Permanently remove Sunny Coast & QLD shark nets

I'll be meeting with the local Members of Parliament for the state areas of Maroochydore and Ninderry to discuss the outdated and ineffective use of shark nets at our beaches. 

Shark nets in QLD only run ~200m across and 5m deep, and therefore do NOT prevent sharks from coming close to shore. They do not only target "dangerous" sharks, but catch and kill many species of non-target sharks, rays, turtles, dolphins and whales. 

There are now far more effective and safer ways of keeping us and our marine life safe, that are currently being used all over the world and are proven to work. 

If you are an ocean-lover and also want to see some changes regarding shark nets at our sunny coast beaches, please sign your name so that I can show our MP's that many people feel this way. This is how we make change! 

A letter to our MP's...

Dear Member,

I write to you on the very important topic of shark bite mitigation. This is a critical issue that affects public safety, tourism, and also the environment. I implore you to listen to science, listen to the facts, and bring your shark mitigation program into the 21st century. I ask that you swiftly deploy modern and effective shark mitigation measures, and cease the use of shark nets and traditional drumlines, neither of which have scientific or community support.  

The 'Shark mitigation and deterrent measures' Senate Inquiry in 2017 gave a clear recommendation to States, that the current lethal program should end (Recommendation 8.16), found they do not make any impact on safety, negatively impact the marine ecosystem, and provide beach goers with a false sense of security. This has been ignored to date.  

Shark populations are being decimated and there is no positive impact on safety, and as such traditional drumlines and shark nets should be removed immediately. The Federal Government has never formally responded to the Senate Inquiry which is highly unusual, nor has it acted on community requests to amend s43B in the EBPC Act, which allows these programs to operate without environmental approvals.  

It is clear both Australians and overseas visitors support non-lethal shark mitigation over the lethal culling practices of the current program. It is time to listen to your constituents, listen to science, and move the program into the 21st century. Let's lead the world on shark mitigation, rather than being the laughing stock of the world.   I look forward to you having some courage and making the right decision in the very near future, by ending the program in its current form.

For more info about shark nets in QLD I recommend visiting

Best fishes, 


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