PODPRITE Simfonični Orkester in Big Band Radio Televizije Slovenija -Support the Slovene RTV Symphony Orchestra and RTV Big Band



Podrška kolegama

Nenad Vasić (Novi Sad, 2023-11-29)


Culture is essential to this mad world.
And I want to help my Slovenian friends.



I oni su gostovali kod nas u Srbiji! To bi isto bilo kada bi RTS ukinuo svoja dva orkestra! Nadam se da će čelni ljudi RTVSLO imati sluha da ne ukinu ova dva orkestra!!

Vuk Perovic (Belgrade, 2023-11-29)


Music/culture is essential to life

Thomas Reinhardt (Leipzig, 2023-11-29)


Artistic institutions are the last ramparts of our civilization. Let's save them!

David Bonneault (Sains en amienois, 2023-11-29)



GRUENAIS Yvette (IFS, 2023-11-29)


We need culture! And the audience deserve live symphony concerts! We can't have such institutions canceled! Support to my highly regarded colleagues from Slovenia.

Vladimir Drobnjak (Podgorica, 2023-11-29)


Če umre nacionalna Kultura v imenu denarja, potem umre duša naroda!

Franc Škerl (Cerknica, 2023-11-29)


Podpišem, ker enostavno moramo podpreti kulturo,glasbo! Vsaka država ima svoj nacionalni orkester!

Mirel Knez (Ljubljana, 2023-11-29)


Having a national orchestra is crucial for preserving culture

Klara Rockenschaub (St. Martin, 2023-11-29)


Unlike bureaucrats, musicians also take their work home and are therefore practically at work far more of the time.
I would like to invite all the opponents of this petition to a concert by these orchestras.
Maybe they can see the better side of it...

Tadej Tomsic (Kočevje, 2023-11-29)


Music is better part of us.

Borut Korošec (Ljubljana, 2023-11-29)


To je naš glavni orkester, pevski zbor itd., rabimo ga za nadaljni razvoj in obstanek slovenske kulture ter umetnosti. Povezuje ljudi in je nekaj lepega❤

Laura Kaferle (Trebnje, 2023-11-29)


Užasno je šta se radi sa kulturom u celom svetu. Porazno i bolesno.

Danica Vasić (Belgrade, 2023-11-29)


The RTV Symphony Orchestra of Slovenia is an institution that needs the support of everyone, any institution that contributes to elevating the human spirit through art should not be closed, otherwise we would be falling into a new cultural obscurantism, there men and women make art. mothers and fathers, my total support to all musicians.

Armando Nuñez (Ljubljana, 2023-11-29)


ukinitev bi bila nedopustna!

Miša Ravnikar (ljubljana, 2023-11-29)


I zahvalnosti za svu dobru muziku koju ste izvodili, visoki standardi koje ste postavili na ovim prostorima. Hvala vam.

Dejan Kunovac (Zagreb, 2023-11-29)


We all need to help and support our musicians

Marko Vodenik (Šentjur, 2023-11-29)


Solidarietà ai colleghi sloveni

Alessandro Curri (Venezia, 2023-11-29)


Ti ljudi su ceo svoj život posvetili umetnosti i kulturi dajući pri tom ogroman i nemerljiv doprinos društvu. S' kojim pravom im se to, pored egzistencije, oduzima?? Da li o tome odlučuju upravo oni koje bi, PRVE, trebalo ukinuti? Podrška kolegama od člana Simfonijskog Orkestra Muzičke produkcije RTS-a, Beograd. Uz vas smo!!!

Miodrag Pavlovic (Beograd, 2023-11-29)

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