Petition to protect the Property Rights for the People of South Africa

The ANC-led coalition, headed by the Executive Mayor, Cllr Mzwandile Masina resolved to initiate the process of land expropriation without compensation in Ekurhuleni. This, despite the DA opposing this item, stating it is against our Constitution.

The DA explicitly rejects the idea of expropriation without compensation, as we are firm believers in redress and will continue to fight for property rights for all. This is a non-negotiable element in South Africa. We support Section 25 of the Constitution in compliance with the provisions of Section 36(1).

Therefore, we the residents of Ekurhuleni, demand the protection of our Property Rights, as enshrined in our Constitution. Please sign the Petition if you agree



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Credit:Getty Images/iStockphoto

DA Ekurhuleni Caucus - Caucus Leader Cllr Phillip De Lange    Contact the author of the petition

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