Request for the Appointment of Madam Naledi Pandor in Cabinet

Dear President Ramaphosa,

We hope this message finds you well.

On behalf of the Tshwane Palestine Solidarity Committee, we are writing to respectfully request you to kindly appoint Madam Naledi Pandor in the cabinet as Minister of International Relations. Madam Pandor has demonstrated exceptional dedication and capability in her current role as the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation.

Her recent work includes strengthening South Africa's diplomatic relationships, particularly her efforts in fostering peace and cooperation within the African continent. She has played a pivotal role in promoting South Africa's interests on the global stage, ensuring our country's active participation in international organizations such as the United Nations, BRICS and the African Union. Additionally, her leadership has been crucial in navigating complex international issues and advancing South Africa's foreign policy objectives.

Madam Pandor has been a steadfast advocate for the Palestinian cause, consistently voicing support for Palestinian rights and self-determination. She has actively participated in international forums, advocating for an end to the occupation and calling for a just and lasting peace in the Middle East. Her unwavering stance on human rights and justice has garnered respect and admiration both locally and internationally, reinforcing South Africa's commitment to global solidarity and equality.

Madam Pandor's commitment to service, her extensive experience, and her unwavering dedication to the betterment of our nation make her an exemplary candidate for a key position in the unity government. Her work ethic and achievements serve as a testament to the positive impact she can have in any role she undertakes.

Moreover, we urge you to consider appointing other ministers who have shown similar hard work and dedication in their respective fields. Their collective expertise and commitment will undoubtedly contribute to the effectiveness and success of the unity government.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Tshwane Palestine Solidarity Committee

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