Resolve the Parking situation on Hartland Road, Epping.

Over the past few months there have been some changes to the park on adjacent roads to Hartland Road, specifically Kendall Avenue which now has bays for resident permits only.

The only parking restriction that exists on Hartland Road is between 10am-11am Mon-Sat.

As a result and due to the proximity of Hartland Road to both the Tube Station and the town centre, the number of cars parking on Hartland Road has increased significantly and this is having a number of unwanted effects including:

  •  Cars parked nose to tail on both sides of the street, blocking driveways.
  • The road is difficult to pass for traffic with the number of parked cars on both sides making the road very narrow and cars speeding to avoid getting caught out.
  • Commercial vans / vehicles being parked on the street overnight. This is unpleasant and a target for crime.
  • Crossing Harland Road is simply unsafe, you cannot see down the road for cars when you step out. There have been a number of nears misses – this is a major accident waiting to happen.

We would like to request an alteration to the current parking system, such us to mirror the new restrictions on Kendal Avenue. 

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