

This act broken Roman Law

(Chorzów, 2018-01-28)


stop HR 1226

(Katowice, 2018-01-28)


These new proposed laws are totally without justification, because Poland has already paid back officially and internationally recognised restitution for all losses suffered by Jews in WW2 Poland. This is especially insulting when Poland has NOT received any proper level of restitution from Germany for all the Poles they killed, held in forced labour camps, stole priceless art and antiquities from, and razed Warsaw. Not to mention the factories and art that the Soviets/Russian also stole from Poland! Poland owes NOTHING to Jews or Jewish organisations, but perhaps Germany and Russia do - so please do knock on their doors, by all means!

(Bakewell, 2018-01-28)


Popieram akcept

(Białystok, 2018-01-28)


I never thought American Goverment was forcing double standards Act... which allows to steal Polish Propeties. On the other hand I can see your American Nation by this stupid Act make us Proud Polish people your (israeli) slaves. It can only turn against you. There is a time 4 you to think still. Use it properly please. Make a bridges not Walls

(Żory, 2018-01-28)


To plemię wbrew międzynarodowemu prawu spadkowemu chce po raz kolejny okraść moja Ojczyznę tworząc na te potrzeby lobby i prawo.Ponadto Polska była pod okupacja ,niszczona a ludzie tak samo mordowani i tracili swoje majątki więc dla czego to nie Niemiecki agresor a Polska ma cokolwiek płacić? Pomijając fakt ,że holocaust to żydowski sposob wyłudzania pieniędzy..Rozpoczęty jeszcze przed Hitlerem i holokaustem na co wskazują gazety z USA z okresu na długo przed 1939.Chytra próba wyłudzenia pieniędzy.

(Cork, 2018-01-29)


I am devoted to support Roman-Latin bases of law and moral values which are protected by thee. Heirless property of given citizens in given country is always taken over and stays in this country. And when the property is nonexistence because destroyed during war - there is nothing to restitution can be provided. Poland giving restitution only to living inheritances and for existing not destroyed properties.

(Stamford, 2018-01-29)


Ustawy na całym świecie stanowią "Mienie pozostawione na terenie danego państwa przez obywatela niemającego następcy spadkowego przechodzi na skarb państwa" a nie organizacji, tym bardziej żydowskiej.

(Warszawa, 2018-01-29)


Ten przepis jest kpiną z prawa. Uchwalenie tego jest aktem wrogości i spowoduje zerwanie przyjaźni polsko-amerykańskiej

(Żmigród, 2018-01-29)


Because I am Polish, I love Poland. Poland was a victim of the Second World War and is still vilified and robbed by immoral foreign governments and castes. It must be stopped.

(Janin, 2018-01-30)


We need to defend our Country

(London, 2018-01-31)


It's again my nation

(Toruń, 2018-01-31)


HR1226 and S447 interfere into Polish legislation. As country that suffered the most from German Nazis Poland does not own anything to anyone.

(Brooklyn, NY, 2018-01-31)


It is simply unjust.

(Bielsko biala, 2018-01-31)



(Tychy, 2018-01-31)


because holocaustCOMPANY ..he is preparing for the extortion and robbing of innocent countries

(London, 2018-01-31)


Nie zgadzam się na zakłamywanie historii i obwinianie mojej Ojczyzny za to co Niemcy zrobili innym narodom !!!
Roszczenia to do Niemiec !!!

(Haarlem, 2018-01-31)


As a Polish Patriot, i am signing because i support My Country and Country's honor, and want the lies about our history to stop.

(Montreal, 2018-02-02)


Jest to sprzeczne z naszym prawem i działa tylko w jedną stronę, na niekorzyść państwa polskiego i Polaków.

(Sosnowiec, 2018-02-02)


German Nazi were creators of concentration camps in Poland and millions of Poles died in it along with Jews and many other nations. Jews own Poles saved lives; and Poles were risking their own lives to save Jewish children. Jews are horrible liers trying to accuse Poland for crimes created by Nazis. Morwover, it is proven historicaly that bigest banks owned by Jews from New York, sponsored Hitler because they saw big money in the war. They betrayed their own people because Jews have reputation that they would sell their own mothers for profits. They are known for collaboration with German Nazis, communists, marxists, etc. Marks was a Jew, prominent communists were Jews and satanist Sores is a Jew. They seek distraction of nations for their own self interest.

(Niagara-On-The-Lake, 2018-02-02)


I care

(Toronto, 2018-02-03)


That's not fair and just.

(London On, 2018-02-03)


I am a Pole. I am signing this petition because I want to oppose HR1226 Act. This Act is against the Polish Nation and against the Polish State. This Act is illegal and against any law including international law and moral. There is no legal basis to issue such an Act against Poland. Poland does not owe any money to Jewish people. Poland is the victim of Holocaust as well. This Act is inhumane and against any justice. America is the ally of Poland and should have never supported this Act. This act will seriously undermine the Polish -American relationship. I am appealing to President Trump not to sign it.

(Adelaide, 2018-02-04)


I'm signing this petition because is against USA law, EU law and Polish law, also it is against civilized conventions between nations.

Jan Kaczmarski

(London, 2018-02-04)


I'm signing this petition because is against USA law, EU law and Polish law, also it is against civilized conventions between nations, too!!!

(Kraków, 2018-02-08)


I'm signing because I think those things should get sorted between two countries. NOT involving 3rd parties as Poland is free state or claim to be any way. Jews are only looking money as always. They didn't care about properties over 50 years. Y now?

(Newry, 2018-02-10)


I am Polish

(Głogów, 2018-02-10)


Bo godzi to w interesy mojego kraju i uważam że jest skrajnie nie uczciwa i nie ma podstaw prawnych.

(Rzepedź, 2018-02-10)


I'm signing and I do support this Petition.

(Radom, 2018-02-10)


To żydostwo wywołało II Wojnę Światową i ono powinno wypłacić odszkodowanie Polsce ! Precz żydowskimi parchami !

(Żarów, 2018-02-10)


I love my native country. That's all.

(Białystok, 2018-02-10)


I hate when Judes lies about my nation.

(Racibórz, 2018-02-10)


In my opinion this Act is absolutely incorrect and unjustly.

(Mississauga, 2018-02-10)


Nic nie jesteśmy Żydom winni za II wojnę światową, po wszelkie odszkodowania powinni zgłosić się do Niemiec. Naród polski poniósł ogromne straty w czasie wojny, dużo większe niż Żydzi i do tej pory nie otrzymał żadnych reparacji. Nie my byliśmy sprawcami tych nieszczęść i nie możemy być za nie odpowiedzialni. Ustawa HR1226 jest bezzasadna i krzywdząca dla Polski i Polaków.

(Szczecin, 2018-02-10)


"Any and all assets left heirless and intestate in any country of the modern world escheat to such states. Poland, or any other country, cannot be made an exception to this universally accepted legal principle. The Republic of Poland is the only entity legally entitled to the successive ownership of any assets left by her Jewish pre-WW2 citizens." - See:

(kanata, 2018-02-11)


Poland was already destroyed and robbed twice by the nazis and communists. Do America wants to be the third in the line?

(Burbank, 2018-02-11)


Przyjęcie tej ustawy i wymuszony nieuzasadniony haracz dla żydów może przyczynić się do znacznych redukcji pogłowia żydów (narodu wybranego... przez zło?) na świecie i w Polsce.

(Szczecinek, 2018-02-11)


marek przykorski

(Montreal, 2018-02-12)


It must be low, not hucpa!

(Warsaw, 2018-02-12)


This people was Polish citizens

(London, 2018-03-08)


The Jews should ask money from Germany who has never paid us war reparations.

(Liège, 2018-03-08)