Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



Covid and c19 experimental vaccines are bioweapons killing millions of people!

Andrew Price (Sydney, 2021-10-10)


It's criminal what is going on with these vaccines. Over 16,000 people dead over 75,000 hospitalized.

Tad Preston (Frisco, 2021-10-10)


This has got to be stopped. Those organisers of this genocide must be made accountable

Wiliam Hall (Doncaster, 2021-10-10)


We are Americans.... This is America... The Constitution... The bill of rights..... Our natural law!!!!! BORN FREE...... UNTIL the world ends FOREVER

Jessica Pozzi (LAKEPORT, 2021-10-10)


I’m signing because I believe the right to choose whether a medical procedure is right for me should be my choice and not one mandated to me to continue working as a teacher. Further, I am gravely concerned that many of my friends and family have been forced to have this procedure to ensure their livelihood and not by their own informed consent. I am scared of the overuse of police presence in all town in Melbourne, and the heavy handed nature of making citizens ‘conform to rules’ by making them scared to even leave their houses. I believe the media are not reporting a true, unbiased version of what is happening and people (media, medical and others) are being silenced and ridiculed when they do. Many people I know have been injured by these ‘vaccines’ and I believe we should never be forced to partake in a human trial unless we agree to do so!

Sandie Miller (Melbourne, 2021-10-10)


I’m signing because I agree with the petition.

Serge Sokol (Frisco, 2021-10-10)


I firmly believe that the governments of the countries that are either prohibiting early treatment or making it very difficult for doctors to early treat their patients have blood on their hands and are causing unnecessary deaths and must be brought to justice for the millions that have died and their families that have not been given a chance to demand early treatment for their loved ones and/or compensation. This is evil

Virginia Gordon (Delaware, 2021-10-10)


I agree with this petition.

Marilyn Sokol (Frisco, 2021-10-10)


It is right.

Wayne Chirnside (Saint Petersburg, 2021-10-10)


I am angered at the planning involved to euthanize our population and the constant stripping away of our rights. From Gain of Function, funding of Gain of Function, patents for the virus and the vaccine, the constant propaganda that is pushing people to take a vaccine, to paying incentives to hospitals and corporations to push a worthless vaccine on millions. This whole ordeal and process is a crime.

Tammy Koch (Arlington, 2021-10-10)


I believe the information being presented is true and needs to be addressed by courts.

Jonathan Muyet (Winter Springs , 2021-10-10)


Early treatment is proven in India, and the data coming out of Israel is also alarming. The blatant disregard of this information is deplorable and a crime against humanity. These for-profit people must be held accountable.

Brenna Laws (Midland, 2021-10-10)


The handling of the 'pandemic' by the US government has been a complete disaster and an embarrassment 'up and down the chain'. All the way from the captured regulatory agencies providing guidance and approving treatments based on bad science, to a government intimidating and coercing its citizens to do things without the authority to do so. All of this in the name of corporate greed.

It's time to bring the perpetrators to justice and end this carnival of madness.

Matt N. (Richmond, 2021-10-10)


I want stop plandemic, stop mandatory mask, stop mandatory vaccine, stop covid test (rapid test, swabPCR test, rapid antigen test and swab antigen test), stop lockdown, stop passport vaccine, stop New World Order, arrest all globalist and localist, stop UN, stop WHO, stop microchip implant RFID, stop 5G and 6G, stop the Great Reset from WEF, UN, IMF, WB and international organization others, stop transhumanisme forever may cause depopulation, control human totality, lost generation, lost freedom of people and slavery human.

Vania Ratna Widyapuspita (Bogor City, 2021-10-10)


I want to protect those from crimes against humanity

Amanda Tsiatsios (Haverhill , 2021-10-10)


Thousands of people around the world have died from being coerced into having an experimental biological agent injected into them with disastrous results.

Christine Clyne (Sydney, 2021-10-10)


It's time to put a stop to this evil that is being done by those in power. They need to be brought to justice and held accountable.

Janine Stokes (Auckland, 2021-10-10)


I strongly believe that the lives of all in this world are in grave danger from this vaccine!

Deborah Ashby (Columbia Falls, MT, 2021-10-10)


things are not adding up and it is pretty obvious

robert bland (Nanaimo, 2021-10-10)


Нельзя допустить фашизм!

Елена Емельянова (Москва , 2021-10-10)


Violations of human rights in the area of ​​health

Margita Jergušová (Martin, 2021-10-10)


We need to use every means within our grasp to confront the "machine" which is steamrolling our human rights & causing lethal harm to so many, especially the young

Georgina Clay (AURIAC , 2021-10-10)


What is happening around the world is mass Genocide around the world and tyranny. We must stop this NWO.

James Spence (Glasgow , 2021-10-10)


Enough is enough!!

Suzanne Buffie (Winnipeg , 2021-10-10)


It is a genocide

Johel Loiseau (Vidaubq’, 2021-10-10)


The lives and liberties of my grandchildren and decendants are directly impacted by individuals and collectives (cited) who are operating currently, and who hold great power. These must, by definition of their given authority be scrupulous beyond reproach.

Carla Cassidy (Cornwall, 2021-10-10)


World freedom needs reinstating. Also jail those responsible for every crime against humanity.

Gerald Lafferty (Napier, 2021-10-10)


I’m signing because a crime is happening in front of us

Benjamin LANCE (Libourne, 2021-10-10)


Those who created the Covid bio-weapon are responsible for mass murder and treason in my opinion. The criminals remain at large and must be arrested as soon as possible.

Jack Poteet (Kansas City, KS, 2021-10-10)



Tsutae Nishiguchi (Mieken, 2021-10-10)


I’m signing because I experienced this covid medical tyranny first hand with my husband in July. Thanking God he was one that survived the killing field

Becky Kaplan (Little River, 2021-10-10)


Its necessary!

Barry Mack (Tigard , 2021-10-10)


I'm signing because I believe many of the actions taken and mandates invoked by governments around the world including in Australia have violated my freedoms.

Stuart Fish (Sydney, 2021-10-10)


Súhlasím .

Marcela Kajbova (Tisovec, 2021-10-10)


I'm signing this because i have people I love who have either been coerced or been so fearful that they have taken the injections against what they know to be dangerous. Also a son who fell into the trap of believing it was the best option.

Robyn Wiseman (Oberon, 2021-10-10)


It against our human rights and they taken away our freedom and the goverments ignore the Numenburg code.

Maryna Otto (Derby, 2021-10-10)


I'm really serious signing this. Things have to be clear and the true has to be shine

Bos Julien (La Châtre , 2021-10-10)


I believe in informed consent, bodily autonomy, and that crimes against humanity have been committed. We need to hold these monsters accountable.

Michelle Garcia (Carrollton, 2021-10-10)


I believe there is massive evidence to show these vaccines are harmful and full of toxins, they should be halted immediately.

All who promote and administer them should be held accountable for crimes against humanity.

Diane Buckley (Perth, 2021-10-10)


Because we should to fight for our freedom in every possible way

Marija Stojkovic (Galanta, 2021-10-10)


The continued use of an experimental mRNA inoculation that has knowingly caused this amount of harm and death to human beings is nothing short of criminal. These perpetrators and accomplices should face the full might of justice.

Michael Roberts (Christchurch , 2021-10-10)


We have a right to the truth ,

Shane St john (Christchurch , 2021-10-10)


The whole world is affected New Zealand has been taken over by the most corrupt political leader it is frightening

Michele Ashby (Auckland , 2021-10-10)


Je signe pour l'ouverture d'une enquête et la poursuite contre les personnes responsables de crimes contre l'humanité en France et dans le monde.

Jean Pierre GEMIEUX (SEVRAN, 2021-10-10)


I am signing because I have no right whatsoever. I cannot choose whether to be vaxxed or not. I cannot breath fresh air. I cannot move freely when I want to.

Keresi Lomata (Suva, 2021-10-10)


I despise totalitarianism, lies, fraud, malpractice, malfeasance, dereliction of duty, breach of fiduciary duty, negligence, criminal negligence, manslaughter, murder, premeditated murder, elder abortion, and child abuse.

Justin Neufeld (Kelowna , 2021-10-10)


To protect our rights for ourselves and future generations.

David Laycock (Ipswich , 2021-10-10)


All the crimes being committed by government, pharma and medical professionals aiding and abetting this travesty.

Nick Mazzoli (Markham , 2021-10-10)


I want to be free to choose my body for my children. I don't want to participate in this worldwide experiment. Condemn those who impose it on us

BALIN Laetitia (CREDIN, 2021-10-10)


This crimes against humanity must be stopped

Elisabeth Staechelin (Geroldswil , 2021-10-10)


Je suis horrifié de voir à quel vitesse un état tyran a remplacé l'état de droit

Jean Schivy (Fenetrange , 2021-10-10)


Those people are sick.

Martin Mazák (Ostrava, 2021-10-10)


Bodily autonomy is the only was to preserve FREEDOM in the USA

Kerri Yeakey (Kailua, 2021-10-10)


Il est temps d'arrêter tout et de vivre, et d'ouvrir les yeux aux personnes endormies.
Merci de votre engagement et de votre travail

Marie Covergnat (Lagleygeolle, 2021-10-10)


I fully agree with you !

Esther Degen (Dornach, 2021-10-10)


The govt and media lying and misleading citizens about covid vaccines.

Rowland Buck (Concord , 2021-10-10)

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