Reduce the speed limit on Radford Road, Flyford Flavell

The Parish Council and residents of Flyford Flavell, Grafton Flyford, and North Piddle bring to the attention of the authorities their concerns about the current 60mph speed limit on Radford Road, between the village boundary and Portway Farm Cottage to the east of the village.

Due to an inappropriate speed limit, and antisocial drivers, this road has become unacceptably dangerous for residents and vulnerable road users.

The Parish Council will send this petition to;

* the current chief of West Mercia Police 

* the Police and Crime Commissioner 

* Worcestershire County Council

* The Road Safety Partnership 

* Nigel Huddlestone MP

* other agencies involved with road safety and con

Richard Croxton c/o the Flyfords Parish Council    Contact the author of the petition

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