Petition against the living conditions in Beeston Hall

This petition is seeking reimbursement for residents and better maintenance of Beeston Hall, University Park. It has come to light within the last few weeks that multiple residents have had serious problems with black mould, leaks and a constant smell of sewage from outside the building. We as residents expect our accommodation to be a safe and well maintained establishment, not one in which multiple residents have to evacuate and change rooms due to a serious and unmanaged health hazard. The black mould is apparent in nearly every room in the hall to some degree and when no assistance is offered to students who had to move room (myself included) we are put in stressful positions to move everything out along with anxieties about our health. We demand reimbursement to those who have black mould in their rooms and particularly to those like myself who suffered serious health issues which are related to the black mould, including serious chest infections and pneumonia. Do better Nottingham.

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