saving st. james the minor roman catholic church



I own St. James the Minor Roman Catholic Church. My objective was to restore the church and holding vault and construct a residence within the church, for my family. However, an unfortunate event occurred when a local teenager set the church ablaze. The limestone exterior walls remain standing, requiring minor repointing. The roof is no longer present, but the bell tower still stands tall, housing the bell. My plans remain unchanged. I have been working day and night for over a year to clear the unsalvageable rubble as well as the trash that has been dumped. 

Front of Yonge Township has ordered that the two buildings on the property must be demolished. They hired a local engineering firm, which sent an engineer who stated that the church was constructed using rubble stone masonry exterior walls and foundations and wood framing. However, it is evident to anyone who visually inspects the exterior of the church that it was built using limestone. Several visitors have admired the beauty of these stones.

I need to hire an engineer or stonemason who can provide a qualified assessment of the buildings. Additionally, I must contest the township's decision to demolish the church and holding vault October 25, 2024, which may entail hiring a lawyer. I have resigned from my job to focus on the church and holding vault full-time. Due to this, I currently have no income. I must raise funds to pay the professionals and purchase materials. I will continue to work on the structures to restore them to their original condition. This is a labour of love.

Please sign the attached petition to save St. James the Minor Catholic Church. We hope that with sufficient signatures, we can convince the Front of Yonge Township councillors that the beautiful stone buildings should be preserved.

I have created a facebook page for the church where you can find and add the history of the church as well as the GoFundMe page. Donations on the GoFundMe page will solely be utilized for restoration purposes.

I thank you for your support.


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