

Is one of the best places in the world to skate lots of people enjoy this place because the skateboarders save Stalin plaza

(Barcelona, 2019-09-25)


Stalin is one of the legendary street sk8 spots, its more than any other places as it holds skate CULTURE in CZ, CULTURE meaning is common for any sort of contemporary or classic art as well, would you ruin charles bridge?

(Liberec, 2019-09-25)


This place is ducking art keep it

(Charleston, 2019-09-25)


Stalin si nezaslouží být zrušen kvůli nějakému parkovišti nebo obchodnímu domu, je to místo, kam chodí mladí lidé sportovat a relaxovat a místo, kde vznikají nová přátelství.

(Pardubice, 2019-09-25)


I’m signing because i love the Plaza and it’s one of the best places to skate in the world.
I’ve come ti Prague only to skate it for my birthday and it has been one of the best experiences in my life

(Padova, 2019-09-25)


Podepisuji se protože Stalin plaza je jedno z nejhezčích míst v Praze a skate mekka ČR. K čemu tam stavět muzeum a zničit tak úžasný místo kam si lidi chodí zajezdit, pobavit, když se nějaký muzeum může postavit kdekoliv jinde. Myslím si že je zcela zbytečné tohle místo zrušit, protože skateři z celého světa jezdí do Prahy právě kvůli tomuhle místu.

(Varnsdorf, 2019-09-25)


Save Stalin !!!!!!

(Ramat gan, 2019-09-25)


This place is very important part of art, which called skateboarding. Stalin plaza in from the long years is very important part of long time skateboarding history and also of city of the Prague in general. Therefore, this place must be saved!

(Bielsk Podlaski, 2019-09-25)


I love thiz plAce

(Vitória és, 2019-09-25)


Stalin je legendární místo, které nemůže být přestavěno na knihovnu......

(Teplice, 2019-09-25)


Save this plaza

(Brussels, 2019-09-25)


Im signing because stalin plaza is a legendary spot

(Turku, 2019-09-25)


Love this place

(Rotterdam, 2019-09-25)


I've had DC's back since day 1 they raised me and helped me in my skating career, and I'm trying my best to improve and expand the skate community

(Jackson, 2019-09-25)


It is important to have place like this, let it serve people and do not let them forget about history

(Prague, 2019-09-25)


We love this place as a SKATESPOT

(Dresden, 2019-09-25)



(LAS vegas, 2019-09-25)


This place is magical for skateboarding, people, streetculture...

(Praha, 2019-09-25)


Repair ti and save it. 🙏🙏🙏

(Praha, 2019-09-25)


I like the stalin because there is reallx good videos.

(Ústí nad Labem, 2019-09-25)


its a modern world renowned cultural epic, a place for skateboarders to congregate, socialize, expand and Connect.

Keep it as it is.

(Malmö, 2019-09-25)


I love the Stalin Plaza skate spot and realy much more people is comeing to Prague from whoel world just to skate there.

(Ružomberok, 2019-09-25)


I'm signing because this place is one of the most popular skateboarding place on the whole world !! It's iconic and every skateboarder on this planet know this place.

(Zielona Góra, 2019-09-25)


Visited here in 2016 and was amazed by the place.

(Berkeley, 2019-09-25)


I want to help the culture of skateboarding around the world and skaters to keep enjoying.

(Barcelona, 2019-09-25)


Its a beautifull place where skateboarders can have so much gun

(Dordtrecht, 2019-09-25)


I'm sigining this for the sake of this beautiful place to be saved.

(Helsinki, 2019-09-25)


I want to keep the place as it is.

(Prague, 2019-09-25)


We need to safe it.

(88677, 2019-09-25)


I want to help my fellas skateboarders save the spot

(Saints-Petersburg, 2019-09-25)


I'm signing cause it would be a shame if the city of prague would destroy this wonderfull spot!

(Oberursel, 2019-09-25)


Skateboarding & culture cant be closed

(Trstena, 2019-09-25)


The Stalin is the best place of Prague to chilling

(Praha, 2019-09-25)


Injustice to Stalin Sq

(Dublin, 2019-09-25)


I m siggning because it’s an emblematic skate spot in the world

(Nimes, 2019-09-25)


Why take it away

(New York City, 2019-09-25)


People been skating here forever. Who are to mess tradition up?

(New Orleans, 2019-09-25)


It's an amazing spot with so much culture

(Oakland, 2019-09-25)


this is my favorite place to be in whole
prague and that i come regularly. so
many great memories and friendships here. stalin is home to all kinds of music, art and people. please do not shut down this place.

(prague, 2019-09-25)


I am a skateboarder and i love the culture!
Stalin Plaza is legendary and has to be safe!
Skateboarding United

(Geldern, 2019-09-25)



(Prague, 2019-09-25)


Stalin is best place in the town center, not just for skaters but for alot of people and its not clever to build anything else inside of that What is there Now .... just work little bit on the underground to make it works

(Prague, 2019-09-25)


Sk8 or Die

(Zvolen, 2019-09-25)


Stalin je nejvíc nejlepší fella place už od mého dětství, nesmí se to rušit.

(Horoměřice, 2019-09-25)


I traveled half way across Europe to come to Prague to skateboard, stalin plaza is an iconic place for skaters and home a special place in the history and culture of our community. Skateboarding is under threat of losing its identity to a new shiny corporate model, places like stalin plaza are vital in keeping the soul of skating alive

(London, 2019-09-25)


Stalin Plaza needs to be saved/preserved because it’s a destination for skaters all around the world. It needs to be saved for the youth and future generations. Prague needs to realize the true gem it has. Save Stalin Plaza!

(San Diego, Ca, 2019-09-25)


I love that place.

(Helsinki, 2019-09-25)


One of the most iconic skatespots in the world and one of my favourite spots/locations I’ve visited can’t be destroyed

(Göteborg, 2019-09-25)


Because I skated there and being from a country like Guatemala, it was a dream come true!

(Guatemala, 2019-09-25)


I'm signing for this because I love skateboarding. Anything to keep the skate scene alive.

(Kansas City, MO, 2019-09-25)



(Praha, 2019-09-25)


because i support Skateboarding!!!

(Eschweiler, 2019-09-25)


I was there a few times, first as tourist and then as a skater. In both occasions i found this place to be one of the most enjoyable in Prague.

(San Sebastian, 2019-09-25)


It's amazing place with beautiful panorama of Prague. Conect people from difrent countries.

(Zielona Góra, 2019-09-25)


The spot is iconic.can be considered a national landmark.stalwart of the Czech of social empowerment and community building.

(D’Abadie, 2019-09-25)


Maybe one day when I’m in Stalin Plaza I can skate there

(Warsaw, 2019-09-25)


I am signing because I don’t want to see this legendary spot get taken away by some corporate company who only cares about money. This spot has so many great memories and I have met so many friends skating at Stalin Plaza. This spot is a place where my passion for skateboarding developed. Stalin Plaza needs to remain where it is and how it is.

(Chicago, 2019-09-25)


Because all skaters are brothers

(Saline city, 2019-09-25)


I don t wanna change the beautiful and freetime place, which Stalin Plaza is !!!

(Ivanka pri Dunaji, 2019-09-25)


This place is a crib for European skate culture.

(Copenhagen, 2019-09-25)



(Prešov, 2019-09-25)



(Michalovce, 2019-09-25)


Im a skater

(Elbląg, 2019-09-25)


Skateboarding is an essential part of the city worth preserving. It has a history.

(Budapest, 2019-09-25)


I want that this plaza continue existing

(Barcelona, 2019-09-25)


This skatespot is iconic!

(Waidhofen, 2019-09-25)


Stalin Plaza has an legendary history for all skaters around the world

(Burgdorf, 2019-09-25)


I love skateboarding, and this place. I would fly to Prague purely to skate here. It is a staple in our subculture. We love it.

(Petaluma, 2019-09-25)


Stalin Plaza is legendary and favorite spot for skaters from all kind of countries

(Rožňava, 2019-09-25)


Budu jezdit na skatu a stalin plaza patri mezi misto kde bych chtel travit čas😂

(Praha -, 2019-09-25)


Skaters and their skatespots should be protected by all costs from industrial kapitalists, who are the cause of the vanishing of beautiful places!

(Wien, 2019-09-25)


Stalin plaza needs to stay the way it is....

(Athens, 2019-09-25)


I’m a skateboarder, and I believe this place is really important spot for the scene worldwide.

(Sofia, 2019-09-25)


Save or die

(Rakov, 2019-09-25)