get patched only to reapprear a few weeks later.Victor Patao (Benoni, 2021-02-25)
The water system in Farramere is terrible and needs to be fixedDessi Dechev (Benoni, 2021-02-25)
Once again there is no water in Farrarmere in BenoniDawn Damant (Benoni, 2021-02-26)
I live in Farrarmere and we need infrastructure repaired and maintainedSteven Lea (Benoni, 2021-02-26)
I’m a rates and taxes paying resident of Farramere.Junaid Khan (Benoni, 2021-02-26)
Infrastructure in the whole of Benoni is just being left until it falls apart. The incompetence of the council and the abuse of their power must be stopped. They serve the people not themselvesJessie Farmery (Benoni, 2021-02-26)
We need water structure in Farrarmere upgradedDiane Lavis (Benoni, 2021-02-26)
We have at least a cupple of water interruptions a month and this is not acceptable.Nico Putter (Farrarmere Benoni, 2021-02-26)
The upkeep and maintenance has become a major issue in the areaWayne Joyce (Benoni farrarmere, 2021-02-26)
This problem has been ongoing for years and it's just getting worse!Deanne De witt (Benoni, 2021-02-26)
There is always burst pipesLaine Antill (Benoni, 2021-02-26)
My monthly payment for maintenance should be used appropriatelyRenette Gous (Benoni, 2021-02-26)
We need good service deliveryMavildia Jones (Farrarmere Benoni, 2021-02-26)
I am sick and tired of waking up to no water due to burst water pipesMorne Ueckermann (Farrarmere, 2021-02-26)
This happens far to often.Tired of it.
Ian Dyson (Benoni, 2021-02-26)
We get no service done in our town.Municipality is dreadful. Why do we pay rates and taxes when there is no services?Beverley Lamprecht (Benoni, 2021-02-26)
Im tired of a lack of service from Ekurhuleni. Infrastructure is long overdue.Madelein Van der Merwe (Benoni, 2021-02-26)
We need better conditions on our infrastructureTammy Young (Farr5, 2021-02-27)
To get better service deliveryMark Howitt (Benoni, 2021-02-27)
Every single person living in SA has a right to clean drinking water and an infrastructure that supplies this reliably.Leonard Sandham (Benoni, 2021-02-27)
The infrastructure is failing the residents from Farrarmere suburb of Benoni, they are old and should have been replaced in the last few years, and ensure that contractors are readily available to sevice the equipment needed to maintain the water/sewerage infrastructure.Wouter Steyn (Benoni, 2021-02-27)
I am supportive service delivery & the lack therefofJulez Ramiah (Benoni, 2021-02-28)
I pay taxes and I'm sick of service disruptions, no service and constant "repairs" done by an incompetent Municipality.Patricia Ferreira (Benoni, 2021-02-28)
Its vital to support our councillors.Irene West (Benoni, 2021-02-28)
Maintenance on water and sewerageLynette Louw (Benoni, 2021-02-28)
We have logged numerous requests for maintenance and repairs to be done to infrastructure in the area. We are required to pay every month and loyally do so however we do not receive satisfactory service in return.Pieter Rostoll (Benoni, 2021-02-28)
I'm signing because, despite my personal and sustained attempts (spanning some two years now) at engaging Dr Mashazi, Mr Anathi Zitumane and Mr Gift Mashiya; I have been ignored. Your relationship with Benoni Councillors is at best tenuous, with them have to also continuously fight for an audience with what has proven to be a dysfunctional metro management team.Let it be known that certain forums are " we speak" pursuing alternative remedy through organisations such as OUTA and Afriforum.
Roy Stewart (Benoni, 2021-03-01)
We have NO WATER on a regular basis!!Lizel Hammond (Benoni, 2021-03-01)
Urgent maintenance needs to be doneJennifer Maritz (Farrarmere Benoni, 2021-03-02)
I'm signing because I want to see positive infrastructure changes in my area in Farrarmere. I am tired of having no water on a regular basisKathleen Machado (Benoni, 2021-03-04)
Pipes etc needs to be upgraded residents are constantly sitting without water.Eileen Pieterse (Farrarmere Benoni, 2021-03-04)
The water and sewerage infrastructure needs an upgradeDane Namath (Benoni, 2021-03-04)
Water pipes continuously breaking in Wordsworth st.This past week we have been without water 3 times.
Graham Walker (Benoni, 2021-03-04)
call on the MMC for Water & Energy, Cllr. Nketle, to urgently provide much needed maintenance to the water/sewerage facilities in the community.Gerald Ganesh (Benoni, 2021-03-04)
The water/sewage problem is urgent. There are continuous water leaks in the area due to poor maintenance and water is closed off as a result. Sewage flowing down the road has also been a health hazard.Patrizia Fanucchi (Benoni, 2021-03-04)
I live in benoni and it needs to be upgraded from looking like a dump to what it can be. For ex. The speed bumps need more visible paint and the roads fixedFaybienne Minnaar (Benoni, 2021-03-04)
I’m signing because we pay rates and taxes and don’t get what we paying forCristine Knight (Benoni, 2021-03-04)
It’s enough now! It’s been yearsMaxine Tromp (Farrarmere Benoni, 2021-03-04)
Maintenance of failing Water and sewerage infrastructure.Mathamana Masinge (Benoni, 2021-03-04)
Concerned about the failing infrastructure of the water pipes. They are in urgent need of replacement and maintenance due to age and lack of maintenance thereof.Charmaine Treadwell (Benoni, 2021-03-04)
Because I wake up almost every morning to find no running water so I can take a shower before work or fill the kettle to make tea.Stephen Cousins (Benoni, 2021-03-04)
Urgent maintenance on the water situation has to be done.Willem van Tonder (Johannesburg, 2021-03-04)
I like to be able to batheHannah Smith (Benoni, 2021-03-04)
I agreeJay Steynberg (Benoni, 2021-03-04)
We need the infrastructure upgrade. Roads, water and sewerage is not in an acceptable state.Allison Chothia (Benoni, 2021-03-04)
The water issues in Farrarmere are getting beyond a joke ! 3 burst pipes in 1 week in the same street . Time for maintenance to happen !!!Sandy Turner (Farrarmere Benoni, 2021-03-04)
We need to upgradePoppette Gounden (Benoni, 2021-03-05)
Weekly occurrence of no water due to old pipes bursting and sewage overflowingVince Horsburgh (Benoni, 2021-03-05)
I am signing becàuse I pay high rates. I have not seen much in màny years insofar as maintaining roads, road signs, sewage, etc. I have spent a lot on tyres which in my view would not bè necessary if the çouncil were doing their job. The grass is a problem, everywhere? Water wastage does not seem like an issue to the council, neither does waste. Please, it's time to look after those who pay for the services.Stefania De Bruin (Benoni, 2021-03-05)
Water pipes keep bursting and firstly it’s a terrible waste of water, and secondly our supply is interrupted! This is happening on a regular basis! Frustrating and unacceptable!😡Karen Shorter (Benoni, 2021-03-05)
Sick and tired of continuous burst pipes low pressure etc. We pay our rates and taxes for no service.Norman Smith (Benoni, 2021-03-05)
The Constitution is very specific about water. Rightly so, it is essential to all life, including human life. The electrolytes in water render it an essential part of daily nutrition. In section 27 of the Bill of Rights it is stated that: “Everyone has the right to have access to sufficient food and water…The state must take reasonable legislative and other measures, within its available resources, to achieve the progressive realisation of these rights.”
We demand your urgent attention to this matter. We demand the infrastructure that we, the residents, are paying for.
Lydia Marais (Benoni, 2021-03-05)
Need to upgrade the water and sewage benoni farrameresashnee pillay (Johannesburg South, 2021-03-05)
Always experiencing either low Water pressure, or no waterPetrus Venter (Benoni, 2021-03-06)
Our neighborhood Farrarmere has been mis managed for years now! All our infrastructure is failing and needs urgent upgrade my EkuruleniScott Wallace (Benoni, 2021-03-06)
I live in Farrarmere and hate the water outages. Especially on weekends when its the only time one has to do necessary house choresNikita Pieterse (Farrarmere, 2021-03-06)
We have been having a lot of water cuts this few months. Last time was 12 hours without waterNicholas Lumley (Benoni, 2021-03-06)
I am frustrated with the constant water pipes bursting and subsequent water wastage.Kevindran Govender (Benoni, 2021-03-06)
I’m entitled to water and paying for services that are not being provided and maintained.Bevan Langton (Farrameere, 2021-03-06)
Constant water outages and flooding in the area point towards poor maintnece of infrastructure over time.TJ van de Ven (Benoni, 2021-03-06)