“I am more than a simple being. I am a soul. I am love. I am consciousness!” So are you. So are we all!  

Dear fellow human beings,  

Most people want to live their lives in peace, harmony, good health, having material and financial security, social security and prosperity. Some of these people have accepted certain situations in order to have everything they want. Others still yearn for them, feeling unable to reach a decent quality of life. But the saddest thing is that some do not want any of these and live in fear and desperation.

This is why we want to open our minds and to the high knowledge of the soul, of pure consciousness and universal love.

We want to think and act solely for the highest common good and to be one with Humanity, Life and the Universe so that all may live in joy, well-being and safety. At the same time, we want to celebrate the greatness of Life, Humanity, the Earth and the Universe. We want you to know that we have launched this attempt and that your signatures indicate support for well-being, understanding and mutual help, for keeping mankind safe, for health, peace and harmony in the Universe. If we are united, this state will improve at the individual level and make itself felt at the institutional and global levels as well.

One of the purposes of this petition is to increase awareness of our action for the global consolidation of the highest human sentiment and for celebrating the Universe in its entirety and we respectfully request your support and the support of state institutions.

Please sign our Petition and support the global consolidation, practicing and celebration of universal love, the highest human sentiment, on August 11 – THE WORLD CONSCIOUSNESS DAY.  

Thank you.  





                                             The United Nations, New York, the United States of America                                                                      


                                               to declare AUGUST 11 – WORLD CONSCIOUSNESS DAY





           I am writing with the purpose of increasing public awareness and I am respectfully requesting your support for this attempt to promote the worldwide consolidation of the highest human sentiment, universal love, by declaring AUGUST 11 as THE WORLD CONSCIOUSNESS DAY, based on the considerations listed below:

·         We are all souls, we are love, we are consciousness. We need to give and receive love, to feel and live in love;

·         Human life should not be lived in fear, want and pain. It should not be a daily struggle for survival, but a life lived in joy, peace and harmony and it represents a personal evolution and contribution to mankind’s progress;

·         If in all our actions we are guided by the highest will of our soul, by pure consciousness and universal love and if we only think and do the supreme universal good, we become one with Humanity, Life and the Universe and our existence would be much more harmonious;

·         Consolidating these human values, the high vibration of the soul, the pure consciousness and universal love through the cultivation of universal love and knowledge and celebrating them across the Earth would be a major step toward a superior evolution, well-being and mutual understanding and support. These are necessary for human safety, health, peace and harmony and prosperity. This state will improve at the individual level and will be felt at both the institutional and global level;

·         We invite people to live and on the high vibration of the soul, of pure consciousness, of universal love and to know themselves truly because we think that this will help us uncover as much as possible of the human potential;

·         This petition calls for the permanent cessation of all attacks that are harmful to Humanity, Life, the Earth and the Universe and for the exclusive promotion of universally beneficial actions.                 

          Thus, just as our souls are connected to the Source of Creation, we need to connect physically, to join hands or embrace each other during the World Consciousness Day. No matter where we are – at home, at work, in the street – we should join hands and become aware that we actually want only the higher good.                 

          The purpose of this petition is to improve human life because we wish to consolidate and act permanently based on the highest human sentiment (universal love) and to celebrate Love, Consciousness, Humanity, Life, Terra and the Universe every AUGUST 11. All of us who share this goal will tune in to the high vibration of our souls through daily meditation for the supreme good of all people.  

          Please answer our request, according to the current rules and regulations.  






Bucharest, August 6, 2016 



To the United Nations Secretary General, New York, the United States of America, Mr. António Guterres



THE DAILY MEDITATION OF THE WORLD CONSCIOUSNESS DAY Meditation for the supreme good of all people


We are focusing on the light deep in our souls and invite the Divine Source that created us to protect, inspire and guide us in everything we do in our daily lives.


We invite the Divine Source that created us to guide our thoughts, sentiments, feelings, convictions and attitudes toward the supreme universal good.

We invite the Divine Source that created us to guide the decisions of all heads of state toward the well-being, tranquility, safety and security of the people, toward peace and harmony in the world, toward the best representation of our interests.

We invite the Divine Source that created us to restore our perfect state of health, prosperity and human, material and financial safety and security.

We invite the Divine Source that created us to guide all our actions toward well-being, peace, tranquility, harmony, humanity, freedom, and independence. In our souls, in our countries and across the world.

We invite the Divine Source that created us to bring back our smile, joy and love in each day of our lives.

We are full of gratitude, trust and gratefulness toward Our Soul and the Divine Source that created us!

We feel, see and live the supreme universal good inside us, until it will be reflected in our outside world!      





Thank you. 


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