

Stalin plaza is the skateboarding capitol of eastern europe. We need to save it !!!

(Warsaw, 2019-09-24)


Because ♥️

(Praha, 2019-09-24)


Its a legendary spot. Every skater around the world dreams to meet this place

(Ciudad autonoma de buenos aires, 2019-09-24)


Save famous Stalin plaza

(Rotterdam, 2019-09-24)


Save the plaza!

(Helsinki, 2019-09-24)


This space is used in a very artistic way, and expresses freedom of movement, it gives a platform for skateboarders to get better at somthing they love. It is also used as a play form to get known in the skateboarding way by putting up videos of themselves using that space in a creative way, witch will bring Sponsors and bring notice to your name so you can make a living off of skateboarding, if this place wasn’t full of skateboarders, it would probably be full of drunk people and drug addicts, and they create and are way more of a problem than skaters. Hope you read this with an open mind and see past the space and and see that it is used of such a great way, More an the architect could of ever imagined, thank you for reading and hope this space lives on, thanks Sean

(Lymington, 2019-09-24)


This plaza is European Skateboard cultural heritage!

(Köln, 2019-09-24)


This is a landmark in skateboarding and doesn’t need to be destroyed. It’s precious to us as a community

(Tallahassee, 2019-09-24)


Shared cultural spaces created spontaneously by the public are precious for community building and more valuable than any kind of corporatism.

(Prague, 2019-09-24)


I’m a skateboarder, this place is legendary.

(Ipswich, 2019-09-24)


such a famous and awesome skate spot mustn‘t be destroyed!

(Regensburg, 2019-09-24)


im skater

(Białystok, 2019-09-24)



(munich, 2019-09-24)


Jedná se o krásné místo, kde bych se chtěl někdy vydat projet na skateboardu.

(Blatnice pod Svatým Antonínkem, 2019-09-24)


This is part of Skateboarding and part of the actual urban culture and history

(Murcia, 2019-09-24)


Im signin this because im a athlete too and the sports activities are soo good for the people so don’t screw it

(Skopje, 2019-09-24)


One of the best places for street skating the world has ever seen, enormous, good ground and endless possibilites to get creative on your board. Plus the beautiful view over Prague :) Moc děkuji!

(Skellefteå, 2019-09-24)


The Stalin Plaza is one of the most important places in the history and culture of international Skateboarding!

(Darmstadt, 2019-09-24)


"Stalin Plaza" is one of the best plazas around the world and I still have not skated there:)

(Tbilisi, 2019-09-24)


Je to kultovní místo se svojí kulturní hodnotou.

(Praha, 2019-09-24)


It’s a landmark with rich history

(Portland, 2019-09-24)


I like skateboarding

(Saint-Petersburg, 2019-09-24)


I’m signing because it’s a iconic and one of the most beautiful places of Prague.

(Berlin, 2019-09-24)


I never been there but i really wanna go and few friends of mine they really like that place 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼

(Budapest, 2019-09-24)


I come to Prague often and this place is a must go all the time. It’s what I connect with Prague cause it gives this city a face beside the tourist stuff you can find in every city. It makes Prague special for me.

(Leipzig, 2019-09-24)


In today's times, where Skateboarding and similar fun sports getting more and more popular (e.g. Olympic recognition), it will be a horrible decision from the city of Prague to ban these youth culture movement from this place.

(Saarbrücken, 2019-09-24)


Stalin is legendary place and must go on !

(Praha 14, 2019-09-24)


Sk8fo life Save Golda Save Stalin Plaza

(Tel Aviv, 2019-09-24)


I'am signing because I want the hip culture of stalin plaza to continue to thrive. For plaza to stay spacious, open and free for creative people, their hobbies, meetups and events.

(Praha, 2019-09-24)


I love Stalin park, i used to skate there for 6-7 summers!

(Budapest, 2019-09-24)


to co chcou udělat nerespektovaní skateboardistů

(Vyškov, 2019-09-24)


Skateboard Plaza for everybody all over the World 🤘

(Lyon, 2019-09-24)


because i love this place!

(Bratislava, 2019-09-24)


Save the skate culture and amazing Stalin plaza need to b saved like south bank in London. Its iconic places for skateboarding around the world

(Fukuoka, 2019-09-24)


Skateboarding deserves a place to exist where creativity is uninhibited

(Philadelphia, 2019-09-24)


Skateboarding is not a crime
It's a way of life, so we need to conserve the actual spots everywhere in the world

(Lyon, 2019-09-24)


i love this place

(Gostyń, 2019-09-24)


I'm signing because i experienced one of my most magical skateboard sessions in prague at the stalin plaza. The local skateboarders were very nice and welcoming. The spot is just iconic and has to be saved.

(Munich, 2019-09-24)


Skating should not be taken away

(Ipswich, 2019-09-24)


preserving indigenous skateboard culture!

(worcester, 2019-09-24)


Legendary Skate Spot - every Skater in the World knows about this iconic spot !

(Cloppenburg, 2019-09-24)


I’m going to visit next year

(New Smyrna, 2019-09-24)



(BAku, 2019-09-24)


I used to skate there a lot, one of the most iconic european spots for skateboarders.

(Warsaw, 2019-09-24)



(Redding, 2019-09-24)



(London, 2019-09-24)


Sport. Meeting location. Legendary, characteristic Skate Spot with high importance for Prague.

(Hamburg, 2019-09-24)


I love this place. Very important and beautiful skateboard spot for people from whole world.

(Gothenburg, 2019-09-24)


I’m a skateboarder

(Austin, 2019-09-24)


Skate life ❤️

(Lyon, 2019-09-24)


Save Stalin!

(London, 2019-09-24)


I am a Skateboarder and this iconic spot has to be preserved !!!

(Gießen, 2019-09-24)


I want to go there some day.

(São Paulo, 2019-09-24)


The legendary skate spot!!!!!

(skopje, 2019-09-24)


skateboarding is not a crime

(barcelona, 2019-09-24)


I love stalin plaza. Highlight of my trip trough Europe, and its my favorite place in the world. It would be so sad if it were to change

(Calgary, 2019-09-24)


Have you seen how amazing this place is !

(Los Angeles, 2019-09-24)



(Nottingham, 2019-09-24)


The best one place at Prague

(Liverpool, 2019-09-24)


Visiting Stalin Plaza was the highlight of my stay in Prague. There are few cultural spaces quite like it.

(Montreal, 2019-09-25)


I want the plaza and culture saved

(Williamstown, 2019-09-25)


It's a wonderful culture rich place, I viwites it for the first time ever this year and it was amazing, it would be such a shame if it were to disappear...

(Sofia, 2019-09-25)


It has so much significance to skateboarding. Used by locals and tourists!

(Adelaide, 2019-09-25)


I'm signing to preserve history

(Rochester, 2019-09-25)


It’s a pinicle park to see if you are a skateboarder inside or outside of Prague. Destroying this would be like destroying something special and dear to the skateboarding world.

(Richmond, 2019-09-25)


Estoy firmando porque los skaters merecemos conservar los lugares donde practicamos nuestro deporte y por los cuales nos hemos esforzado en construir y arreglar.

(Santiago, 2019-09-25)


Because I wanna keep the spot

(Bakersfield, 2019-09-25)


I had the joy of skating here while visiting Prague years ago. It is a beautiful place and the raw history should be preserved as-is. The skateboarders there were very welcoming and talented.

(Lowell, 2019-09-25)


Stálin Plaza is an important place for skateboarding history.

(Camboriú, 2019-09-25)