Removal of current Dr Beyers Naude Netball Executive 2024/2025

As the overseer of Netball on a local level, the current 2024/2025 Netball Executive of Dr Beyers Naude Local Municipality which was voted into term during the 2024 league finals in Willowmore has consistently hindered the progress of Netball in the entire Dr Beyers Naude area. Opportunities have been unfairly distributed, benefiting only a small group of players since the committee took office. Smaller towns like Klipplaat, Jansenville, Steytlerville, Willowmore, and Aberdeen have been consistently overlooked in talent identification efforts within Dr Beyers Naude Local Municipality. It is imperative that the current Executive be removed immediately and we request intervention from the Sarah Baartman District Association and the Dr Beyers Naude LM Sports Council.

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