Stop the solar farm next to Barnsdale Gardens



Solar panels belong on industrial sites, not on agricultural land

Phil Naylor (Driffield, 2024-06-26)


Although I'm not generally opposed to renewable energy, the closure of Barnsdale Gardens, a part of English gardening history, would be a very great loss to the gardening world

Judy Holt (Towcester, 2024-06-27)


Having visited Barnsdale it would be a tragedy to see this beautiful site close. The effort that has gone into these gardens with Geoff initially and now carried on by an enthusiastic team has produced a thing of beauty. Indeed, 38 things! So I am happy to sign this petition.

Chris Wood (Little Neston, 2024-06-28)


Barnsdale is a long established site for beautiful gardens and nature, and should be protected and allowed to continue

Jill Tritton (Nottingham, 2024-06-30)


I do not want to see the solar farm being built which will spoil the area

Janet Browning (Tamworth, 2024-07-01)


I love Barnsdale gardens

Christine Blondeau (Chipping Campden, 2024-07-02)


Geoff Hamilton inspired my passion for gardening & Barnsdale should be a national treasure that needs to be preserved for future generations

Deborah Sokell (Duham, 2024-07-06)


This historic garden created by one of UK 's mostctalented, iconic and popular gardeners is a fantastic educational resourse for trainee professional and domestic gardeners. It is unique. It is also a tourist attraction that brings much needed jobs and income to the local area, in particular nearby town of Oakham.

Anne Woodward (Norwich, 2024-07-11)


The gardens and whole place are absolutely beautiful and it would be a crying shame if they had to close.
Beautiful gardens helped to make so many people happy throughout the year.

Lisa Hamilton (Edwinstowe, 2024-07-11)


This garden needs to flourish and grow to show people how to produce vegetables, flowers for wild life, and fruits. Gardening is a good way for mental heath and phsical heath

Vincent Neale (Neew Tredegar, 2024-07-12)


Firstly Barnsdale is a wonderful place for gardening inspiration for all generations, secondly I don't except that solar is the way to go in regards our future e energy needs.

Andrew Brooks (Derby, 2024-07-12)


The ruination of our countryside needs to be stopped

Debbie Ellson (Leicester, 2024-07-14)


I am signing this because Solar farms should be located in industrial areas and not in the coutryside where thee disturb nature with noise and sight.

Jannie Van Weperen (Leeuwarden, 2024-07-27)


I have been visiting Barnsdale many times following the death of Geoff Hamilton. His son has carried on his beliefs and made this a wonderful garden to visit with tea rooms and a nursery a bonus. It is a very special place

Annette Legg (Norwich, 2024-07-27)


It's important that we work together and not against one another, respecting an established business and it's customers.

Jacqui Tomkins (Bury St. Edmunds, 2024-07-31)


There are ashes placed in the gardens which should not be disturbed.

Rosamund Harris (Market Harborough, 2024-07-31)


I remember Barnsdale with great fondness when Geoff Hamilton presented Gardeners World. It would be a great pity to see his legacy disappear

Paul Brown (Scunthorpe, 2024-07-31)


I don’t want. Barnsdale to close,

Beverly Elliott (Tredington, 2024-07-31)


Such a beautiful peaceful environment that gives so many people pleasure and encourages wildlife should not be annihilated by solar farm whose sole aim is financial the expense of all the above.

Susan Hammersley (Abingdon, 2024-08-01)


This is unacceptable and unnecessary next to this beautiful garden

Claudia Nel (Sleaford, 2024-08-07)


I’m against solar panels blotting the landscape

Beverley Haydon (Bourne, 2024-08-07)


We have visited the gardens and they are a beautiful tranquil area full of insects and birds. They should be preserved for nature and future generations to enjoy.

Sharon Edmondson (Leicester, 2024-08-07)


This place is absolutely beautiful and a real living memory of the late Geoff Hamilton. What a shame it would be to ruin it's atmosphere with a huge solar field in such close proximity!

Rebecca Parsons (Guyhirn, 2024-08-09)


I am signing to save such beautiful gardens which provide insects and animals a place to live and humans a place to visit to get inspiration.

Harri Bell (Cambs, 2024-08-10)


Solar has its place,but not in fields,my mother would be outraged if she was still around…

Rachelle Wilkins (Corby, 2024-08-17)


I’m signing this petition because the garden has been there for a long time and is an important part of local history and brings much needed pleasure to many people, and therefore its place in local heritage should be given a special place in time for all to appreciate.

Michael Anderson (Wisbech, 2024-08-18)


We need to value our English gardening heritage

John Templeton (Bexhill On Sea, 2024-08-20)


I used to watch Geoff Hamilton and loved his ideas and his gardens. We must save Barnsdale, for the pollinators and natural diversity and a tribute to the hard work and beliefs of the man who built it. A solar panel farm can be put somewhere else, where it won't do any harm to local places of interest or environment.

Linaria Hill (Banbury, 2024-08-21)


Too many of the proposals for solar farms are on prime agricultural land. As a nation we are not any where near self sufficient in our food production and consumption. The energy used and CO2 produced in importing food far outways the greener energy obtained from small solar energy projects. There are many brown field sites which could be used for renewable energy projects rather than covering more our rural landscape.

Rosie Bliss (Peterborough, 2024-08-22)


Saving Barnsdale Gardens and the legacy left by Geoff Hamilton is so important for the future of gardening.

Richard Jeffries (SWADLINCOTE, 2024-08-25)


The solar panels can be placed in other local fields but the long established gardens can’t be moved and are enjoyed by so many.

Hazel Gray (Nottingham, 2024-08-26)


There is the threat that Barnsdale Gardens might have to close

Diane Harper (Loughborough, 2024-08-27)


I wish to support the legacy of the great and inspirational garden, Geoff Hamilton, and this valuable educational resource for future generations of amateur gardeners. This is vital at a time of ecological crisis and gardening enables everyone to do their bit to help connect with nature and the natural cycle of life.

Jane Taylor (Oxford, 2024-09-03)


I wish Barnsdale to continue has a National Treasure of importance. Vital to our heritage and nature.

Arthur Cartwright (Stafford, 2024-09-04)


It’s vital to preserve and maintain the garden for continuing growth and development for all to benefit

Kath Bayliss (Fakenham, 2024-09-05)

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