Reassess the stance on Level 5, 6 and Post-Graduate Assessments

The aim of this petition is to present it to the Senior Management Team at Canterbury Christ Church University following their correspondence relating to the assessments of level 5 and higher students: "For Level 5, Level 6 and Postgraduates this means assessments will continue, albeit in an alternative form with existing assessment deadlines remaining in place where possible." Whilst the current situation is completely unprecedented, it is also an unfair assumption that current students can complete any assessments they may have to their fullest capabilities due to the lack of resources caused by the closure of university's libraries, as well as the underlying stress of the Covid-19 pandemic and 'lockdown' of the United Kingdom. 

It is the desire of the students who have signed this petition to have the SMT re-evaluate their stance, and acknowledge that present stressors and limitations will limit the work of students from achieving their full potential. It is the request of those who have signed that the university:

1. Present all Level 5, Level 6, and Post-Graduate Students with the grades they have achieved in their studies thus far, or

2. Consult with the university departments and award classifications based on the discretion of the departments' teaching staff for each student. 

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