Safe Botolans Beaches


For a while now we can see a rapid erosion of our beaches in Binoclutan and other Barangays in Botolan, Zambales, which we assume results out of the appearance of multiple sand-dredging-vessels in the area.


As per public knowledge, the license for dredging is at the mouth of Bucao River.


The Resorts in the area are rapidly losing the beaches – by this time of the year, the beach should be 50 to 70 meters wider as it is now. Some Reorts have already collapsed into the sea, some others will do so soon, if the sand-dredging will not be stopped.


- The Zambales coast is a known breeding ground for endangered sea turtles.

- For many years we operated a turtle hatchery at Rama Beach Resort, hatching and releasing more than 12,000 turtles during that time.

- It is rare to see turtles lay their eggs near the water, almost always they venture inland as far as possible, in fact it would be safe to say the average is at least 30 to 40 meters and more from the high water line.


- The sand-dredging activities do not create any long-term value for the economy of Botolan or Zambales. The nature and hanap buhay of Tourism and Fishermen are being destroyed. Why do people flock to Botolan ? We are destroying the reason for them to come.

- Unfortunately it is very hard to find actual and accurate data on the input to the economy by the resort industry, which is located along the entire Zambales coastline. We personally believe it would rank within the top four in regards to payment of Government fees, Mayors permits etc and taxation, both from income and property tax.

- This ongoing situation will, we believe, greatly reduce the income of these businesses.


- Employment will be effected as most will need to reduce operating costs to continue to be profitable.

- This will also mean less purchases for goods etc which will also reflect on the vendors at the public market and retail sales from supermarkets etc.

In the public interest and the interest of the tourism and fishing-folks in the area we kindly ask you to take immediate action to not further destroy the livelihood of the people of Botolan.




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