The teaching of Classical Archaeology and Ancient Culture at the University of Helsinki must continue!



I fully agree to the arguments mentioned in the petition's text.

(Kiel, 2018-06-04)


Virka tulisi säilyttää antiikin opetuksen ja tutkimuksen ylläpitämiseksi.

(Helsinki, 2018-06-04)


In my opinion, it's a fundamental necessity for our society to cultivate the origins and early heights of our occidental culture.

(Kiel, 2018-06-04)


Nyttan av att fortsätta lektoratet är mycket större än den kortsiktiga inbesparing ett indragande innebär.

(Helsingfors, 2018-06-05)


As President of the Australasian Society for Classical Studies (ASCS) I write on behalf of my colleagues who have expressed sincere disappointment, even dismay, at the threat to Classical Archaeology and Ancient Culture at the University of Helsinki. We ask that such areas of the traditional humanities be supported and recognised as being fundamental, rather than ancillary, to the academic programmes of universities in the 21st Century, especially those of countries whose institutions and culture depend so heavily on the Western tradition, and whose citizens make important decisions daily based on perceptions which derive from supported academic scholarship and which are simply being taken for granted. Aside from the academic and cultural reasons for supporting fields such as Classical Archaeology and Ancient Culture, it should also be pointed out that the skills of critical analysis, reasoning and persuasive expression that students gain from such studies make them vitally, even crucially important to healthy debate on a range of fundamental topics facing the contemporary world. Material and vocational criteria for educational opportunities are not in fact the primary criteria.

(Brisbane, 2018-06-06)


Finland without classical archaeology is no more an Europaean country.

(24113 Kiel, 2018-06-06)


Ich habe klassische Archäologie studiert. Auch wenn ich später beruflich etwas ganz anderes gemacht habe, möchte ich es nicht missen - auf keinen Fall. Es sollten in allen Ländern junge Menschen auch weiterhin die Möglichkeit haben, dieses wunderbare Fach zu studieren. Es gibt vertieften Einblick in so viele unterschiedliche Kulturen und Zusammenhänge, dass es leicht ein Fach "interkulturelle Kompetenzen" ersetzen kann - gründlich und ohne Abstriche.

(Berlin, 2018-06-06)


for obvious reasons

(Rome, 2018-06-06)


Finland has an old tradition in the field of classics, and the archaeology of Greece and the ancient Near East in particular. In the discipline of Assyriology Finish scholars have achieved outstanding results (something that comes to my mind at once, just because I am currently dealing with the relevant editions of Assyrian sources). As soon as one of the central disciplines of the classics – that is, archaeology of ancient Greece and the Roman Empire – is omitted, the remainders (philological, historical and archaeological) will loose their natural point of gravity, and soon pauperize. Being a part of European culture with its main columns (Greek art and thought, Roman law, Hebrew-Christian religiosity, Celtic-Germanic-Slav receptivity), Finland should remain aware of this cultural impact, and continue the discussion with neighbouring countries about it. Finland's history and the experience with her autochthonous iron age culture make Finish scholars important decoders of ancient artefacts, rituals, and practices. We cannot miss them.

(Wien, 2018-06-06)


The European history and culture is based fundamentally on the knowledge and understanding of the ancient tradition. Therefor the science of Greek and Roman culture is one of the pillars of our education and intellectual life.

(Freiburg, 2018-06-06)


The short-sightedness of governments and university leaders all over Europe is difficult to stand. We are eroding the fundaments of our societies and later we are surprised that these societies do change - not to the better.

(Berlin, 2018-06-06)


If we do not learn about the past, we are ill-equipped to deal with the present or the future.

(clifton, 2018-06-06)


It is the right thing to do.

(Tucson, 2018-06-07)


I support the petition to support the continuation of the teaching of Classical Archaeology and Ancient Culture at the University of Helsinki.

(Tucson, Arizona, 2018-06-07)


The University of Helsinki has a long tradition of Classical Archaeology and has produced research of justifiable international reputation, which all who work in the field are familiar with.

(Nottingham, 2018-06-07)


I can't imagine why this decision is being taken in a country so rich in the traditions of Classical Archaeology. As an Honorary Member of the Finnish Institute in Athens, I respectfully request that the Dean of the Faculty of Arts reconsider the decision. Classical Archaeology continues to flourish in North America and in the world more generally. It would be a great shame were Finland not to support it.

(Cincinnati, 2018-06-08)


Unfortunately some people forget that in rhis world no one should. dare to deprive humanity from its.....routs.
Anythingvfrom.ancient Greece. is precious and lriceless ro all humans.

(Marmora, 2018-06-08)


Essential academic fields should be cultivated with care!

(Copenhagen, 2018-06-08)