Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



Pour la sauvegarde et la défense de nos droits et libertés, ainsi que pour l'avenir de nos enfants

Marie Domain (Mouriès, 2021-10-09)


The COVID scam and ensuing crimes against humanity are unforgivable. We swore never again, yet these elites have brought us back to the evils of Holocaust. They have destroyed our economies and killed our civilians for no other purpose than continued profits and control. Over time and now acutely they have brought our humanity to the brink of a dark and void abyss. One we will not survive. All of humanity must fight back, and that includes this international panel. I never thought there'd come a day when, along side doctors and nurses, I'd consider lawyers and politicians to be front line essential workers. But here we are in #Covidland and I hope and pray that there are decent medical staff out and decent lawyers and decent politicians who see the suffering, the genocide being committed and know the right thing is to bring all involved to justice.

Daniela Ferreira (Fuquay Varina, 2021-10-09)


This is the worst crime against humanity in history. Do your duty.

Sarah Orizondo (Elgin , 2021-10-09)


I am a respiratory therapist, nurse and physician and have never seen this type of malfeasance in the practice of medicine

Jacquelyn Thomas (Grover, 2021-10-09)


Prosecute the guilty

Sheryl Collmer (Tyler, 2021-10-09)


Criminal organizations under the guise of public health, need to be held accountable for mass murder.

Jennifer Bourassa (Austin, 2021-10-09)


I strongly support this petition

Louise Coles (Dunbogan , 2021-10-09)


My parents fought in ww2 to stop a fascist regime and end medical tyranny. I guess it's my turn for my children and grandkids.

Brian Copping (Edmonton, 2021-10-09)


Those in charge need to be held accountable for lying and putting people at risk by
withholding treatments that work and forcing experimental shots.

Patti Whitlock (Normal, 2021-10-09)


Genocide isn’t ok, this is a clear line in the sand of a Nazi Germany 2.0. This virus hasn’t been isolated. Kids hearts are blowing up from this shot that’s being called a vaccine and doesn’t even meet the requirements of a vaccine. This is a gene therapy. PLEASE STOP THIS GENOCIDE

Nicole Cammack (Hollywood, 2021-10-09)


More people that I personally know are now showing adverse reactions to the shot that they were given under the guise that it was supposed to be safe.

Carrie Henig (Sparks, 2021-10-09)



Marie-Noëlle Lamourette-Granier (Castries, 2021-10-09)


Stop this madness NOW

D Gunn (Pompano Beach, 2021-10-09)


I have strong suspicions that the current actions overtaken to "protect us people" against covid have underlying reasons that have no relation with our health, moreover, could lead to peoples being harmed in many way.
Why do I think that?
1. If I look at my country, France, the choice have been leaded to vaccination, which is valid in many point ; However, this vaccination has been enforced by what translates into "sanitary pass", also called green pass in other countries.
But we know that being vaccinated doesn't prevent to spread the virus nor to be sick, so I believe the pass should have been invalidated long ago : due to being in possession of this pass, vaccinated people feel secure and can circulate freely, thus are potentially to spread the virus thinking that wasn't a risk.
2. I suspect that to ensure that all of the above continue to be accepted by the people, the media have served for a long time now a unique, directed information that I again believe mislead people to behave as expressed above. All information that contradict the line of conduct that is instillated to people is kept aside, neglected or even denigrated.
3. The current willpower to vaccinate all people, especially childs, sounds weird, considering the persons at risk are now vaccinated, for most of them. The current discussions to make it compulsory doesn't help in that regard, and makes me question what's behind this.
4. Finally, from the beginning, the official refusal, mediatically enforced, of any early treatments that were proposed by specialists, that have now proven efficiency has also a bitter note, considering the amount of people that may have been saved, with the use of these.
These are the main reasons that made me participate to this petition.

Daniel Jay (Orbey, 2021-10-09)


I believe we are at a crossroad if America is to survive.

michael willmann (DELAVAN, WI, 2021-10-09)


I believe in the truth and the rights to live in a real human society, without the fear of life.

Petr Akrman (Sydney, 2021-10-09)


Because I believe that there have been crimes against humanity and these people need to be held accountable I am very grateful to doctor McCullough is hard work and his tenaciousness.

Teri Ward (Green Valley, 2021-10-09)


i am for taking the criminals to court

Espen Johansen (Skien, 2021-10-09)


Lies lies and more lies. It’s about MONEY AND NOTHING ELSE!!!!

Holly Bergerson (Scotts valley , 2021-10-09)


I'm signing because health and freedom are human rights

Hélène Zysman (Fontenay sous bois, 2021-10-09)


Crimes against humanity are crimes against everyone and everything. Crimes which our ancestors fought to eliminate so we could live in love and peace. We must do the same for our children.

Jean Halpin (Chermside West, 2021-10-09)


Je signe la pétition car j'estime que nos droits d'être humain ont été bafoués, depuis l'empressement de la plandémie.
Et de ces différents poisons appelés faussement vaccins.
Et que tôt ou tard la vérité finira par triompher, et que justice soit faite.
Tout seul on va plus vite mais ensemble on va plus loin.

SPISSER Joël (Soufflenheim, 2021-10-09)


Lockdowns are quantifiable genocide, and masks have no place in modern day life. They are provably incapable of filtrating respiratory viral pathogens, and wearing them continually most likely harms certain individuals depending on a plethora of factors so large they can not possible be measured. The injections being forced globally are an insane human experiment that at first glance appears to be an attempt at either inoculating individuals against their own reproductive organs (ace2 receptors on spermatozoa producing cells for just one example), or possibly a kind of soft mass laughter, one that is difficult to prove due to the magnitude of effects that are all difficult to link back to the injection, and which is further obscured due to the purposeful lack of public safety data. I am a lower income transgender former biology student, and I put my degree on hold many years back to both avoid debt and pursue certain paths in life. This DOES NOT mean that I have not kept up with my field as best I could with what I knew, nor does it mean I was incapable of understanding what was going on. On the contrary, it is easily recognizable that large portions of our current scientific and medical apparatus have become so corrupt in both funding and political ideology, that a trans porn maker with only 1.5 years of biological education is capable of identifying the absurdity. I now no longer have asperations for actually finishing that degree, because it is clear that I would be most likely FORCED to participate in literal crimes against humanity, crimes which I might add DESTROYED my income at the start of 2020, and are still destroying it to this day. I'll just say I have experienced hunger more days since the start of the lockdowns, than I have in my entire life prior to them. The economic effects and human pain that has been caused by producing this virus, and then overblowing it's death rate to frighten the populace into compliance, can not be put into words and is indeed the LARGEST global crime we have seen since Nazi Germany. Please, please prosecute these individuals. I have been attacked continually since the start of this farce due to my unwillingness to adhere to this clear lie. I have studied and sent tons of documents to various independent journalists, and have done my absolute best to help humanity out of this situation, as I almost feel somewhat responsible for not finishing my degree and being in the correct position to fight when it occurred. There are many others like me I'm sure, and we have been in the background piecing this together for ages. I am very very tired, as I am sure everyone like me is becoming. We need help from more official sources, or authoritarianism will sweep the world in a way humanity has never faced before. Please. Help us save humanity.

Rosaline Ivy (Somewhere, 2021-10-09)


I believe in Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Choice and the Truth.

Samantha Rogers (Victoria, 2021-10-09)


Time Is Came To Change Of Life On Earth <3

Thy Akn (Nouméa, 2021-10-09)


Il est inadmissible qu'à notre époque, quelques personnes puissent prendre le pouvoir sur le monde en imposant des lois aussi liberticides !

AURÉLIE MAILLARD (Larra, 2021-10-09)


No Safety Standards! My Body, My Choice!

Cheryl Sigmon (Conover, 2021-10-09)


I want yo Find the truth.

Greg Banaszak (Mount Eliza, 2021-10-09)


Oui ce qui arrive dans le monde est dramatique et l'humanité doit être défendue

Émilie Fiumefreddo (Serres, 2021-10-09)


I am awake and see what is happening and am very concerned for the well being of so many people and my children and their futures.

Angela Trouy (Spring Hill, 2021-10-09)


This must stop at once. This a crime against humanity, a genocide.

Emma GARIÉPY (Noisy-le-Sec, 2021-10-09)


Being coerced into performing a medical procedure is not only immoral and wrong, but it goes against the basic freedoms granted to us as humans when we are born. At its core, these mandates represent tyranny, blackmail and deceit. The effects of these mandates are actively working towards reinstating a segregated society - something that so many people in our past have fought to prevent. 

Matt Kern (Wilton, CT, 2021-10-09)


Against this covid totalitarian regime! Politics destroys all human right and kill the people.

Michèle Buck (München, 2021-10-09)


These people must be held accountable.

Nancy Atalla (Northridge , 2021-10-09)


Crimes against Humanity are occurring

Ruben Negron Jr (Hartford, 2021-10-09)


I agree with Dr. Fleming, regarding the need for investigation & prosecution of individuals responsible for crimes against humanity. #NeverAgain

Marla Hohner (Frisco, 2021-10-09)


I am convinced that Dr. Fleming is fighting for me and my rights.

I Regina Gourdine (St Louis, 2021-10-09)


I think it is the right thing that must be done! It's time to finally stop this crimes against humanity. People are sick and tired already.

Miroslav Simčuv (Hviezdoslavov, 2021-10-09)


This is wrong! Humans should not be treated as test animals without consent.
Biological weapons are illegal!

Richard Besselman (Corinth , 2021-10-09)


I’m signing this because everything surrounding vaccines and covid from my government are lies and I’m tired of watching our freedoms and liberty stripped from us.

Jessica Paez (Houston, 2021-10-09)


Laws have been broken and I want it stopped and those who are guilty to be punished.

Jill Meadows (Wichita, 2021-10-09)


I'm signing this because enough enough. Everyone responsible for breaking the law needs to be held accountable. We are so disappointed in how everything is going. Actually we are angry. How many more people have to suffer or die? ENOUGH!!!

Victoria Culbreath (Amityville, 2021-10-09)


I’m a conservative constitutionalist and believe in our God given rights. And I want justice to be served!

Joanie Pleffner (Crofton, 2021-10-09)


I'm signing because Anthony Fauci has committed perjury and treason but is only the tip of the iceberg of the tyranny being imposed on the American people.

Joy Stritikus (Alabaster, Alabama, 2021-10-09)


My human rights are being attacked and suppressed.

Maria Virginia Lopez Tapia de la Via (Getxo, 2021-10-09)


We must hold accountable those who have committed these horrific crimes.

Theresa Madden (Central Point, 2021-10-09)


I am signing this petition because I trust the science and scientific method of so many experts speaking out against the covid injection vaccine as being crimes against humanity based on all the evidence reported of how so many people are being negatively impacted or died from this "vaccine" but governments are still forcing it in people this has to be stopped. What's happening today makes what the Nazis of the Nuremberg trials look like kids play its world wide and has to stop now! Thank you

Thomas Gleason (Novi, 2021-10-09)


I am against mandatory vaccines in any case.

Penny Howard (Albuquerque, 2021-10-09)


The very existence of Human Liberties and Freedoms have been used as collateral assurance by the corrupt Elitist Psychopaths in power, who are violating Humans of their basic right to make informed medical decisions as they deem fit and without fear of Governmental punishment for doing so. What they have been committing are acts of Medical Tyranny crimes against humanity and it's caused a plethora of damages against us. They must be stopped by holding them accountable and by punishing them as much as the law will allow!

Amanda Gibbons (Marysville, 2021-10-09)


I am signing because I want all the people responsible of the SARS-CoV2"pandemic", or a party to it, to be prosecuted for crime against humanity, in the hope that such a crime will be eradicated this time.

Gerard LACOSTE (Nice, 2021-10-09)


I want people held responsible for crimes against humanity

sandra fronsoe (jensen beach, 2021-10-09)


I believe in freedom of choice in all issues and my job is threatened due to vaccine mandates.

Candace McCollett (COLORADO SPRINGS, 2021-10-09)


I am a corporate flight attendant with asthma and am just recovering from covid. I want my freedoms back and stop being lied to. I’m afraid of losing my career after 26 years if I’m forced to get the shot. I do not want it!

Laurie Roberge (Springfield, 2021-10-09)


I believe the people are being deceived.

Karen Hughes (Dayton, 2021-10-09)


The way this admin and the world has mishandled, misrepresented and overdosed on the hunger for power is atrocious. Lives were literally taken! This is ongoing genocide in action by removing choice, not allowing informed consent, hiding truths and promoting lies and propaganda, disallowing effective treatments and lying about EVERYTHING. Murderers. All of them

Jena Masquelier (Frisco, 2021-10-09)


Il me paraît primordiale de sauvegarder des Valeurs profondément Humaine de Liberté, d'Égalité, de Fraternité, de Vérité.
Passer à la Modialisation sans au minimum la conservation strict de ses Valeurs serait un Monde d'Eshumanisétait.
Respect et soutien total à cette action en Justice.

Frederic de Haro (Salon de Provence , 2021-10-09)


This is about our freedom!!

Amy Black (Arcata, 2021-10-09)


Because i am against everything that this "plandemic" is about !!

ian peterson (trois rivieres, 2021-10-09)


Criminals need to be held accountable.

Ben Batchelder (Miami Beach, 2021-10-09)


Ces traîtres et assassins doivent être jugés

Michel Pauly (Clermont-Ferrand, 2021-10-09)



Frode Lindeijer (Een-West, 2021-10-09)


Crimes against humanity are being committed and something needs to be done to stop them.

Catherine Patterson (Saint Petersburg, 2021-10-09)


Crimes against humanity must be stopped, and those responsible must be brought to justice.

Dan Jury (North Rothbury, 2021-10-09)


There is a solid foundation of probable cause in this case to make a reasonable person believe that the facts and circumstances warrant that the alleged crimes were committed by the persons accused.

CHRIS EMBREE (Naples, 2021-10-09)


The world aristocrats have gone too far with the people.

Melissa Schultz (Waterford, 2021-10-09)

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