Say 'No' to Proposed ICN project on 248th Ave - Naperville



I am very concern with the traffic that will create on already congested 248 Avenue.

Ajay Kothari (Naperville, 2021-01-20)


We drive in 248 daily and worry about the amount of traffic involved with this large scale venue.

Colleen Keen (Naperville, 2021-01-20)


I am concerned about wahabisim coming next to house

Appu Saxe (Naperville, 2021-01-22)


ICN - Islamic Center in Naperville

Lingaiah Manne (Naperville, 2021-01-25)


The size of project including the number of parking spaces plus the large mix of purposed (worship, school, recreation ) activity will threaten traffic in an only residential area.

Jeffrey Nicholson (Naperville, 2021-01-26)


I am objecting to this ICN project as it has not submitted a study to show its adverse impact to the residents living within 5 miles of this development. The arterial roads leading to this deveilopment are not designed to handle the volume of traffic attracted by this large facility and its attendees.

Warren Luk (Naperville, 2021-01-28)


We are concerned about the safety of kids and elderly because of the increased traffic.

Also, impact on the SCULLEN bounds kids during the peak hours on Friday.

Amit Khanduja (Naperville, 2021-02-03)


Land is too small for their proposed expansion and safety with excessive congestion. Flooding will occur due to the buildings/asphalt parking spaces and the foundations of the proposed buildings - explanation - water has nowhere to go and will flood existing homes.

Diane Jedrzejewski (Riverside, 2021-02-17)


I live off 248th. There is too much traffic as it is.

Kristi Rubin (Plainfield, 2021-02-23)


I am concerned about mobility impacts and congestion that will cause diversion through neighborhoods. I am particularly concerned about the increased potential for a major accident.

Meg Swartz (Naperville, 2021-02-23)


I am opposed to the proposed ICN large scale development on 248th Street due to safety and traffic concerns.

Michelle Rohland (Naperville, 2021-02-27)


Traffic in south Naperville already exceeds the available road infrastructure and any large complex of this size will put a lot of unplanned capacity demand as well as road risk.

M. Tiwari (Naperville, 2021-03-02)


I am signing this petition because I don’t want an increase in traffic on 248th street.

Sanjay Singhal (Naperville, 2021-03-02)


Signing this petition because of traffic concerns. This is not a right location for such a huge structure in the densely surrounded residential area.

Shanu S (Naperville, 2021-03-02)


I don't want traffic congestion in our residential area

Dibyendu Saha (Naperville, 2021-03-02)


Signing and no to this because of traffic concerns. This is not a right location for such a huge structure in the densely surrounded residential area.

Diana Saha (Naperville, 2021-03-02)


Simply too large in scope, I have lived here 20 years, it's out of character, unless it's just one or two buildings. Reduce it to be like the size of a Church and one attached building and it can work.

Doug Haddad (Naperville, 2021-03-02)


I’m signing because there is going to be lot of traffic if there are such huge buildings within the residential area

Vinod Somepalli (Naperville, 2021-03-03)


I oppose the ICN project. It's too large in these 2 lane residential road.

Alkesh Patel (Naperville, 2021-03-03)


I believe in continued development of our blossoming city, but not at the expense of encroachments upon our residents and residential areas. We must stay steadfast and ensure our families can continue to grow and thrive and enjoy our residences and immediate surroundings. This five phase development is not a project that embraces the community as a whole.

Diane Guskey (Naperville, 2021-03-04)


I agree that the size and scope of this project is too large and intrusive for the location selected. I oppose the project as proposed because of the safety issues related to increased traffic, as well as the impact this commercial facility would have on the surrounding residential community. The project does not take the interests of established neighborhoods in the immediate vicinity seriously enough in the current plans.

Amber Pinto (Naperville, 2021-03-04)


This is the wrong development- in the wrong place - at the wrong time

Keith Sheffer (Naperville, 2021-03-08)


The project is far to large for an area surrounded by residential homes.

Daniel Thorse (Naperville, 2021-03-10)


It needs to be located in a commercial area. Not residential. 900 parking spaces means a whole lot of traffic and no green space. It’ll be too congested. Also too dangerous near family homes and our 2 park/ field areas near that area.

Jean Nelson (Naperville, 2021-03-12)


The location would cause a significant increase in traffic in a residential area

Sheridan Thorse (NAPERVILLE, 2021-03-13)


Facility is way to big for the part of town, needs to be way sized down or moved. Not apposed to the facility, just the size and scale in the locattion.

MICHAEL MAGEE (Plainfield, 2021-03-14)


Traffic, safety, and a hard NO on a 40 year plan. 900 cars all coming and going at one time??? The infrastructure was NOT designed to handle that

David Nelson (Naperville, 2021-03-16)


It’s too big for a neighborhood.

YiFei Xu (Naperville, 2021-03-21)


Doesn’t make any logical sense to have such a large multi purpose development in the middle of a residential neighborhood. The traffic issues and the potential for accidents don’t warrant this construction at this location. I am sure ICN can find a more suitable location for this wonderful project.

Devarajulu Ravichandran (Naperville, 2021-03-22)


It’s bad idea

Ramya Devarajulu (Naperville, 2021-03-22)


I OPPOSE the build of the Islamic Center on 248th. This project is way too large for the lot and will cause unnecessary traffic congestion.

Monroe Stahmann (Naperville, 2021-03-26)


I care for my kids safety and their outdoor activities which will be impacted by major project like ICN

Bhavana Sohal (Naperville, 2021-03-26)


We bought in Tall Grass largely because of the community and its location. We expected more housing but the plan for this huge center is ruining that.

Glad Goldman (Naperville, 2021-03-27)


I'm signing because this area should be zoned for residential use only.

Christopher Kimbrell (Naperville, 2021-03-27)


Will cause too much traffic congestion particulary at the 95th and 248 intersection, which impacts the entrance/exit into the Carillon Club. There is only 1 way in or out as there is no eastern entrance to the ICN property - that is the main problem.

Timothy Dusing (Naperville, 2021-03-28)


Traffic concerns

Jennifer Volpe (Naperville, 2021-03-30)


24x7 nature of the facility, traffic and increased usage commercial like conditions + it is illegal based on annexation laws signed.

Pranay Shah (Naperville, 2021-04-24)


I am signing this petition because the proposed scope of the project is too large and infringes on the adjacent residential community. It invites additional traffic that the roads cannot manage and will encourage additional traffic through small residential side streets. A project of yhis scope should be located in an area that is properly zoned for it

Joanne Benson (Naperville, 2021-05-06)


I was born and raised in south Naperville and beyond it being my home I am extremely concerned with the scope of this project for this residential area.

Nicole Gjeldum (Naperville, 2021-06-20)


Will increase the traffic on 248 especially on Fridays significantly.

Prakash Subramanian (Naperville, 2021-07-12)


I oppose the project of this scale for residential area. Only small religious and cultural centers that serve immediate neighborhood could be allowed in such locations!

Galyna Krylova (NAPERVILLE, 2021-10-08)