Petition against Caffeine and Machine Development at The Knockerdown Inn

I object to the Caffeine and Machine Planning Application (Application No: 22/01011/FUL) to convert the Knockerdown Pub into a functions and events venue for motorbike and motorcar enthusiasts on the grounds On the grounds of increased car and motorbike traffic on B5035, Dam Road and local road network, increased vehicle and unregulated music noise,  unsuitability of location and sustainability.

The proposed change of use will change the character of the Knockerdown (previously run as a very successful family pub) and is totally out of keeping with what is currently a predominantly natural rural area, attracting many walkers, cyclists, nature lovers and horseriders. The increase in road traffic (a 5 fold increase in on site parking) to this Destination Venue by car and bike enthusiasts, many of whom own high performance (high noise and emissions) vehicles, will result in an increase in vehicle noise and noise from motorbikes racing along the B5035 and the Dam Road. Both roads have seen fatal accidents,and have dangerous pedestrian crossing points.  Average additional vehicle journeys could exceed (due to higher population in this catchment area compared to Ettington Site) 1300 per day at a weekend. This will be further increased by the 50,000 + projected visitors to the adjacent CW Sellars development. 

The development does not meet the criteria of the DDDC local plan or the NPPF that they 'respect the character of the countryside' and 'that new development needs to protect and enhance the landscape's intrinsic character and distinctiveness and ensure the development is appropriate to its location and will not have an adverse impact on the character and appearance of the rural area'. This location is a rural area, adjacent to Carsington Water Nature Reserve, a peaceful paradise for nature lovers, runners, riders and watersports and wildlife enthusiasts, where noise pollution is kept to a minimum.

The development seeks to meet sustainability guidelines, however as well as attracting many visitors with high emission vehicles, already most local hospitality venues are unable to find staff locally. Theyhave to recruit from further afield (Matlock and Chesterfield) Employees have to travel in cars or taxis as public tranport is limited to 1 bus per hour finishing at 5.30 pm.

I ask that that permission be refused

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