Petition to Stop Vista Residences from Cutting 54 Trees in Baguio City

**UPDATE** Seems like they would push through since Cynthia Villar is the chairperson of the senate of committee on environment and natural resources. And if they do, let us BOYCOTT the services of the business entity. LET EVERYONE KNOW WHAT HAPPENED!

Rappler Report link:

*UPDATE* Our Mayor said that the permit was from DENR Manila and he can't do anything about it. The only thing we can do is BE LOUD. Please continue spreading this petition! OUR BAGUIO is YOUR BAGUIO

Statement of the Mayor
Reference Link:


There is a scheduled cutting of 54 trees from June 24 to July 15, 2020 approved by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources DENR-CAR for the Construction of Vista Residences in Outlook Drive, Baguio City.

DENR has yet to reply and we'll personally contact them tomorrow. But for now let us help spread this petition as quick as possible for they've decided that it only takes days to cut these trees that took years long to grow.

Let's save the trees and save Baguio against commercialization!

Photo Credit: J. MarquezEbRETO3WsAE0FYP.jpg

Ben Galaboc & Jillian Adawey    Contact the author of the petition

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