Petition concerning of simplifying the mutual recognition of Polish and New Zealand driving licenses.

We request the Ministry of Infrastructure of the Republic of Poland to finally step up for their own people and cooperate with the Government of New Zealand on the matter of simplifying the conversion of driving licenses both ways on the same terms as the other European Union countries, which means without the need to re-pass both theoretical and practical exams. 

This will greatly support current and future generations of Polish people who are arriving in New Zealand or are returning back to Poland from New Zealand. 

We received an official letter confirming the willingness of the New Zealand Transport Agency to cooperate in this matter and facilitate mutual recognition of Polish and New Zealand driving licenses. Waka Kotahi (NT Transport Agency) is open to resuming the process, which started in 2014 if it is given priority by diplomatic officials representing both countries. 

The Polish Ministry of Infrastructure is required to act in the best interest of their own citizens, so in this case to cooperate with the NZ Transport Agency which is unfortunately not the case. Therefore we created this petition to initiate positive change in this approach and finally solve the issue.

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