Remove our waka MAMARU from the Mamaru Clinic title

Mamaru Clinic has had our WAKA name embedded in their title for years, and for years they have FAILED to appropriately serve and treat the descendants of MAMARU WAKA. We deserve better service and a much better level of care for a clinic carrying a name with so much MANA, and yet fail to uphold the MANA of its descendants... 

and for this THEY DO NOT DESERVE TO HAVE OUR WAKA NAME IN THEIR TITLE - I think it's time to make a stand and protest to have the name changed and or REMOVE OUR WAKA MAMARU from their title. As the years have gone by new people come and go from this clinic but the systems and functionalities are still the same, well below acceptable.

Too many MAMARU WAKA DESCENDANTS have had trouble with the functions and service of this clinic with many opting to travel all the way to Kaitaia (40mins away) The complainant process DOES NOT WORK to have our concerns heard, this is unacceptable.

Sign this petition to Tautoko support the proposal of name change and or REMOVAL of our WAKA MAMARU from the Mamaru Clinic title.

Ramari Ana Bassett    Contact the author of the petition

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