Justice for Chantel Pasqualle



Woman deserves to be respected and treated right

Toufah Morgan (Hanover park, 2024-08-14)


Justice for Chantel.

Arnoldine Minnie (Capetown, 2024-08-14)


This evil narcisist shud rot in jail. No woman whether married, cheated or whatever his sick excuse is shud be beaten and tortured by any man. Jail would even be to good for him he shud be slow tortured at the hands of women.

Shanaaz Jacobs (Cape Town, 2024-08-14)


I'm sining because he's no human that murdered her so brutally 😭😭

Heily Braaf (Cape town, 2024-08-14)


I’m signing this petition because I would like to see Justice for Chantel Pasqualle 💖🕊️…

Courtney Jacobs (Cape Town, 2024-08-14)


I want justice for Chantel Pasqualle. That Gbv must stop.

Jo-Anne Rosant (Kathu, 2024-08-14)


I'm singing this petition for CHANTAL she must get justice and as a women I'm standing behind every women JUSTICE FOR CHANTAL

Caylee Migils (Cape town, 2024-08-14)


He should stay inside enough is enough of man hurting kids an woman

Shanaz Abdurahman (Cape town, 2024-08-14)


I'm signing because I am completely against GBV, And I Am Sadden By The Condition And Manner as to how The Late Chatel Has Lost Her Beautiful Life...

Aneilla Jacobs (Cape Town, 2024-08-14)


Against Woman Abused

Valencia Jansen (Cape town, 2024-08-14)


I'm signing this petition in order to get justice for Chantel whom was brutally murdered by her husband,it's time we women stand up against gender based violence against our innocent women and children,the justice system is of no use ,how many women ,children and innocent people have to suffer by the hands of someone else ,how many more innocent people have to lose their lives by the hands of someone else?

Mishka Sims (Cape town, 2024-08-14)


She was a human being having to go through whatever she went through all her life yet in the hands of someone she thought she could trust, she was a mother to a son a child they stared he didn't even have a heart to think like a father in that moment

Duanitha Swartz (Cape Town, 2024-08-14)


I'm singing this because I am against Gender based violence Chantel could have been saved. No one owned her ruthless sb

Chantal Kemp (Cape Town, 2024-08-14)


She deserves Justice! She deserved to live in a country where she could trust that the police would serve and protect her.

LeeAnn Mentoor (Cape Town, 2024-08-14)


I support to put an stop to gbv...
Against women and children

Simone Jacobs (Cape town, 2024-08-14)



Menechia Gates (Cape Town, 2024-08-14)


I also went though what Chantel went through i just didn't die. I almost did though so i pray justice prevails.

Verity Bruce (Cape town, 2024-08-14)


What happen to innocent chantel need to gind justice , we as women should have a voice too

Taygen kay Louw (Cape town, 2024-08-14)


I also lost my Father through violence and my father never deserved to be killed brutely . I know what it is to lose a parent💔

Tamy Arendse (Cape Town, 2024-08-14)


Justice must be served

Cameron Gopie (Cape Town, 2024-08-14)


Justice for Chantell

Sumaya Pearce (Cape Town, 2024-08-14)


We want justice for chantel 🙏🏻😭

Kaitlyn James (Cape Town, 2024-08-14)


A woman's life was taken by the man that was supposed to care, love and protect her. Justice needs to be served. Yes the heavens gained an angel, but a beautiful soul was lost so tragically.

Kashiefa McConney (Cape Town, 2024-08-14)


I care

Amiena Overmeyer (Cape town, 2024-08-14)


Justice 4 chantell

Farezaana Small (Cape town., 2024-08-14)


He should not get bail

Lakeesha Williams (Cape Town, 2024-08-14)


She deserves justice for her gruesome death.

Noelene May-Stoffels (Cape Town, 2024-08-14)


She didn't deserve to die like that

Le-zhaan Hendricks (Cape town, 2024-08-14)


Im signing this petition bcoz justice needs to be serve, to many female lost there lives due to the justice system fails us, and also her husband robbed her son frm his mother, a healthy working lady

Kashiefa Smith (Cape Town, 2024-08-14)


I'm signing because he the husband who killed his wife should stay behind bars for what he has done, he is a murdered. He is a danger to the community.

Aisha Humaira Adams (Cape Town, 2024-08-14)


Im signing this petition because he is a dangerous man

Masnoena Solomons (Cape Town, 2024-08-14)


I am signing this petition because Chantel's beautiful life was cut short because of an abusive husband that needs to pay for what he did to her.

Rezelle Davids (Cape Town, 2024-08-14)


Justice needs to be served and the murderer needs to stay behind bars!!!

Shawwaal Langeveldt (Stellenbosch, 2024-08-14)


She was full of life and her family was robbed of their angel😭She DESERVES JUSTICE💔

Wafeekah Pillau (Cape town, 2024-08-14)


Denied bail for husband

Chanelle Mienies (Cape town, 2024-08-14)


I'm signing because Chantel did not deserve what was done to her she was to precious for him 🥺🥺💔

Hillary April (Cape Town, 2024-08-14)


I don't want Duncan Lord Hoorn to be granted bail.

Roegshaana Coetzee (Mitchell's Plain Cape, 2024-08-14)


Justice for chantel

Gail VAN Der speck (Cape Town, 2024-08-14)


I am against GBV.

K Williams (Cape Town, 2024-08-14)


Justice for Chantal

Tracey Goodman (Cape town, 2024-08-14)


Duncan is a treat
Gbv must stop
Justice Gordon chantel

Chernees petersen (CPT, 2024-08-14)


I'm supporting the fact that their should be no bail.

Charnique Barnes (Cape Town, 2024-08-14)


I sign this 1. because a woman was abuse by her partner not just on that day but might be all along. Ohhhh how i loved her persona, how she loved life. Her laughter, how she was loved by all...2. She did not deserve this brutality from the hand of a so called "husband" he is deserve to rot in jail.
3.He was jealous of her entire being...instead of be the 1 protecting her, he hurt her... he knew he wasn't a good man. He also knew if she leave, she would be treated with love and respect by someone else.
4.Her son will never see the 1 person who supported and loved him all his life until her last...
I stand in prayer for her family.

Bedelia Myburgh (Bloemfontein, 2024-08-14)


Im sighning because Chantal was 1 of my dearest friends she did not deserve to be brutally murdered by the man who calls himself a husband No Bail for a monster he is a threat to society.

Alicia SMITH (Capetown, 2024-08-14)


Justice must served

Noerjhan Loff (Cape Town, 2024-08-14)


She deserve the justice! GBV is a major problem in SA. The justice system are failing us and allowing men to get away with all this violence. We need to stand up for one another. I’ve been in this situation before and it’s the worst ever. Please unite and be there for all woman and children

Janine Windvogel (Cape Town, 2024-08-14)


No bail for Duncan lord!!!

Aqeelah Slamdien (Cape Town, 2024-08-14)


She was like a daughter too my mother

Tarqwin Davids (Cape town, 2024-08-14)


No woman need to endure GBV.

Rygaan Jassiem (Cape Town, 2024-08-14)


Justice for chantel pasqualle

Sedika Nelson (Cape Town, 2024-08-14)


Justice need to be served..she didn't deserve this.

Eulah Smit (Western Cape, 2024-08-14)


I'm signing this petition because it is heart breaking and no women deserve to die like that .

Miss September (Western Cape, 2024-08-14)


Its time to stop woman abuse. All woman must be treated with respect

Leonie Arendse (Western Cape, 2024-08-14)


I believe in justice

Taryn Miller (Capetown, 2024-08-14)


Because no woman deserves a death like

Taryn Koopman (Cape town, 2024-08-14)


Im signing because justice has to be serve our woman are suffering at the hands of these pigs and nothing much is been done this has become a pandemic in SA

Shirley Manuel (Pietermaritzburg, 2024-08-14)


We want Justice for all GBV Cases

Anastacia Andrews (Cape Town, 2024-08-14)


I'm signing this because ii think what happend too Chantel pasqualle was wrong no women had too go through that what she went through an ii think we should stop women abuse an stand up for women JUSTICE FOR CHANTEL PASQUALLE

Caitlyn Peters (Cape town, 2024-08-14)


I knew her growing up and I live in the flat where her mother lives and she was a wonderful person may her soul rip

Olivia Wildemans (Cape town, 2024-08-14)

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