

This house should be protected as national trust

(Sabadell, 2016-12-24)


it's our duty!

(innsbruck, 2016-12-24)


I have seen the house and know the significance of this important architect, the documentation of the architectural style and furniture that is still there. It would be a shame if this was to be changed and not made accecible for a larger public and future generation as a particular piece of Austrian and International cultural heritage.

(London, 2016-12-24)


The Iconic Houses Foundation supports this petition because one of the foundation's objectives is: promoting the preservation and cultural heritage of modern house museums, architects’ houses and artists' homes and studios, collectively referred to as 'ICONIC HOUSES'.
It seems that Villa Beer has the potential of beach,ing a house museum or at least preserved in its original state, lived in and opened to the public by appointment. We hope that the future of the house gets the attention that it deserves.

(Amsterdam, 2016-12-24)


We need to treasure our cultural inheritence.

(Antwerp, 2016-12-25)


it is a masterpiece of Architecture of the same periode like Villa Tugendhat in Brno

(Waidhofen/Ybbs, 2016-12-26)


i believe this is a masterpiece

(santiago, 2016-12-26)


I'm signing because my teacher forced me.

(Schwechat, 2016-12-27)


I am signing because I am a modern architektuře enthusiast.

(Prague, 2016-12-27)


Die Villa Beer ist eines der wichtigsten Gebaeude der Modernen Architektur und Oesterreich kann es sich nicht leisten, dieses Meisterwerk von Weltrang zu verlieren.

(Concord, 2016-12-27)


Villa Beer in Vienna is in one line with Villa Tugendhat in Brno and Villa Savoya in Paris and should kept as its brothers as a public place to study and museum.

(Graz, 2016-12-28)


My teacher said so

(Vienna, 2016-12-28)


This building needs to be saved!

(Salzburg, 2016-12-28)


This building is an important piece of architectural history

(San Antonio, 2016-12-29)


The Villa Beer is a part of cultural heritage ought to be preserved for the future; It is a perfect example of private, early modernist housing in the 20-30s; it represents a new era in architecture.

(Amsterdam, 2016-12-29)


i adore this house!!!

(Wien, 2016-12-30)


This is an excellent house by Josef Frank and a unique part of Vienna's architectural heritage

(ATHENS, 2016-12-30)


The Villa Beer is one of the most important examples of modern architecture in Vienna. Only comparable to the Villa Tugendhat in Brno. It should be treated with respect and turned into a museum and not be sacrificed to private profit.

(Vienna, 2016-12-30)


Public or private, this house needs to be preserved in it's original condition, with its as many of its original materials and finishes as possible (vinyl floors, leather upholstery, ...). The authenticity still preserved in this home should be cherished and protected for posterity.

(Antwerp, 2016-12-30)


I am signing because we should not join the global trend of destroying culture!

(Graz, 2016-12-30)


I strongly agree that a..."house of such importance must not become a pawn of real estate exploitation." The owner who proposes such changes can only have purchased the property in bad faith.

(Philadelphia, 2017-01-03)


In support of heritage

(Essen, 2017-01-03)


Villa Beer is an outstanding building in the international architectural and cultural heritage that should be carefully maintained and preserved to be handed on to future generations.

(Stockholm, 2017-01-03)


I´m signing becaus it is important.

(Wien, 2017-01-04)


Offenbar interessantes Baudenkmal der Moderne, ev. "Neue Sachlichkeit", sollte auf jedenfall erhalten werden.

(Linz, 2017-01-04)


I am signing because our architectonical heritage is precious and should be converved!

(Vienna, 2017-01-04)


It is crucial to save this iconic building in its complete and original state!!

(London, 2017-01-05)