Save Youngsters Ban TIKTOK

Help us to ban tiktok completely in india

TikTok’s wild growth has caused its problems. The app, which boomed in China before entering India in September 2018, allows users to upload 15 second videos set to catchy music, movie dialogues or voice-overs. Tiktok has become a very big market in india, surely it must be giving few jobs but in return they are also earning $5,00,000/Day. A lot of money going back there in china.

Social divisions have run deep in India for centuries. But, the advent of easy-to-use video platforms, messaging apps and low mobile data limits, has seen hate speech targeting marginalised communities thrive. In April, police arrested a 21-year-old for uploading a caste-based video on TikTok that could have sparked communal unrest. And in another case, nine people were arrested for uploading a video inciting caste violence and potential public disorder.

Tiktok is causing ruptures in the fabric of our society’: Arguments made on the societal implications, attaching a source image why tiktok should go down in india, take a look >>>

I am just a youth and also of this generation, but I felt that this has to be stopped.

There are great impacts of TikTok on youth:

1) They don't learn any new skills which could have helped them in future life.

2) They don't utilise their time for something like helping somebody, writing answers on Quora, practicing something, etc..

3) They are getting addicted to such Apps. They don't feel that it is a new good start of the day in the morning, until they open the app.

4) They are feeling depressed if they don't get enough views, Many people get motivated and make more and more videos if they are getting views and some fame and some even go ahead and plan their career in these apps.

5) Future of india is undergoing in a show-off pothole where people record hate speech for a particular community, people are not taking employment seriously, studies has been compromised teenagers are spending more hours on tiktok than their education, small children's are indulged into videos, there has been complexion inferiority and if we don't stop such kind of apps then i am sorry india's future is not so bright.

Abhishek Kumar Mishra    Contact the author of the petition

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