No Waldron, No EE, help us to save our tree!

Contractors for EE, Waldron, are proposing to build a 20m(67ft) high monopole, and nine steel cabinets on the small green space on the corner of The Drove, Shakespeare Road, opposite May Tree Road. 

The pole will dwarf the surrounding area, being at least twice the height of the surrounding buildings, and the cabinets will erradicate the small green area.

There are concerns, the effect of the ground works, and its position, next to the long established tree will lead to its future felling. 

We are objecting to the siting of this mast and cabinets, on the basis it will destroy the character of the area, and be detrimental to all of the local residential areas, especially when there are numerous alternative sites, on industrial areas, within a few minutes walk. 

Please join us, by signing this petition, so we can protect our locality, and request our area is protected.


Thank you 


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