Abdulle Ahmed is a Somali citizen (Somali passport) being held as a detainee at the psychiatric facility on the Island of Zealand in Denmark close to the city of Slagelse. He is currently detained on his 16th year at the section, following his conviction on two counts of assault on caretakers at the hospital he previously was in, Aalborg Hospital. Following this conviction, a Physician by the name Kjeld Reinert had requested the Ministry of Justice to subsequently convict him under the Dangerousness Decree issued by the Ministry of Justice on the 15th of November 2001, and he was consequently deemed as dangerous to the public by the Ministry of Justice on the 19th of November 2001 and was subsequently transfered to the maximum security facility on the 12th of December 2001.
He is currently being detained on his 16th year, and has been forcibly medicated and has been denied the right to counsel as the lawyer in question hasn't been able to have insight into his conditions. Abdulle has straps around his body most of the day, which contribute to the degrading treatment he receives at the section. He is allegedly also being used for experimental tries of medicine for the mentally ill. He has been forcibly overdosed with medicine, receiving at least 5 different medical products and high doses of anti-psychotic medicine which contradicts the official recommendations of the authorities. It has furthermore come to light that an anti psychotic medical product which wasn’t authorized to be used in Denmark had been tried on him, as they ‘’had tried all medical products authorized for use in Denmark with no effect’’.
There have been exercised electroshocks on him, 20 of them at least and the hospital is required under the law to have authorization from the patient which is highly doubted.
The European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) which is mandated under the Council of Europe has twice deemed his treatment as a direct violation of the Human Rights convention and on both occasions raised non-answered questions relating to the well being of the detainee. He has been continuously detained on the grounds of being a danger to the public, on a decree that is targeted at rapists, arsonists and murderers.
Following several requests from the Family, the Somali Embassy in Brussels which also functions as the Somali Mission to the European Union had appointed Erbil Kaya of the firm TVC Advokater to handle his case. Last year, Abdulle signed a power of attorney for insight in his journals at the section. This letter was given to his brother who forwarded it to the Lawyer representing the government and the family. Despite that, a week later Head Physician Per Balling (Of the section) had denied the lawyer insight into his journals alleging that Abdulle has changed his mind in regards to insight into his journals for both the family and the lawyer. This isn’t a logical explanation, as he had asked for help a week prior and his request of waiving himself off his rights to help has neither been documented neither in verbal nor written form.
Following the episode, neither Mr. Kaya nor Abdulle’s family know who the legally appointed guardian is, who together with the Physician abovementioned (Per Balling) are the only ones who can recommend the lifting of the detention based on the Dangerousness Decree.
We, the Somali community of Denmark therefore DEMAND the relevant authorities to not only have a second look at the case but also to provide evidence that Abdulle in fact has waived himself of his rights as claimed by the Head Physician at the center he is detained at. We further DEMAND that his appointed Lawyer and Abdulle's family are given FULL insight into his treatment and well being over the past 16 years. Lastly, we DEMAND that an independent physician oversees his treatment and to evaluate the medication he has been provided with to build a stronger case.
It is presumed that a much more fair treatment will be provided for him in Somalia despite the fact that war seems to have been a daily part of the lives in the country for the last 23+ years which is why the ultimate goal is to have him released to Somalia as he also holds Somali nationality. His family and the government will take appropriate measures to attend to the needs of this SOMALI MAN if he is to be transferred to Somalia.
''He is still a Somali citizen. This is a question of Human Rights and the family feels that his stay at the Hospital is of physical and psychologic torture.'' - Ali Said Faqi, Ambassador Extraordinary to Brussels & Head of Mission to the European Union
Abdulle Ahmed er en somalisk statsborger, som på nuværende tidspunkt er tilbageholdt på en psykiatrisk afdeling nær Slagelse på Sjælland. Denne tilbageholdelse sker på baggrund af to angreb som bliver begået mod Aalborgshospitals personale – enforbrydelse, som har kostet ham et ophold på den psykiatriske afdeling på 16. år. En læge ved navn Kjeld Reinhard anmoder d. 15/11-2001 Justitsministeriet om at dømme ham under farlighedsdekretet, da han vurderes til at være farlig for hans omgivelser, og farlighedsdekretet udstedes på Abdulle derfor d. 19/11-2001. Han blev endvidere overført til afdelingen på Sjælland d. 12/12-2001.
Han er på nuværende tidspunkt stadig tilbageholdt på afdelingen nær Slagelse, er blevet tvangsmedicineret og er blevet nægtet retten til råd fra sin advokat idet advokaten er blevet nægtet adgang til hans journaler. Abdulle er bæltefikseret omkring kroppen størstedelen af dagen hvilket bidrager til den nedværdigende behandling modtaget på afdelingen. Han bliver angiveligt også brugt som forsøgskanin for forskellige former for medicin for psykisk syge. Derudover har han adskillelige gange været ude for tvungen overdosis af medicin som følge af brugen af mindst 5 forskellige præparater og høje doser af antipsykotisk medicin hvilket i den grad strider imod de officielle autoriteters anbefalinger. Det er desuden kommet frem, at der er brugt antipsykotisk medicin på ham som ikke er autoriseret til brug i Danmark da ”alle medicinske produkter som er autoriseret til brug i Danmark er afprøvet uden ønsket effekt”. Der er blevet udøvet mindst 20 elektrisk chok på ham, og hospitalet kræver bemyndigelse fra patienten, og det tvivles i høj grad på, om dette har været tilfældet.
Den Europæiske Komite for Forebyggelse af Tortur (CPT) som er manderet under Det Europæiske Råd har to gange anset behandlingen som værende en direkte krænkelse af menneskerettighederne og har i begge tilfælde rejst ubesvarede spørgsmål relateret til hans velbefindende. Han har gentagende gange været tilbageholdt med den begrundelse, at han er til fare for sine omgivelser på et dekret som er målrettet voldtægtsforbrydere, brandstiftere og mordere. Som følge af adskillelige anmodninger fra familien har den Somaliske Ambassade i Bruxelles som også fungerer som den Somaliske Mission i den Europæiske Union udpeget Erbil Kaya, som arbejder for firmaet TVC Advokater til at håndtere sagen. Abdulle underskrev sidste år en fuldmagt som giver indsigt i journalerne på afdelingen. Abdulles bror fik derefter fuldmagten, som blev videregivet til regeringens advokatrepræsentant og familien.
På trods af dette har Overlæge Per Balling nægtet advokaten eller familien indsigt i journalerne, da Abdulle angiveligt havde frasagt sig rettigheden hvad angik indsigelsen. Dette er dog ingen logisk forklaring, da han en uge forinden bad om hjælp, og at den pludselige nægtelse hverken kan dokumenteres skriftligt eller mundtligt. Erbil Kaya eller Abdulles familie ved ikke hvem den bistandsværgen er, som sammen med ovennævnte læge, Per Balling, er de eneste der kan ophæve tilbageholdelsen baseret på farlighedsdekretet. Desuden har Per Balling i en længere periode kæmpet imod at broren skulle være Abdulle's bistandsværge i det han angiveligt har misbrugt sin position da broren ville hjælpe med at bade hans bror. Broren blev dog skiftet ud med en anden bistandsværge som blev beskikket.
Vi, det somaliske fællesskab i Danmark, KRÆVER derfor relevante autoriteter til ikke kun at revurdere sagen, men også at fremvise et bevis på, at Abdulle efter sigende skulle have frasagt sig sin rettighed som afdelingens overlæge tidligere hævdede. Vi KRÆVER derudover at at hans advokat Erbil Kaya og Familie får FULD indsigt i hans behandling over de seneste 16år. Sidst men ikke mindst KRÆVER vi at en læge uafhængig af sikringen og justitsministeriet overser hans behandling og vurdere den behandling han har fået over de seneste 16 år fra et retsmedicinsk synspunkt. Abdulle vil modtage en meget mere fair behandling i Somalia hvor han også er statsborger, hvorfor den Somaliske repræsantation har bedt om hans udlevering.
Udvalgte Artikler omkring sagen:
Torturkomité kritiserer Danmark for tvang, Februar 2009 (Politiken):
Læger nægter at oplyse om tvang, Februar 2009 (Press Reader):
Psykiatrisk patient fik forkert medicin på Sikringen, Februar 2009 (TV2 Øst):
Patient på psykiatrisk hospital fik overdosis i flere år, Februar 2009 (Politiken):
Psykisk syg spændt fast i 6 år, Februar 2009 (Politiken):
Flere fejl i Abdulle-sagen, November 2010 (Nordjyske):
36årig spærret inde på 16. år. Nu vil familien have ham ud af Danmark, Marts 2017 (Politiken) :
- Amira Haid & Mohamud Jama.
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