Remove Club ownership and Recruit all new volunteers at Oxford City Stars

a9b5fa_5543d962923c4e1682d3e56427c64a72~mv2.jpgTo the members and supporters of Oxford City Stars,


We, the undersigned, have witnessed the decline in management and volunteer efforts over recent times. It is with a heavy heart that we declare the current leadership, including the owner and her team, have been mismanaging the club. Their actions have led to numerous setbacks and a diminishing quality of experience for our players and fans alike.


For the future success and revitalization of Oxford City Stars, we urgently call for a change in leadership. We believe that new management, committed to the club's values and driven by a vision for progress, can steer the Oxford City Stars towards a brighter, more prosperous future.


Please join us in signing this petition to pave the way for new leadership dedicated to restoring the pride and performance of our beloved hockey club.

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