Rejection : City Power Electricity Service Fee ( Gauteng Province)



Many communities are struggling already. Its due incomopetnce abd corruption. Look after the consumer and the consumer will look after you.

Lucy Balona (Roodepoort, 2024-07-04)


I am fed up with daily corruption

Ciandra Smith (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I'm a single mother of 3. Earning R8000 a month, battling to pay my bond, school fees and other essentials. This is a low blow to many in my similar situation for survival. How far can a person stretch with extra jobs to survive.

Mupi Ndaba (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


This electricity service fee and increase is ridiculous. Cost of living is already high… this is just burying our finances even further. We can’t afford it.

Puseletso Theko (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I don’t agree !

Leaschen Booysen (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


This is criminal and unjustified

Michael Groenewald (Roodepoort, 2024-07-04)


i dont have R200

Pumeza Mququ (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


Our municipalities mismanage funds. They do not solve our billing queries and they do not record correct water meter values. Our municipalities are riddled with corruption and lack of services. We are tax payers and we pay our bills but these inconsiderate fees and exorbitant tariff hikes will cause everyone default on the municipal bill no matter how willing we are. STOP THE ABUSE OF MUNICIPAL PAYERS!

Adelaide Lethae (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


It's too much, Hai.

Seku Serache (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


This is a undercover effort to cover for all the illegal connections

Jose De Sousa (Roodepoort, 2024-07-04)


I agree with what is stated in the petition

Tamlyn Albany (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I am a 63 year old single woman paying all my life for water and electricity... Never defaulting. My dad 90 and brother 60 live with me both I'll. No other income besides their monthly grants. Never owed a cent to CoJ yet we get penalised for PAYING up to idiots who cannot run our beautiful country. This is what makes people leave SA... All the ones that can afford it and we are left funding people who cannot. So 😡

Salosony Warnasuriya (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


This is completely mad we are paying so much for everything and they just continue to find ways to steal from the people of SA.

Marcus Roux (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


We are already being charged such high fees for electricity and we do not agree to be charged even more when half the time we don't even have electricity

Mabel Ma (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I am signing because we are working ourselves to death for corrupt politicians to line their pockets. This is unacceptable

Angela Mostert (Roodepoort, 2024-07-04)


This is broad daylight robbery is it not enough that we get less than 50% of the purchase amount as units. 15% goes to vat and the rest what happens to it? Stop using us as pawns in your twisted money making schemes!!!

Nomvuyo Mpalweni (Johannesburg, Gauteng, 2024-07-04)


There was no consultation. The levy is not a pay as use principle so is in fact illegal. No consent sought.

Bruce Khuzwayo (Roodepoort, 2024-07-04)


There is a lot of mismanagement within our municipalities and that we are not getting value for our money. I am calling for an end to corruption and for officials to be held accountable. City Power in Gauteng has imposed a mandatory R200 monthly Service charge fee over and above a 12.7% electricity tariff increase which both took effect 1 July 2024.

• We are demanding that the monthly service fee imposed by City Power be scrapped completely and that proper consultation be conducted with the Province residents.

• I am calling for Gauteng residents to hold their municipalities accountable.

• As a petitioner I believe that NERSA is not doing its job properly and that this is leading to higher electricity prices.

• As a petitioner, I stand firm my beliefs that the burden of incompetent city officials should not be transferred to the consumers.

• i am calling for their leaders to be solution driven and to hold NERSA accountable for its poor decision making costing consumers financially.

• I am demanding the results and Minutes of public participation sessions for this Service fee charges displaying consumers support for the implementaion thereoff


Barbara Macdonald (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I cannot afford the 200 service fee for what . Electricity is already expensive.

Tebogo Boikanyo (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


Rates are too high. R200 service fee on prepaid meters

Kirshea Baker (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


This is a ridiculous fee and non-justifiable. Why are we being billed for corruption and mismanagement. Salaries are not never ending yet you keep pushing up rates, taxes, electricity. Stop punishing the working class due to your mismanagement.

Edward Smith (Roodepoort, 2024-07-04)



Asanda Dyosi (Johhanesburg, 2024-07-04)


My mom ( a widower) is on pre paid and a pensioner and it’s unaffordable for her.

Anesh Parhanse (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I was not informed about this fee, I don't want to pay because I cannot afford it

Fernanda De Barros (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


with the cost of living so high right now, no one can afford this cost.

Clair Ahmad (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


The costs are too high

Given Chuma (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


This is utter theft from us with us having no say in anything. This is a disgrace and one sure way to cripple more households that are struggling financially. Over and above ridiculously high rate increases already

Graham Wilkinson (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


City power must go

Liezelle Visagie (Rabie Ridge, 2024-07-04)


The increase of costs is absurd and unwarranted for the delivery we receive

Jacqui Muller (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I’m signing because I’m a Gauteng resident and this is ridiculous

Lucia Mantanga (Jhb, 2024-07-04)


I’m signing because I’m barely getting enough salary to make ends meet. Paying rates and taxes sky high , tariff rates sky high, leaves me with no money to buy groceries.

Mamela Qwela (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


It's not fair that south africa citizens should pay the R200 sure charge ontop of the electricity charge been so high, member within eskom and city power with their corruption has course the 98 billion rand debt that we must now pay towards this

Fatima Suliman (Lenasia, 2024-07-04)


We have been suffering and deserve better service

Melisha Thebe (Rabie Ridge, 2024-07-04)


I agree

Chantal Nativel (Sandton, 2024-07-04)


I don't think we should pay for Eskom and the government's incompetence.

Bruce Gordon (Randburg, 2024-07-04)


We the middle class can no longer bear the brunt of corruption in this country.

Zaheera Singh (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I won’t afford the R200 Mandatory on top of the tariff increase.

Njabulo Khanyile (JOHANNESBURG, 2024-07-04)


I am unhappy and frustrated with the R200 charges implemented.

Yatish Singh (JOHANNESBURG, 2024-07-04)


This is unfair

Veemal Naik (Roodepoort, 2024-07-04)


I'm signing because we must pay for their corruption and mis use of the funds

Patrick Ellis (Florida JHB, 2024-07-04)


This is an additional finance burden on top of hard times for everyone

Noelan Moses (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


Because higher prices for electricity that is being used on what? Our generation of electricity remains the same which means we still experience @loadreduction/ @loadshedding.
So this money will only be used to make the politicians and the City Power/ Eskom top dogs richer while the country suffers.

Courtney Sass (Ferndale, 2024-07-04)


Nothemba Desi
I am signing this because our electricity is way too expensive than any other provinces, its not double, its more than double and i cannot afford with my salary that didnt increase

Nothemba Desi (Roodepoort, 2024-07-04)


I'm signing because of the extra R200 added to buy electricity

Nabeelah Valodia (Johannesburg liefde en vrede, 2024-07-04)


This R200 is unaffordable. No household can afford R2400 extra a year and they are delusional to think a normal cost-saving household can last on 14 units a week.

David Coetzer (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


RE mudau

Rotondwa Mudau (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I strongly disagree with the proposed increase on our water and electricity, we are suffering as South Africans with all the increases on everything, but yet our monthly salaries stays the same. How are we as South Africans able to keep up with all the increases and paying more for everything. If the government wants a land with the highest unemployment rate, then they must go forward with all the increases, because all South Africans is going to loose their jobs because they can't afford anything anymore. You as the government is busy making a land where everybody is going to be bankrupt and then South Africa, our beautiful land, will end up the worst land in the world.

Johan Koekemoer (Weltevreden Park, 2024-07-04)


There is no signs of Eskom using the additional money to improve infrastructure and end load shedding for good. We pay extra for no electricity then pay ridiculous prices for petrol to run generators to compensate for a useless power utility.

Ferash Latchman (Germiston, 2024-07-04)


I am not supporting the surcharge of R200 and the 12.74% increase.

Thandi Huma (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I'm sinning because I'm not happy with the service fee, as I'm paying for the service.

Ntsizi Mamatu (Florida, 2024-07-04)


I am of the opinion that this additional R200 per month is theft and there is no justification for deducting this R200 every month when buying pre-paid units.

Theresa Grace (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


The escalating charges for services has come to a point where it's simply impossible to afford essential services. The City management and politicians combined seem to have no appreciation of the burdens families carry. They are completely out of touch with the daily experiences of citizens.

Jude Kgomo (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I do not want to pay the R200 service fee. Why was this decision made without us being consulted. We still have load reductions daily and our infrastructure are messed up. Whats the R200 for?

Revonia Booi (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I am already spending more on electricity as it is, the tarrifs are high. Everything is expensive and on top of that we must pay additional fee? Isn’t this supposed to be included from rates and taxes that are already high?

Busisiwe Khoza (Roodepoort, 2024-07-04)


It is grossly unfair to make electricity users pay to cover up for poor Municipal financial management - lower income people are hardest hit - they get almost nothing for what used to be their monthly electricity budget. Please reconsider the additional charges.

Johanna H JOHNSON (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


The tariffs are making it impossible to afford and we definitely cannot afford and extra R200.00 on top of that.

Shereez Sallie (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I fill its unfair for city power to charge us prepaid users a service fee and only here in Gauteng. We are burdened already with high prices of food and fuel prices.

Lazola Galo (Roodepoort, 2024-07-04)


The added service charges and increase in the electricity tarriffs are unaffordable and a violation of my rights. No consultation was done, these charges do not make sense and do not benefit me as a citizen of this great city in any way!

Ntando Kumalo (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


In not happy with current pricing of city power

Peter Jacobs (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I’m against the R200 fee on prepaid electricity.

Winnie Nhau (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I'm signing this petition because city power is not doing their job properly there must be fairness in whatever they do the money that they are charging is too much and the increase is even worse even the government doesn't give such increase in our salaries where on earth they have heard such a thing its ridiculous

Nomsa Mohapi (Gauteng, 2024-07-04)


12.7% plus a R200 service fee is rubbish.

Vaughan Swart (Gauteng, 2024-07-04)


These additional charges are a crime.

Kagiso Pitso (Pretoria, 2024-07-04)


As I'm unemployed can't afford the rise of this rased money can't afford

Themba Hita (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I am signing this as I feel why must we fulfill the governments promise of electricity to all! We are law abiding citizens barely making ends meet!! Now we need to subsidise a government promise!!

Wayne Here (Roodepoort, 2024-07-04)


The squatter camp next to my property gets free electricity. Why must we pay extra on our prepaid

Anwar Domingo (JHB, 2024-07-04)



Linda Ndima (Roodepoort, 2024-07-04)


I think the R 200.00 fee is a total rip off.

Lionel Smith (Roodepoort, 2024-07-04)


It is unreasonable and unfair for us to pay for something that the government is responsible for if their was proper leadership in the country this wouldn't happen

Monique Basson (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


Im signing this because as a home owner I have been subjected to increased rates and taxes, interest from home loan and the current tariff rate increase will cause my family and I to lose our home.

PEARL JESSIE KIM DIPPENAAR (Ennerdale, 2024-07-04)


Service fee imposed by City Power to be scrapped completely and that proper consultation be conducted with the residents

Sibusiso Radebe (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


Price increase is pathetic

Leslie-Ann Nkwane (Gauteng, 2024-07-04)


We are in times where things are expensive old people will not be able to afford this many are unemployed how will they afford this when they can hardly afford to buy electricity use the last R50 and can hardly get electricity for a week

Kineesha Johnson (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I want cuty power to withdraw the service fees

Brian Gamede (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


Unfair hardships n expensive charges being forced onto the public. People are battling to survive n electricity charges being imposed on public is extremely unfair.Who ever agrees on this does not have a heart or compassion

Dylan Pillay (Kempton Park, 2024-07-04)


I'm signing because a mandatory R200 monthly Service charge fee over and above a 12.7% electricity tariff increase is ludicrous

Dallyn Jacobs (Roodepoort, 2024-07-04)


I do not agree with the additional costs.

Sally Spada (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


Ridiculous to charge so much before buying electricity

Vanessa Kuhn (Roodepoort, 2024-07-04)


The service fee, doesn't make sense to me an mainly I can't afford this extra cost

Lethuthando Patrick (Krugersdorp, 2024-07-04)


The tarrif hike on its own is already high now how is an ordinary low income earning citizen expected to survive with an extra charge on the already high electricity tarrif

Lobisa Motsiri (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


We have load shedding, quick fixes and hardly have power most of the time. Now we need to pay a service fee. Excellent service should be presented first, before trying to rob your country. If you need it to run the country, reduce the salaries of the 400 government chairs stealing from us. Two breads and a milk is R100. We can’t afford power as it is.

Chanel Schutte (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I am complete against the R200 monthly cost on prepaid metered. As a single mom to 2 and being there only soul financial support this is way to high for me!!

Kleantha Ontong (Gauteng, 2024-07-04)


Just adding to the load of the tax payer. There is no delivery on services from or planning ahead or any strategy. Decision and planning for the longterm future of Gauteng needs to seriously be looked at. When last was a payroll audit done! How many units still exist for instance to clean pavements and ensure parks are looked after? Bet they are still on payroll and communities have taken over etc etc etc.

Francois Peenz (Randburg, 2024-07-04)


The abuse of citizens must end!

Russel Baker (Roodepoirt, 2024-07-04)


This monthly R230 charge should be scraped off, I can't afford it

Mandla Jamela (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


I am signing because of the amount of money taken, and public participation was not conducted, the units are little for a lot of money

Angeline Hlophane (Of joburg, 2024-07-04)


Increasing tariff is unreasonable because electricity costs are already high

Thabang Mokone (Johannesburg, 2024-07-04)


Im signing because it’s ridiculous increasing tarriffs , we are suffering as it is .
Its totally unacceptable

Karabo Mokone (Roodepoort, 2024-07-04)


The government is totally inept in giving our residents proper service delivery yet they see it fit to over charge residents which is unfair

Emlyn Maynard (Randburg, 2024-07-04)

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