Secondary School Uniforms

Like all parents we have new uniforms to buy every summer for the new School year, and we all know how much that quickly adds up! Now, Primary Schools - Most allow for non logo uniform, which means buying (and affording) it is much easier and cheaper. A big help with the cost of living crises.

Moving on to Secondary Schools however, and it becomes a different story. Everything must be logo, specific colours for different years/houses. All the extras they need on top of it and you're easily looking at £300+. Who can afford that with the cost of everything else rising, and families are just trying to keep their heads above water. 

I feel it needs to be seriously looked at and addressed, to change the rules that Secondary Schools are allowed to impose on parents with uniforms. Whether uniforms have logos on everything or not has no impact on students learning, but EVERYTHING to do with helping families during this cost of living crises! 

If you feel the same way I urge you to sign the petition. One voice can start a whisper, but hundreds can be heard for miles. Let the Government know how you feel about the need for change in regards to unform and cost for families. 

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