Provide Sion Hill Students With Transport to their Campus.

Bath Spa university has decided to cancel all transport to the campus that houses Textile Design and Fashion courses. 
This also means that all intersite shuttle buses are cancelled, so many people that based living arrangements on these buses have no transport. 

The other campuses are supplied with buses that run every day of the week, at intervals as little as every ten minutes within working hours. We pay the same tuition fees as these students, yet do not get the same treatment.  

Walking up and down Sion Hill in the winter months is dangerous, it becomes very slippery and unmanageable to walk. Many Sion Hill students choose to stay after dark, and with many of them being young women this poses a safety risk in terms of the long walk home. There is also the added issue of all the textiles and fashion equipment that students would be carrying too. Not to mention the potential damage of rain and adverse weather conditions to precious samples and sketchbooks. 

The proposed solution is the park and ride bus, which stops somewhat near Sion Hill yet is still a fair walk away. The issue with this bus is it stops nowhere near the student areas of bus, meaning an additional bus would be needed to get to this bus in the first place. This is an extremely high cost to be considered when students initially thought they would have access to free shuttles. 

Additionally, when the new first years would have applied to university the Bath Spa website detailed intersite shuttle buses, so they are now coming to a university with different transport than to what they were promised. 

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