Recognition of Occupational Disease PTSD Fire Department Netherlands

Because PTSD is not yet a recognized occupational disease within the Netherlands Fire Service, employees who encounter difficult problems must seek help themselves in many regions. In addition, all employees are affected by PTSD and temporarily absent from work, or unable to return at all, have their salaries reduced. This is unacceptable because it is likely that the trauma these people suffer while on duty is caused by resuscitations and suicide. 9 out of 10 times, the Fire Department is the first on the scene after the report and therefore provides immediate first aid to the victim before the Police or Ambulance Care arrives! As a result, the number of employees with PTSD complaints within the Fire Brigade is increasing. This is a seriously big problem that should not be dismissed with a smile!

Since 2013, PTSD has been officially recognized as an occupational disease by the Dutch Police Force. It is a progressive disease that affects the mind, depression, inability to sleep, psychoses or even in the worst case, thoughts of not wanting to live anymore! These are fathers of mothers whose entire families are going through hell! It is time that the Netherlands Fire Department also received this official recognition. That's why we really need your help!

We need as many signatures as possible to bring this problem to parliament.

Help these victims, who may have helped you or one of your family members during their service.



Wilma Bouitida-Sibbelee    Contact the author of the petition

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