Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



It's really a crime against humanity

Silvia Filograna Gailer (La Tour-de-Peilz, 2021-10-10)


Pour combattre les psychopathes

Martinez Ghislaine (Champigny sur Marne , 2021-10-10)


Ras le bol de cette mascarade planétaire !

Gilbert Girard (gilougir, 2021-10-10)


Fauci should be held accountable for his crimes

Adam Finney (Romford, 2021-10-10)


I do not believe 100 percent vaccination is the answer to this or any pandemic,
Particularly as this vaccine has not even undergone the usual rigorous testing before public release. The western governments have not even allowed or discussed preventative measures. There is enough information coming out now from Drs who have/are using different preventative measures for their patients, successfully I might add.
My Dr in NZ is not able to give me a prescription for ivermectin. This is not right.

Angela Low (Pukekohe , 2021-10-10)


I'm signing this because I believe there is something terribly evil taking place and the weapon being used to achieve this evil plan is in their "vaccine". Nothing about it makes sense and the hard push that is turning into mandates only makes my beliefs sound less crazy. Something needs to be done to stop this right away!! Every doctor that I have heard warn against this shot have been in their field for many many years and they don't have anything they know of to reverse the damage caused by this poison and not one yet have I heard have a hopeful outlook for anyone who took this. Some say everyone who got the jab could die this winter, others say maybe 2 years if lucky and with a very uncomfortable life. I really really pray that this is not true and is a conspiracy theory or bad joke for the sake of everyone of us who will lose someone. Even if this might not be true why would anyone force someone to take this with the the knowledge that it might be. That is pure evil and anyone going along with this needs to realize eternity is a long time to gamble with.

Erin Parker (Windsor, 2021-10-10)


No corporate fascism No feudal society

Rob Wlight (Sydney, 2021-10-10)


People who have been injured or ruined or killed deserve justice

Joan Renae (Broken Arrow, 2021-10-10)


I am signing this petition because human rights are violated already for 18 months !!!! And this needs to be stopped as soon as possible!!!

Lucie Be (Le Plessis-Robinson, 2021-10-10)


I agrese with everything.

MAGDALENA SINDLEROVA (Hradec Králové, 2021-10-10)


I support Dr. Richard Fleming and others in their endeavors to hold the people responsible for this worldwide catastrophe accountable.

James Zubernis (Statesboro, 2021-10-10)


I’m signing this petition as the people of Melbourne Victoria Australia, of which I’m one of have been subjected to the most draconian lockdown measures that the world has seen during this pandemic.

Jason McMullen (Melbourne , 2021-10-10)


Our rights are being arbitrarily taken so that government and others can experiment on us and destroy our lives

Tanya Bevz (Keremeos, 2021-10-10)


The accountables of this worldwide crime need to be arrested and prosecuted. Injection of this poison full of s*** must end and justice must be given to people who died, suffered or will suffered in their flesh from this ArnM jabs.

Emmanuel GRAUER (La Teste-de-Buch, 2021-10-10)


Refuse that big pharma highjacks our immune systems and sterilises us knowingly.

Laurent Dedieu (Noumea, 2021-10-10)


There is NO legal medical proof of virus existance. Millions of people suffered from vaccines. Test have shown nanoparticles in vaccines, which are forbidden. Governments killing people because of contracts with pharma giants Pfizer, Moderna, Janssen, Astrazeneca because getting the money for every lie of "positive" case they report. Mr. Fuellmich made several testimonials got to the conclusion that vaccines are bio-weapon for depopulation. Governments are responsible for murders they force, for all physical and mental suffering they cause to the people, for all economy brakedown they have done, and for lying in public and making vaccine commercials, that are against all laws, and taking away people freedom of living, speech, health and self-decision about their lives. Masks are a sharade, to silence people to submit the tirrany all governments are making because of the profit. Slovenian "PoliceLeaks" showd all paychecks of all employees, they were getting "covid extras" in big monthly amounts starting at 500€ going to 2000€ some even more. Governments are responsible for influencing on chiefs of departments, esp. police dept., for enforcing use of toxic pepperspray at protests, that were peaceful and they had no staring point to do that. Nevertheless, we heard police "officers" in Slovenia speaking Hungarian language. They were throwing pepperspray into the crowd with a little bomber, but the people were at least 100m away and doing no harm. Please start the procedure IMMIDIATELY and do it fast, because lives are lost every day. We have enough proof for all the words I just wrote. Please help us. Regards from Slovenia

SAŠA BOHINC (KOZINA, 2021-10-10)


Because I don’t want to live like the Jews did in the 1940’s

Stephen Parkin (Cambridge , 2021-10-10)


Its right

Jan Kořínek (Humpolec, 2021-10-10)


I believe in truth and justice.

Randolph Emerson (Mena, 2021-10-10)


I’m desperate to do something else to try to right the wrongs these sick evil people have perpetrated

Kathy Barkley (Warren , 2021-10-10)


Quiero que se haga justicia a las víctimas y los culpables paguen.
Que la condena sea ejemplar, para que de una vez por todas, nadie más tenga la tentación de cometer crimenes en contra de su semejantes, en contra de ningún ser vivo.
Y que el daño causado a las víctimas, sea reparado en la medida de lo posible, con todos los bienes y privilegios que los criminales poseen.

Maria Ver a (S/C Tenerife, 2021-10-10)


Každý ľudský život je dôležitý

Jozef Moravčík (Košice, 2021-10-10)


Weil die sogenannte Pandemie auf einer Lüge über den Ursprung bassiert. Der Virus Covid19 ist nicht neu, wurde nur im Labor verändert.
Die Pandemie wurde bisher nur durch ungeeignete Antigen- und PCR Tests begründet.
Alle "offiziellen" Daten wurden und werden durch die jeweiligen Regierungsinstitutionen manipuliert.

Josef Patzelt (Chorvatsky Grob, 2021-10-10)


I am signing because my body my choice and trying to starve me by not allowing me to work and control my movements and access in society unless I have a medical procedure is criminal.

Marina Nagy (Gold coast, 2021-10-10)


I'm signing this petition because we are in the middle of the largest crime ever committed on humanity, and we must fight for our children and grandchildren and for all of humanity!

David Scott (Guelph, 2021-10-10)


I was previously nearly killed by bad medical advise/care and I am not going to have this happen to me again. My job will fire me for not getting this gene therapy. I am philosophically and medically opposed to these vaccines and the mandates.

Mark Spigelmyer (Bellefonte, 2021-10-10)


Pravda je len jedna. Žijeme len raz.

Michal Jurčo (Liptovský Mikuláš, 2021-10-10)


For the Truth and because God created Humanity for love and nobody can kill anybody.



I am tired and disgusted,
people are scared, full of hate between vaccinated and non-vaccinated. We lose our rights and freedom. I want future for the children. I wisch to stop this surviving, we need to live our lives.

Zuzana Červeňová (Liptovský Mikuláš, 2021-10-10)


It's horrible crime.

Martin Annie (Dinard, 2021-10-10)


Je suis choquée et extrêmement en colère contre toutes ces mesures arbitraires, d un autre monde qu imposent ces gouvernements corrompus.

Petit Pascale (SENAS, 2021-10-10)


I am PhD in biochemistry , I have done genetic manipulations in the past on bacteria. In such a short period of time it is impossible to understand how introducing a non human mRNA into a human will do. On top it was also given to pregnant women with a baby differentiating it’s cells, which of course created a mess and abortions, and on top to justify this jab , efficient drugs have been forbidden. When a well know drug decreases virus load by 90% in 5days (experiment from Prof Raoult) and that mortality of the virus is unknown, any decent gouvernement would have given that drug. Instead in France they gave Rivotril which kills 100% without even being seen by a doctor! See on the site of French laws the decree of 16th October 2020 article 53. It has been one year and a half of killing people in France. And this is hidden and it is unbearable !!

Laurence Fanuel (Grasse, 2021-10-10)


I support Drs/PhDs. Richard M. Fleming, Luc Montagnier, and Kevin McCairn in their application to the ICC and request you act immediately to a) injunct all actions currently being deployed globally to deprive and/or destroy humanity, and b) bring to justice all parties of any rank who seek to live above the common law, while inflicting grievous crimes against humanity under the ruse of responding to a purported health endemic.
I note that it would be a travesty if the ICC chose not to act in this pivotal moment in mankind's existence.

Michael Atkinson (Auckland, 2021-10-10)


We are under persecution her in Australia.

Steve Durrheim (Darwin , 2021-10-10)


I would like the true

Nathalie Alexandre (Hua Hin , 2021-10-10)


We need to hold people accountable for possible criminal actions...

Patrick Annabel (Walla Walla, 2021-10-10)


Fuck these evil bastards

Steve Guptill (Halifax, 2021-10-10)


As a public health assessor, I totally agree with Dr Fleming

Paul Bousquet (Payzac, 2021-10-10)


The leaders of Australia are also aware that the vaccine murders are happening, and they are encouraging and enforcing illegal mandates forcing people to be injected or lose their employment

Rose Erofeev (MOOROOBOOL, 2021-10-10)


My family’s freedoms are being taken away in the name of fear.

Vesna Bosnar (Toronto, 2021-10-10)


Everyone needs to know what has happened just like in WW2 that many crimes have been committed to innocent men, women and children all around the world. I wish for truth and peace across the world.

Alex Marler (Loughton, 2021-10-10)


The right thing to do, will always be the right thing to do. There are crimes against humanity being perpetrated at this very moment in time, Globally. What is Anyone going to do about it???

Mary Behan (Carlow, 2021-10-10)


Is not right what happens.

Viorel Titu (Bucuresti, 2021-10-10)


suhlasím s podaním v plnom rozsahu

Jan Hric (Prešov, 2021-10-10)


I want to save lives.

Daniela Valverde Marín (Chío, 2021-10-10)


I’m signing because those whom we have elected to protect and serve the people have betrayed the people. I and many of us in Australia implore for the collection of witnesses and application for a Nuremberg Trial II

Robert Giannetti (Melbourne, 2021-10-10)

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