Oppose the AGM of Te Kotahitanga Maori Reservation Trust held by ZOOM.


As a beneficiary and those who oppose the Annual General Meeting being held Saturday 19th of December 2020 by Zoom, I seek the Trustees to move the AGM to a ‘Kanohi-ki-te-Kanohi’ physical forum. According to the Maori Reservation Regulations 1994 sect.19(2a); the Trustees have breached their obligations to ensure that the Annual General Meeting shall be open to attendance of all beneficiaries or other persons whose benefit is intended.

We have beneficiaries who have 'No Confidence' in a Zoom AGM, as the purpose of a robust discussion is being cut off, or muted because of the tone of questioning as has happened in previous Zoom meeting held during the COVID-19 period. While beneficiaries may express their disappointment, it is evident that our Trust has not entered to modify the Trust Charter to permit the use of Electronic means in good faith. (Te Ture Whenua Act COVID-19 Response (Requirements for Entities—Modifications and Exemptions) Act 2020, sect 10 and 13.).

The Trust has advertised that questions will not be accepted on the day BUT have asked that they can be submitted by Tuesday 15th December 2020 to the interim secretary. This process has taken away our rights as beneficiaries and the opportunity to express our views in relation to the activities of the reservation.
The Trust has through a third party posted a link for beneficiaries to access the AGM documents leading up to the AGM, which disadvantages individuals. WHY! because some may, or may not be able to access or in some cases do not have the technology to do so. Just recently some beneficiaries who have tried to access the documents have been shut out.

At an AGM there are nominations called for beneficiaries to represent their whanau/Hapu that would generally be acknowledged and approved by the beneficiaries at an AGM. As a beneficiary I ask is the Zoom Voting Process that the Trust has used in previous Zoom does it ensure validation as the Trustees have not entered to modify the Trust Charter allowing for Voting by electronic medium. 

These concerns are WHY! as a beneficiary I OPPOSE the Annual General Meeting being held by Zoom. I seek your support as a beneficiary to apply to the Maori Land Court for an ‘Application of Urgency’ to have the Trust hold a Annual General Meeting ‘Kanohi-ki-te-Kanohi’.

As a beneficiary I seek your support to submit an Application of Urgency to the Maori Land Court to have the Annual General Meeting ‘Kanohi-ki-te-Kanohi’ at a time and place of the meeting directed by the court.

Your support will be respected to ensure that whanaungatanga, rangatiratanga, kotahitanga and Tikanga Maori of our Hapu, Marae and Tupuna is not disrespected in any way.

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