The teaching of Classical Archaeology and Ancient Culture at the University of Helsinki must continue!



Latinistin ja antiikintutkijan tyttärenä, jollei isä luki antiikin taruja iltasaduiksi, en voi kuin allekirjoittaa!

(Helsinki, 2018-05-24)


Järkyttävää ja lyhytnäköistä.

(Helsinki, 2018-05-24)


Humaanisuus kun kumitettaan pois, niin sademetsät on jo tuhottu....

(Oulu, 2018-05-24)


Sivistyksen ja tieteen vähättely johtaa barbarismiin!

(Helsinki, 2018-05-24)


O tempora, o mores.

(Tampere, 2018-05-24)


Kulttuuri ja sen historia ovat tärkeitä asioista sivilisaation säilymisen kannalta joten siksi historiaa on syytä aina kerrata ja opettaa.

(Helsinki, 2018-05-24)


Ceterum censeo... järki käteen!

(Helsinki, 2018-05-24)


I have valued the contribution of Finnish fellow classicists for many years. I believe it is short-sighted to eliminate a position that contributes so much to a university's research and teaching of excellence, because of the field's inherent multi-cultural, international character.

(Vancouver, 2018-05-24)


I am signing because the material culture of antiquity is essential to the humanities. Studying and learning about the concrete circumstances of historical events and great ideas known from written sources endow our broader cultural heritage with "flesh and bones", increasing its reality and relevance to more people everywhere. Keep archaeology and classical culture in this faculty, the university, and the wider world!

(Vancouver, 2018-05-24)


I care

(Helsinki, 2018-05-24)


The teaching of Classical Archaeology anf Ancient Culture at the University of Helsinki must continue!

(Helsinki, 2018-05-25)


I taught antiquity history and languages for 4 years in France, I feel concerned

(ranelagh, 2018-05-26)


Helsingin yliopisto tarvitsee aineeseen vähintään lehtorin, mieluiten myös professorin.

(Oxford - Helsinki, 2018-05-26)


I see the classical studies as an essential part of the future of the continuation of the traditions of an acclaimed European nation with high educational possibilities.

(Järvenpää, 2018-05-26)


Taloudellisesti pieni uhraus perustavanlaatuisen olennaiseen sivistyksen ylläpitämiseen ja kehittämiseen.

(Turku, 2018-05-27)


Att dra in undervisningen i antikens kultur och klassisk arkeologi vore en kulturskandal av stora mått.

(Helsingfors, 2018-05-27)


I generally support this petition because I consider classic studies an integral part of humanities. It is a pity that humanities are starving at universities these days. At the same time, we should have more transparency on how these decisions are made. What are the current topics taught in the humanities department at the University of Helsinki? How much do they cost? How much do other disciplines cost? (e.g., finance or economics?). Importantly: how much does administration cost (especially top-level management).

Also, perhaps we should consult the population (taxpayers) who are funding these positions in the end of the day? Even though it might be a slippery slope, maybe the voters should decide what they would like to be taught. Then the university might become not so "universal" ...

(Helsinki, 2018-05-29)


archaeology is the best subject to study!!!

(Berlin, 2018-05-29)


Classical studies is foundational to so very many fields of inquiry. Ending its study in Finland would leave the country diminished and less able to support intellectual inquiry and understanding across the arts and sciences.

(Waterloo, 2018-05-30)


Vastustan ankarasti kyseisen yliopistonlehtoraatin lakkauttamista

(Helsinki, 2018-05-30)


We need to bring and keep Gnosis in the world, ancient studies provide the root of all modern gnosis and we cannot allow to be forgotten, rewritten, or misinterpreted.

(Helsinki, 2018-05-30)


I'm attending the International Meeting of the SBL at Helsinki this summer, and it seems unconscionable that you would host a meeting concerned with ancient culture and yet cut a lectureship that provides crucial insight and information into the origins of those very religious traditions you will be celebrating in August.

(Tacoma, 2018-05-30)


Klassillinen arkeologia tarvitsee professuurin, ei ainoan lehtoraatin lakkauttamista.

(Helsinki, 2018-06-01)


Antiikin kulttuurien tutkimus ja tuntemus on yksi koko länsimaisen sivistyksen kulmakivistä.

Halutaanko todella ajaa alas suomalaista antiikintutkimusta, joka vähäisiin resursseihin nähden on kansainvälisesti varsin korkeatasoista?

(Helsinki, 2018-06-01)


Antiikin kulttuurin ja klassisen arkeologian opetuksen on ehdottomasti jatkuttava Helsingissä.

(Helsinki, 2018-06-01)


Latinan ja Rooman kirjallisuuden väitöskirjatutkijana sekä historian ja kulttuuriperinnön tohtoriohjelman tohtorikoulutettavana klassillinenarkeologia on tutkimuksen avainaloja ja aivan ehdoton. On ennenkuulumatonta että klassillinenarkeologia monitieteisenä ja vaativana oppialana ajetaan Helsingissäkin ahdinkoon ja lopulta alas.

(Helsinki, 2018-06-01)


Undervisning och forskning i historiska ämnen behöver förstärkas, inte försvagas. Nordiskt antikforskning har en tradition av samarbete i Norden liksom en internationellt stark ställning. Undervisning i ämnet behövs för att upprätthålla en framtida forskning på samma höga nivå. Historisk kunskap viktig idag och det är i det aktuella politiska läget en av akademins viktigaste uppgifter att upprätthålla denna kunskap för förståelse av vår samtid.

(Göteborg, 2018-06-04)


Teaching and studying the classical heritage of Europe is crucial to understand our present time and culture!

(Trier, 2018-06-04)


I would be very interested in taking courses!

(Heidelberg, 2018-06-04)


Classical Archaeology is of vital importance for the understanding of European history and culture not only in antiquity and its aftermath, but even more that of the last half millenium. The evolution of modern technical history is incomprehensible without insight into the developments in antiquity. To break the tradition of teaching these subjects in a country of the standing of Finland would be a shame, especially so as the financial means saved that way are not really substantial.

(Heidelberg, 2018-06-04)