Oppose crucial cuts to DKDM's education by the new Canteen



DKDM’S new canteen and cleaning services, which are employed by the Ministry of Culture, have doubled their maintenance costs by millions of kroner. This money is the equivalent of 5 weeks of education for every student at DKDM.


To accommodate for this, there will have to be severe budget cuts to all departments in our school. Some departments may end up losing vital components such as group classes and chamber lessons as a result. This is not acceptable.


Your teachers are already filing a formal complaint to the Minister of Culture and are working alongside other schools affected by these sweeping changes. Now we need your help.


Sign the petition opposing crucial cuts to our education. Your signature will go on a student-written letter to the Minister of Culture, which is enclosed below. We urge you to read the letter and add your name by signing this petition


In 30 seconds, you can make a difference. Our education is worth it.



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