Refurbishment of Manor Gardens Basketball Court, Tennis Courts and Skate Park Extension.


As a regular user of the skatepark in Manor Gardens I've seen the popularity of the all of the sports facilities grow over the years. Unfortunately, the maintenance of these facilities in non-existent, which is why I have created this petition.

I hope to gain funding from the Council, and outside sources, for collective refurbishment of these facilities;

Basketball Court:

  • The ground needs complete resurfacing and court lines need to be re-painted.
  • Appropriate netting and hoops need to be installed.
  • Needs a full refurb!

Tennis Courts:

  • Top two courts need complete resurface and re-painting.
  • 1 of the courts needs new netting, others have holes in; perhaps we can find a long-term solution instead of using traditional netting(?)
  • Middle 2 courts seem to be okay but a few holes in the netting.

Skate Park Extension:

  • Resurface the abandoned half of the skate park to maximise the area.
  • Add low level obstacles; manual pads/ ledges/ cement filled rails.
  • Allow for enough flat area for people to practise and warm up away from the existing skate park.


I would also like to suggest that there is installation of appropriate lighting within these facilities e.g. LED Floodlighting. The facilities are heavily used throughout the year and it would be amazing to be able to use them in the evenings throughout winter. The argument that it causes light pollution for the local housing is a poor excuse; look at Seaford skatepark for example - they have a block of flats overlooking the floodlit skatepark.

Adequate seating wouldn't go amiss either.

To gather more intell I have created a survey:  This will help us understand how significant this project will be and will help us present the demand to the Council and other funding agencies.

Feel free to let me know your thoughts and ideas by email: themanorrefurb@ gmail. com

I'm unable to add images due to file size they're over on the FB page so support & interaction over there will go a long way:

Thanks for your support, let's get this done!




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