Petition against the Cancellation or Postponement of our travel to Germany

Some weeks ago, some PhD programs received an email saying that our travel to Germany is on hold because of the Covid 19 situation. they said: "students should focus on using resources in our universities or liaise with competence centre for any specific support they might need from there". We also have information from reliable sources that the cancellation is not due to the covid situation but the German embassy refuses to give us a visa. They said that our 800 euro stipend is too small for someone to be there and they suggested to Wascal to add 150 euro to make it 950 euro. it's from this issue that wascal decided to put everything on hold. The objective of this petition is to get the maximum of signatures so that we can write to wascal and ask for clarification. We have to try our best to either go to Germany or any other lab they can sponsor. Thank you!

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