Request for Postponement of Aerial Herbicide Spraying near Huanui College

Dear Northland Forest Managers,

We, the parents of students at Huanui College, respectfully request the postponement of the aerial herbicide spraying scheduled near the school grounds until the end of our children’s academic term on December 6th, 2024.

As parents, we are deeply concerned about the potential health risks that herbicide spraying poses, especially in close proximity to our children. While we understand that herbicide application is a necessary part of forest management, aerial spraying introduces additional risks due to chemical drift. Children are particularly vulnerable to environmental toxins, with studies linking herbicide exposure to a variety of health issues, including respiratory problems, skin irritations, and potential impacts on the nervous system.

Given that children spend several hours outdoors daily, including during sports activities and breaks, the risk of exposure is heightened. Postponing the spraying until the end of the school term would greatly minimise any potential harm and ensure that our children can continue their education without the anxiety or health risks associated with herbicide exposure.

We are confident that the safety of the community and the well-being of the next generation is a priority for your organisation, just as it is for us. Therefore, we kindly urge you to reconsider the timing of the spraying operation in order to protect our students, teachers, and staff at Huanui College.

We appreciate your attention to this urgent matter and hope that you will take the necessary steps to accommodate this request. We would be more than happy to discuss this further, should you require any additional information or assistance in rescheduling.

Thank you for your consideration.


Concerned Parents, Local Community and Supporters of Huanui College  


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