Opposing development of flats in the Whiteladies Picture House
We, the undersigned, oppose the development of flats in the former Whiteladies Picture House on Whiteladies Road, Clifton, Bristol.
We believe that the proposed conversion of the Grade2 listed Whiteladies Picture House into six flats and a three-screen cinema will permanently destroy the architectural heritage of the building.
The current owners of the Whiteladies Picture House, a London-based property company called Medinbrand, have lodged a Planning Application (Planning Application Number 14/00639/F and 14/00640/LA) to develop the building into six flats and a three screen "luxury” cinema which will be operated by London-based Everyman Cinemas. These plans will destroy the very fabric of the building and ruin a vast amount of architectural heritage that is contained within. The proposal outlines that the flats will be built in the space currently occupied by an original and beautiful sprung-floor ballroom, and that the three-screen cinema will be built in the space which was originally a glorious single full-height auditorium.
The building contains a great many stunning, unusual and beautiful architectural features which should be preserved and renovated, repaired and saved for the people of the city and for the future. It should not under any circumstances be carved up into flats and small cinema units for the profit of an individual or organisation; instead it should be saved for the people of Bristol to cherish, be proud of and enjoy for generations to come.
A carefully thought-out and sympathetic redevelopment of the building will bring enormous benefits to the community around Whiteladies Road and the city of Bristol as a whole by returning the venue to its former glory. On the other hand, the loss of this building to reckless and insensitive development will represent a great opportunity lost.
Please sign the petition below to strongly oppose the proposed flats-based development which would lead to the loss of the building’s history, heritage and beauty.
You will get an email to the address you provide asking you to confirm your signature. Please check your inbox and click the link to confirm you oppose the flats-based development!!
Opponents of this flats-based Planning Application are also encouraged to visit the Bristol City Council Planning pages at: http://planningonline.bristol.gov.uk/online-applications and search for scheme 14/00639/F, and to click on "Make a Public Comment" to object directly to the Local Planning Authority.
Tristan Fowler Contact the author of the petition
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