

Prague needs to keep this legendary spot!

(Erlangen, 2019-09-24)


Love it, Stalin without skaters is not Stalin anymore

(Havirov, 2019-09-24)



(Enschede, 2019-09-24)


I love skateboarding and in my own home town we have no true plazas to skate in and we didn't even get a proper park until 2011. All across the world skateboarders thrive and continue to progress in unimaginable ways because of spots like stalin Plaza. Keep the dream alive 💯

(College Station, 2019-09-24)


✍🏼Save Stalin Plaza

(Barcelona, 2019-09-24)


Skate is for all

(Malta, 2019-09-24)


Stalin belongs to one of my favourite places in Prague, don't let them destroy it!

(Prague, 2019-09-24)


I'm signing because this place shouldn't be lost for skateboarding.

(Wurmlingen, 2019-09-24)


i am signing this petition because i am a skateboarder from Poland and next month i am going to be on a skate trip in Prague. i can not think of not skating this legendary spot in my life...

(Gdynia, 2019-09-24)


I have travelled from New Zealand in the past to skate at this place. It would be such a shame to make it un skateable

(Barcelona, 2019-09-24)


I’m signing this for my fellow skateboarders.

(Huntington Beach, 2019-09-24)


I skate and stuff

(Ogden, 2019-09-24)


This place is a very important part of European skateboarding. People are united here and this should not be taken from skaters

(Traunstein, 2019-09-24)


One day I would love to skate Stalin Plaza! It would be a terrible shame if it were to be taken by developers.

(London, 2019-09-24)


During my childhood I wished I could skate this place and in 2018 I had the chance to do it. I’m planning on going back next year and if there was no Stalin plaza in Prague there would be almost no reason to go back. Thanks

(Trelew, 2019-09-24)


I have dreams os skating there

(Boulder, 2019-09-24)


It’s kind of a cult place - nobody should touch it

(Moscow, 2019-09-24)


Stalin plaza is a cult sk8boarding place.

(Skopje, 2019-09-24)


I have visited the park before and I don‘t have to be a Prague citizen nor a skater to know that this park has to stay as it is. It has a great atmosphere and a stunning view of the city.

(Leipzig, 2019-09-24)


I’m signing because skaters need a place to practice.

(Jupiter, 2019-09-24)


I don’t want this place and it’s unique atmosphere to be destroyed by construction or any other fundamental change.

(Prague, 2019-09-24)


I support the community

(Reno, 2019-09-24)


This plaza is the only reason why I am coming back to Prague.

(Tampa, 2019-09-24)


Historial skateplaza

(Narbonne, 2019-09-24)


This plaza need to stay a skateboarding spot known in the world

(Lyon, 2019-09-24)


I’m signing because this legendary spot needs to be preserved

(Ocean, 2019-09-24)


Skateboarding forever!

(Stuttgart, 2019-09-24)


It is an absolute disgrace that such a rich piece of skateboarding culture could be destroyed...

(Petaluma, 2019-09-24)


This is iconic skateboard spot, skateboarding is freedom of expression, a sport and art, you should not let this free space go its for the youths, a place of culture

(Salisbury, 2019-09-24)


I’m signing because Stalin plaza is one of the best places I ever known, although I go there like every single week for fun, chill. This place is full of different kind of energy, it’s almost another world. So I think people should keep it for its own specificity.

(Praha, 2019-09-24)


Save Stalin Plaza!

(Flensburg, 2019-09-24)



(Praha, 2019-09-24)


This has a lot of cultural value and it cant get lost. Greets from Holland!

(Leeuwarden, 2019-09-24)


.....because they should enlarge the park around it and not destroy it!

(Mlada Boleslav, 2019-09-24)


Stalin Plaza needs to stay like it is, it's a hotspot for skaters all over the world!

(Vienna, 2019-09-24)


I love Stalin Plaza . I was there before and want to visit it many times again! It’s one of my favorite skateboard spots on the entire world!!!

(Cologne, 2019-09-24)


...because Stalin plaza means a lot to skateboarding culture. People come together there for skating from allover the world.

(Berlin, 2019-09-24)


Stalin plaza is the best skateplaza in the world.

(Irun, 2019-09-24)


"Legends never die"

(Havířov, 2019-09-24)


i really want to skate this place

(Gießen, 2019-09-24)


Because i know how important this place is for the local skaters and for whole skatescene in the world! I hope we can save the stalinplaza

(Zürich, 2019-09-24)


I love skateboarding at The Stalin Plaza every time I am in Prague. It is such a Legendary spot and I would hate to see it torn down

(Aalborg, 2019-09-24)


One of the most iconic skatespots must stay! It’s a cultural place for the skate society!

(Memmelsdorf, 2019-09-24)


Im signed this petition because I’m a skater and I love this place.

(Warsaw, 2019-09-24)


It’s bigger than just skateboarding

(Brattleboro, 2019-09-24)


Chci tu mít pořad stalin!

(Praha, 2019-09-24)


It is a free place for people to interact with each other and be free, do sportive activities and relaxe. It moreover attracts tourists, like me. This it has an economical advantage for prague

(Bremen, 2019-09-24)


I wanna skate here

(Rotterdam, 2019-09-24)


The plaza stay's oke

(Anzegem, 2019-09-24)


Skate 4 ever

(Cologne, 2019-09-24)


stalinplaza is really nice place for relax skateboarding meeting young peoples why destroid this love plac ?love it !!!

(langnau am albis, 2019-09-24)


Every nearby skate diy I’ve been to has been destroyed in my city and they get worse and worse when it’s time to destroy and rebuild, let the skaters have a place to destroy and rebuild because if you don’t, they’ll do it anyways, it’s just amazing what the skate community can do for itself without the city’s help and have their own place to hang out at, most pedestrians support it, maybe just have a smoking and drinking regulation or a time of open and close, but keep it there, I may visit some day!!

(San jose, 2019-09-24)


All the history behind our culture!!!

(Exeter, 2019-09-24)


I love this place and it needs to be saved for activities that its used for nowadays, i dont even know better place in prague for chill, it has amazing history and it cant be destroyed for nothing

(Ostrava, 2019-09-24)


Skateboarding saves lives!!!

(NYC, 2019-09-24)


I love this place and it would be so shameful to replace it with a Boring museum

(Paris, 2019-09-24)


I‘m because i want to skate this Place so bad and already organized a trip to prague next year.

(Berlin, 2019-09-24)


I think legendary spots don't go out without a battle

(Amsterdam, 2019-09-24)