Petition Against UMD Class Cuts


This is a student-led petition to be signed ONLY BY STUDENTS OF UMD!
  • CASL administration is cancelling and consolidating classes leaving us with fewer options of what days and times classes are available.
  • They are also pushing for more courses to be held online, which will lead to even fewer day/time options for on-ground classes.
  • They are also increasing the maximum number of students allowed in some classes by at least 25% (some classes will be capped at 50!) and one doubled in size. This means a lower faculty-to-student ratio in the classroom and less individual attention to each of us.
  • This is all an attempt to still get the same amount of tuition from us when we are receiving less course opportunities.
  • As a result, instructors either (1) have to teach the same number of students for less pay if classes are consolidated, or (2) if their course load is not cut, they have more students in each course but are being paid the same amount.
We the students disagree with these changes created by administration and request that you reconsider.

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