No Ambler Road - 2023
I want my children and children's children to be able to subsist caribou successfully in the far future.Richard Ballot (Buckland, 2023-08-29)
Substance food has been apart of my life. A part of my diet. And with this road it's going to disrupt the passage of not only caribou, but the ducks and geese, ptarmigan, wolves beavers. So many different species come and go through the natives landMaggie Melton (Kotzebue, 2023-08-29)
I live up here in kobuk. N I protect the kobuk.tooMinnie wood (Kobuk, 2023-08-29)
I live on the kobuk River where this road will be built. I can't even imagine how this will impact our way of life. Dramatically!I grew up here in shungnak and was raised to subsist from our land.
Flora Horner (Shungnak, 2023-08-29)
I've been to mine sites that have shutdown/closed down in the lower 48's, I've seen the aftermath. Our way of life cannot afford these mines.Jokey Sheldon II (Kiana, Alaska, 2023-08-30)
The construction of a road in that region will damage natural resources that people and animals depend on. Projects of this type trade the health of natural systems that provide clean water and food in the region for short term profits that go primarily to outside corporations. It is not appropriate to hand over access to natural resources in in an intact ecosystem where people already live to an outside group for short term profit. Even measured in purely economic terms the value of the intact ecosystem is greater in the long term through tourism, clean water, and food resources.Jakob Schieber (Healy, 2023-08-30)
We don't need a road, building this road will ruin my kids and this generation traditional ways of living. High prices have always been a problem, but as inupaiq that rely on the land, we learn to adapt with it. This road will open a big business for bootleggers and drug dealers. If nana and other businesses support this road, they're going against our own inupaiq values, Respect for Nature.Kristy Walton (Ambler, 2023-08-31)
Because i dont want to see a road that would impact our caribou herd and dont want outsiders having the road to import drugs and alcohol to the villagesSean Foster (Kotzebue, 2023-08-31)
Signing no would be better for our region, protecting caribou migration, and our different types of fish in the lakes and rivers, this is our way of life, subsisting all the natural resources God gave each and everyone of us here!Warren Harris (Kotzebue, 2023-09-02)
We love our countryDerek Nelson (American Indian or Alaska Native, 2023-09-04)
I will protect our lands for our future generations! I want my children to hunt n gather like my grandmother showed us!Sonja Jackson (Anchorage, 2023-09-05)
To help protect subsistence from the landElla Williams (Ambler, 2023-09-05)
Our people have been subsisting on the land for food. The berries could be destroyed, animals we kill for meat can migrate elsewhere. The fish could also relocate elsewhere or their spawning habitat could become contaminated or destroyed. I worry for the Nana communities nearby.Lila Gregg (Anchorage, 2023-09-06)
I'm from kobuk alaska we need to protect our land n hunting n fishingLena Tickett (Fairbanks, 2023-09-06)
We will have no animals passing no substanceEllen Barger (Nenana, 2023-09-06)
Because I care about the future hunting and fishing for our children and our people, if they build that road it will only bring in more people and the population of our caribou and fish will continue to decrease drasticallyTrestin Tate (Kotzebue, 2023-09-08)
I’m signing up because I don’t want our river to end up like the mile 40 caribou hersTommy Coffin (Noorvik, 2023-09-08)
No Ambler roadBeverly Thomas (Kotzebue, 2023-09-09)
I believe it’ll make a big impact on our wildlife animals and subsistence way of life if this road is built.Stephanie Walton (Selawik, 2023-09-09)
Our people need homes instead of a road.Mamie Luther (Kotzebue, 2023-09-10)
I know this will severely disturb the migration of animals and birds we harvest for our subsistence lifestyle.Joanne M Nelson (Kotzebue, 2023-09-10)
I am signing to preserve our traditions and remote style of livingTimothy Erlich (Kotzebue, 2023-09-10)
No ambler road! Protect Alaska!Jacque Stewart (Eugene, 2023-09-11)
I think the road will alter migration patterns and the natives who depend on hunting will suffer.Deb Eberle (Huslia, 2023-09-13)
i love CaribouAlan Black (Noorvik, 2023-09-13)
I'm signing because I do not want our traditional food migration to come to an end for our regional animals we hunt for food.Anita Monroe (Kotzebue, 2023-09-13)
I believe our way of life and our land should not be messed with.Alexander Burnor (Kotzebue, 2023-09-14)
I love caribouBarbara Tebbits (Noorvik, 2023-09-14)
I’m signing because I do not support or respect anything that will cause destruction to our land and the impacts that our animals and communities will face due to “job opportunities” “money”. Finalizing this 50 year project will lead to irreversible impacts when it does come to reclamation of our land, it not only will impact our land in such a way, but will lead to consequences that our future generations would have to live with. Facing loss of our traditional way of hunting and gathering.Claire Nay (Kotzebue, 2023-09-14)
I’m signing because the natural resources effect is all.Amie Williams (Eugene, 2023-09-14)
As an Alaskan resident I feel this project would have a net negative impact on our state and environment. We have a duty towards our indigenous population to do what's right for their community.Khephran Heru-ra-ha (Palmer Alaska, 2023-09-15)
Preserving Alaskas natural beauty and wildlife is my priority as an Alaskan citizen that was born and raised here.Maxwell Showalter (Palmer, 2023-09-15)
I lived in Kotzebue for three years, and came to understand how subsistence living works to keep the Inupiat culture alive.Jean Marshall (Oak Harbor, 2023-09-18)
I need to protect our land and our ways of life, especially for my children. Expenses are at an all time high we don't need to make it more difficult than it already is to live a subsitence lifestyle.Hannah Nelson (Kotzebue, 2023-09-19)
I am signing because I disagree on making the road it will make subsistance harder for us. I disagree on this.Thanks Caroline.
Caroline Flitt - Foster. (Noorvik, 2023-09-20)
It’s not rightElvis Thomas (Kotzebue, 2023-09-20)
We deserve to voice our opinions to protect our landDARYL Johnson (Wasilla, 2023-09-20)
We lost our caribou migration trails cause of outside hunters n float planes.cant imagine upriver people loosing there yearly migrating caribou. And there natural foods from the land.cause of industries building roads and more outside hunting cause of the roadOran Walton jr (Selawik, 2023-09-22)
It will ruin our huntingChristian M. Patterson (NOORVIK, 2023-09-22)
No roadJune Commack (Portsmouth, 2023-09-22)
I subsist on the kobuk river since I was a kid learning the land animals fish.I am originally from shungnak I have built two camps to secure the future to pass on the knowledge to my kids. Building the road will have a major impact on the caribou that a lot of people depend on to feed their families not only the caribou but the fish and moose also pretty much everything. HagdAaron Tickett (Selawik, 2023-09-22)
I believe building a road would only hurt the people, animals and land. Nothing good can come from introducing a way for people to desecrate mostly unspoiled wilderness.Jacqueline Allison (Tok, 2023-09-22)
The road threatens our future to preserve our culture. We have fish delivered by air as oceans and rivers become scarce. Climate change has impacted the Dall sheep as 50% of the herd parished in the brooks range. Caribou migrate from the brooks down to my villiage about 150 miles. I believe Global will be the investor and the private companies like Ada have set in place to turn heads there way. It's a tactic seen by generals. If the road goes through we lose are inability to preserve our way of life and our culture.Leon Nollner (Huslia, 2023-09-22)
I hunt, fish, and pick berries in the Kobuk area, I believe that the Ambler road would affect hunting and gathering in the area badly!Brian Gomez (Kobuk, 2023-09-24)
Interacts with wildlifeVictor Jack (Noorvik, 2023-09-24)
I believe this road will be detrimental to wildlife.James Boreson (Marrysville, 2023-09-26)
The Ambler Road, if built, will threaten wildlife, the ecology, and the way of life of the residents of the Kobuk River Valley.David Fleming (Scottsdale, 2023-09-28)
My brothers and I have an allotment near the Kobuk river delta and want to protect these lands and waters for future generations.ANTON CHAMBLEE (Salt Lake City, 2023-10-04)
My Family and I Subsist For Our Food, Fish And Caribou Is Our Main Dish! Berries and the Plants we use in our diet also is Very Important Please Don’t Build this road Many Lives will be affected .Minnie Luther (Noatak, 2023-10-19)
GDG3Joyce Carter (Shungnak, Alaska, 2023-10-26)
Nana Shareholder Native village of kotzebueAbraham Snyder (Anchorage, 2023-10-27)
Our way of living above the Arctic Circle will drastically change. We as Íñupiaq people need to not open the road to save our life of living up RiverJoyce Carter (Shungnak, Alaska, 2023-10-28)
i am signing this to protect our animals!bessie barger (buckland, 2023-11-12)
I’m Charlie Jones. I’m from Ambler Alaska. I am a NANA shareholder and Ambler Tribal Member. I’ve been an Ambler tribal member for 25 years. I will always defend my land. I grew up in Ambler. This road you want to build will have no benefits for our people. This road will kill generations of my people, the food we harvest an hunt for, will all be gone. The caribou won’t come back. The fish will be poison. The herbs an vegetation will never be the same. The lifestyle we live is already scarce. This proposal will demolish the land that is sacred for my people.Charlie Jones (Anchorage, 2023-11-14)
NO AMBLER ROADMay Minks (Kiana, 2023-11-16)
The U.S. government has raped, pillaged, and murdered Indigenous people enough! It is time to take a stand against the injustices of greed and mass genocide that are being committed upon the Native American and indigenous people of the United States of America at the hands of their own government. If you want to take somebody's land, come take mine. If you want to kill somebody.... come kill me.Rachel Smithley (Ellsworth AFB, 2023-11-21)
The road is a destructive, bad ideaMichael Cagle (Kotzebue, 2023-11-24)
If they open that mine road it would not only be the end of our subsistence lifestyleIt would the genocide of Kobuk River regional natives. That about 8-9 villages gone
It’s not like red dog where only kivalina was down stream
Kivalina had to fight tech and even epa. For them to abide by rules and regulations, most of the damn time fighting alone…
I grew up year round up camp hunting fishing, traveling with dog team. And I can go back to that…
I know how important our subsistence lifestyle is to our people,
Bergman Nelson (Kotzebue, 2023-11-30)
I love my land, and I’d hate to see it distroyed before I have a chance to show my kids the way of life up here in our region.Carolyn Hailstone (Noorvik, 2023-11-30)
Protect the water, land and our people!Delores Field (Noorvik, 2023-12-01)
I want toAnthony Westlake (Kiana, 2023-12-06)
The long-term costs of environmental impacts from the proposed Ambler Road and mines on Western Arctic Herd caribou, other fish & wildlife, and people - especially subsistence users - will greatlly exceed the relatively short-term benefits of financial gain. Rising temperatures are already affecting northwest Alaska. An effective way to counter global warming is to leave natural areas intact.Jim Dau (Kotzebue, 2023-12-09)
Copper will kill everything in the water.h t tps://w w w .sltrib.c om/news/nation-world/2020/04/13/montana-bird-watcher/
Brandon Walker (Kotzebue, 2023-12-11)
I’m from the village of Kobuk and believe the road is not appropriateKaira McKay (Kobuk, 2023-12-13)
I believe in protecting our subsistence resources for our future members.Velma Jones (Noatak, 2023-12-15)
We want and need to protect our land for our communities, elders & families. Our future generations will see why we want to strongly disagree with projects relatable to this.Nicole Barr (Kiana, 2023-12-16)
i want to help protect US nature and indigenous lands from this monstrous being and his administrationAnna Lazzaro (GEROLDSWIL, 2025-02-03)